Vaccine Blurbs Special Edition Issue 206: RSV Immunization Update – Nirsevimab Allocation Plan


Washington State Department of Health | November 14, 2023

RSV Immunization Update – Nirsevimab Allocation Plan

The release of nirsevimab, a new RSV antibody product made to reduce severe RSV illness in infants, has been limited this RSV season. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) put nirsevimab under allocation after demand outmatched manufacturer supply. On November 6, 2023, Washington received a notice from the CDC about the amount of nirsevimab doses we can expect for the remainder of the season. The CDC has allocated an additional 7,700 doses of the 50mg nirsevimab product and 600 doses of the 100mg product for Washington for the remainder of the RSV season. 


Due to the small number of additional doses the state can order, the Department of Health is prioritizing doses to provider groups as follows: 

  • 100mg doses for tribal clinics 
  • 50mg doses for tribal clinics and birthing hospitals 

Other provider groups may not receive additional nirsevimab doses for the rest of RSV season given the limited supply.  


The Department of Health will monitor existing supply of nirsevimab shipped to communities before the ordering pause. Our intent is to ensure the use of existing doses and to allow for equitable distribution. We may reach out to providers for redistribution to communities in need or who did not have the opportunity to receive nirsevimab.  


  • Pregnant people between 32 to 36 weeks of pregnancy can get the Abrysvo vaccination, which protects newborns from severe RSV illness. 
  • Infants eligible for palivizumab (Synagis) should receive it instead of nirsevimab during the 2023-2024 RSV season. 
  • Adults age 60+ can also receive an RSV vaccination (brand name Arexvy or Abrysvo) to provide community protection for infants or pregnant friends and family.  

We know this is a frustrating situation for providers and families. We will continue to review this situation, share information, and make sure nirsevimab is distributed as equitably as possible in Washington.  


We thank you for your partnership in immunization, and helping patients and community navigate options for protection against RSV illness this respiratory season. Please reach out to for questions. 

CVP Training Series on Thursday, November 16, 2023

Please join us for a very important training session to learn how your clinic can submit temperature logs through the REDCap portal, rather than submitting them through email. This training is targeted for all vaccine coordinators at clinics enrolled in the Adult Vaccine Program  (AVP) and the Childhood Vaccine Program (CVP).

Beginning on December 1st, clinics enrolled in AVP are required to submit temperature logs through the new REDCap portal. It is optional in December for clinics enrolled in CVP, but on January 1, 2024 all clinics enrolled in both AVP and CVP will be required to submit temperature logs through the REDCap portal. Join us to learn this new process!

Topic: Navigating Temperature Log Submission in REDCap 

Date: November 16, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm (noon)
Intended Audience: AVP and CVP enrolled Providers and Vaccine Coordinators

Join the Training Session
Webinar ID: 851 4240 2545
Passcode: 673609

Holiday Shipping Calendar

With the holidays quickly approaching, please be mindful of shipping delays, limited or no shipping days, and plan your vaccine orders accordingly. December 6th is the latest date you can submit a vaccine order to receive the delivery before January. You can place an order off your typical schedule if needed. Please ensure your accountability reports are up to date prior to placing orders to ensure expedited processing. It's also a good idea to update your shipping hours in your provider agreement if needed. Check out the holiday shipping calendar on our website for more information.