Washington Farmers Market Week, August 4-10
The Washington State Farmers Market Association, along with over a hundred farmers markets throughout the state, join in the 25th national celebration of farmers markets.
Governor Jay Inslee proclaimed, August 4-10, 2024 as “Washington Farmers Market Week.” recognizing that “farmers markets are engines of economic opportunities and entrepreneurship with over $80 million in sales, providing families with access to healthy foods and agricultural products directly from Washington farmers and small businesses.” Farmers market week is a great time to enjoy the peak of growing season and enjoy the full flavor of summer.
The Farmers Market Coalition offers a National Farmers Market Week Toolkit, "a comprehensive resource for market leaders that offers tools, templates, guides, ideas, and more for planning and participating in National Farmers Market Week!"
Add Purchase Price Before PIN
We hope taking FMNP transaction payments is getting easier for our growers who serve WIC and Senior participants! As a friendly reminder, please enter the purchase price on the transaction page of the device before handing it over to the participant to enter their PIN.
This step is crucial as it allows the participant to clearly see the amount they're being charged before finalizing the transaction. This step makes it clear to the participant and protects you as a grower to what is being charged.
Training Videos - Learn in Minutes
The FMNP site has three very helpful and short videos on the electronic FMNP process. Each video is approximately one to two minutes long. This can be shared for quick training needs.
Topics include:
FMNP Signs Must Be Displayed To Avoid Contract Violations
As we have visited markets and farm stands around the state this summer, we have noticed several growers who are not displaying the required FMNP sign at their booth or stand. This sign is vital for participants to find your farm and spend their benefits to purchase your produce.
Displaying the FMNP sign is required per the FMNP Grower Agreement. If you have lost or have not received any signs, please contact your market manager or the FMNP state staff at FMNPTeam@doh.wa.gov.
If the sign is not displayed, it is a violation of contract for the grower and the market at which they are attending.
Senior FMNP Resources
The Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) season is well underway. Through July, local SFMNP agencies have issued benefits to over 35,000 participants across the state. Participants can redeem their $80 seasonal SFMNP benefit through October 31 for eligible produce, cut herbs, and honey.
Use this frequently asked questions document to help answer questions participants may have about their SFMNP benefits. This FAQ is translated into 14 languages and can be found here.
This year, National Farmers Market Week is August 4-10. We want to recognize the tremendous work that farmers market staff, volunteers, growers, and local SFMNP programs do to support local farming and food access for older Washingtonians—thank you!
Farmers Market Food Access Directories are Here!
Your customers, staff, and partners can pick up a 2024 “Farmers Market Food Access Directory” for your region at local WIC clinics, Senior centers, Food Banks, CSOs, your Farmers Market’s Information Booth, or online. These are free and available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Russian.
Farmers markets are listed by County and indicate if they accept WIC & Senior FMNP, SNAP, and/or SNAP Market Match. Thanks for all you did to ensure these directories where shared far and wide making it easier for shoppers to find access to healthy, affordable food.
National WIC Association: The Importance of WIC & Farmers Markets
Explore how farmers markets have enhanced food access for WIC participants, providing essential nutrition and economic support to local farmers. Hear from WIC participants and nutrition experts about the vital role these markets play in the program by watching the informative video below in under 4 minutes.
You are making a positive impact in providing healthy options for families, and we are lucky to work with you all!
Market & Grower Support Contact Information
We are here to help. Depending on the reason of your call, below are support team contact numbers and what issues they can help with.
State Support Team: WIC/Senior Card or QR Code issues and transaction issues/questions:
1-800-841-1410 Extension 2, Option 0
Monday - Friday; 8:00am-5:00pm
CDP: Vendor Portal issues:
1-866-237-4814, 7 days a week
FMNP Team: Grower account/approval, market approval, portal registration:
1-800-841-1410 Extension 2, Option 2
Monday - Friday; 8:00am-5:00pm