Vaccine Blurbs Issue 230: Doses Administered Outreach Moving to REDCap


Washington State Department of Health | July 31, 2024

Doses Administered Outreach Moving to REDCap

Beginning in August, provider outreach for doses administered will be conducted via REDCap. Providers with Chidhood Vaccine Program doses flagged as potential doses administered outside of the age range to patients 19 or over will receive an email with a link to a REDCap survey where they will be asked to investigate and explain. Emails will be sent to primary and back-up vaccine coordinators. We ask that the survey be completed within one month. Provider ordering may be put on hold if a response is not received. 

School Based Health Center Reopening

Back to school is right around the corner and we would like to remind our school based health centers to prepare to resume operations! Our Facility Closure Policy (page 19 of the Vaccine Management Plan)  has all the details on closures. 

Once facility operations resume, submit DDL temperature data in REDCap for approval to ensure storage units are working properly (minimum 3-5 days). If the units are working properly and maintaining appropriate temperatures, you will be cleared to place a vaccine order. If your June temperature logs weren't submitted prior to closure, please upload those to REDCap as well.

Reminder: Monthly temperature logs are not required to be submitted while there is no publicly supplied vaccine being stored. Temperature log submission will be required once storage of vaccine supplied through the Childhood Vaccine Program resumes. 

Please feel free to contact us at if you have questions! 

AVP COVID Vaccine Update

With the end of the Bridge Access Program, AVP must decide how many COVID-19 vaccine doses to offer this year to providers with our limited 317 funding. Based on vaccine prioritization data from the providers who enrolled this year, 40% of our available budget will go to COVID-19 vaccine, with the remainder going towards all other vaccine types. This comes out to approximately 6,000 AVP COVID-19 vaccine doses.

COVID-19 vaccine will only be available to request if a provider prioritized it in their top 5 vaccine priorities on their AVP provider agreement. Doses will be on allocation based on a pro-rata model with other factors taken into consideration such as number of uninsured individuals served, current inventory on hand, and prior usage/ wastage data.

Only uninsured individuals are eligible for AVP COVID vaccine (and all other vaccines) provided by AVP this year.

Exemption Document Expiration Date Change

We have good news for the small group of providers that utilize the Alternative Temperature Display exemption and the Off-Site Backup Thermometer exemption. These documents will now be valid for two years. Each site must keep an approved copy of their alternative temperature display plan or back-up thermometer plan with the facility’s Vaccine Management Plan. This will be checked during site visits and providers will be required to complete follow-up if they do not have the approved documentation. Please contact us at if you have any questions about this change.

Updated DOH dashboard for routine childhood immunization coverage data

An updated Public Health Measure Immunization Dashboard showing immunization coverage for Washington residents between 19 months and 17 years of age is now available. This version has updated methodology, to allow for retroactive coverage estimates and to be responsive to changes in how the immunization registry works. You can see coverage rates and trends from 2015 through 2023 by vaccination series completion, individual vaccine status, and county. State-level race and ethnicity are now included, to support assessing equity in vaccination coverage. For the first time, HPV vaccination coverage data for 9-10 years olds is also included.

The dashboard uses data from the Washington State Immunization Information System (WAIIS), which is the most complete source of medically verified immunization data for Washington State. Questions? Email

Clinical Corner

CDC travel resources prepare travelers for domestic and international trips

Summer is here, along with travel plans. Visit CDC's Travelers' Health website, which includes information on more than 50 topics to assist travelers and their healthcare providers in deciding the vaccines, medications, and other measures needed to prevent illness during travel.

New Motivational Interviewing training module

The North Dakota State University Center for Immunization Research and Education (NDSU CIRE) is offering a free, four-part online video training module designed to boost clinicians’ confidence to address vaccine hesitancy in the medical encounter. Free continuing education is available.

Participants will: 

  1. Understand the foundations of motivational interviewing (MI), including the spirit of MI and when it would be appropriate to utilize this approach with patients.
  2. Observe MI-consistent communication strategies in practice, including elicit-provide-elicit (EPE), scaling questions, and reflection and summarization. 
  3. Develop the ability to confidently address and resolve patient concerns regarding vaccinations through effective communication and evidence-based information.

Free online course on handling conversations about vaccine hesitancy and establishing trust

Voices for Vaccines (VFV) is offering Becoming Trusted Messengers, a free online course for anyone, including people who are not healthcare professionals, interested in supporting vaccine confidence in their community. This course offers an easy, evidence-based method of handling vaccine hesitancy online or in person.

Voices for Vaccines logo

Enroll in the course.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Build trust authentically
  • Assess what is really causing concern
  • Get buy-in to reconsider vaccine fears
  • Start and keep an open line of communication
  • Build vaccine confidence in your personal network

For questions about the immunization schedule, the Immunization Information System forecast, or any other immunization clinical questions, please send an email to Check out the Immunization Training web page for more resources and training opportunities.

Helpful Hints

Remember to choose a universally readable format when uploading temperature data to REDCap! 

If you are uploading digital data logger data to REDCap with your temperature logs, are completing a Vaccine Viability Survey for an excursion or are submitting data for follow-up, make sure to save in either PDF, Excel, or comma delimited (CSV) format so our reviewers are able to open and read your attachment.