Penbraya (MenABCWY vaccine) is the first pentavalent meningococcal vaccine licensed for use among persons aged 10-25 years of age to protect against Neisseria meningitidis serogroups A, B, C, W, and Y. Use of the Pfizer Pentavalent Meningococcal Vaccine Among Persons Aged ≥10 Years: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices was published on 4/18/24. Here’s a summary of the recommendations:
Penbraya became available for providers to start ordering through CVP this week. Only providers who chose/use Pfizer brand MenB (Trumenba) will have the ability to order Penbraya due to the inability to interchange MenB vaccine. This was indicated on the vaccine choice form during the selection window that just closed.
Additional resources
As of July 1st, the Health Care Authority (administrator of the WA State Medicaid program) is changing the Medicaid billing guidelines for childhood vaccines provided through the WA State Childhood Vaccine Program. Review the Medicaid Provider Alert for more details. Please contact with any questions.
The Immunize WA awards, recognizing clinics that achieve immunization coverage criteria for childhood, adolescents, and now HPV dose initiation for 9- and 10-year-olds, celebrates its 10-year anniversary in 2024!
Nominations are now open!
Providers may self-nominate June 1 through July 15, 2024. The 2024 award recipients will be announced on August 20, 2024, during National Immunization Awareness Month.
To nominate your clinic for Immunize WA:
- Watch this short video on how to run your coverage rate report.
- Complete the nomination form.
- Submit your coverage rate report to
- Please include your VFC pin in the subject line.
Don't miss the opportunity to nominate yourself/your clinic! Nominations run through July 15, 2024. More information can be found on the Immunize WA web page.
Updates have been to the Vaccine Loss Policy and Vaccine Loss Log. The Vaccine Loss Policy now includes a statement regarding vaccine loss due to expiration of short-date vaccines received from another CVP provider. In this situation, the receiving provider is exempt from the repercussions stated in the policy.
Additional Vaccine Loss Codes have been added to the Vaccine Log Loss. The new codes are help ensure the accuracy of vaccine loss reporting and allow us to better understand the reasons for the vaccine loss. Please make sure you are using the updated version of the Vaccine Loss Log.
Remember that even though you may place orders for refrigerated and frozen vaccines at the same time, they are shipped separately because refrigerated vaccines are shipped by McKesson and frozen vaccines (Varicella, MMRV & some COVID vaccines) are shipped directly from the manufacturer. The manufacturers have 2 weeks (14 business days) from the order approval date to ship the vaccines.
Please plan accordingly and ensure that you are keeping a 30 day safety stock at all times. You can use the Recommended Order Quantity (ROQ) to calculate how much vaccine to order but remember to factor in seasonality and other reasons for increased need.
Both PCV15 and PCV20 are now recommended as pneumococcal vaccination options for children age 6 weeks and older, as well as for older children age 6 through 18 years with certain medical conditions or other risk factors. ACIP no longer recommends PCV13 for children or adults; however, PCV13 may be given as previously recommended if it is the only PCV available and the recipient would otherwise go without vaccination. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23) is recommended as an option for some children age 2 years and older who have certain underlying medical conditions and who have not had (or do not have the option of receiving) PCV20.
Details of the recommendations can be found in the ACIP recommendations here (for PCV20) and here (for PCV15). These recommendations are to be used in conjunction with CDC clinical considerations for the use of pneumococcal vaccines.
A summary of these recommendations can be found at has developed standing orders for pneumococcal vaccination of children and teens.