Vaccine Blurbs Issue 205: Temperature Log Submission Portal Soft Launch Begins December 1st


Washington State Department of Health | November 7, 2023

REDCap Temp Log Submission Soft Launch December 1st

Beginning on December 1st, 2023 providers enrolled in the Adult Vaccine Program will be required to submit temperature logs through a portal in REDCap, similar to how temperature logs were submitted for the COVID-19 Vaccine Program. Providers that are dual enrolled in both the Childhood Vaccine Program and Adult Vaccine Program will also be required to submit temperature logs for both programs through the REDCap portal. Providers only enrolled in the Childhood Vaccine Program will have the option to submit temperature logs through the REDCap portal as well. The primary and back up vaccine coordinator at each location will receive an automated email on December 1st that will prompt you to upload your temperature logs for the prior calendar month of November. Beginning on January 1, 2024 this new temperature log submission process will be required for all enrolled providers in the Childhood Vaccine Program and the Adult Vaccine Program. Please be sure to attend this month's CVP training session (below) on Navigating Temperature Log Submission in REDCap to learn more.

CVP Training Series on November 16th

Please join us for a very important training session to learn how your clinic can submit temperature logs through the REDCap portal, rather than submitting them through email. 

Topic: Navigating Temperature Log Submission in REDCap 

Date: November 16, 2023
Time: 12:00 pm (noon)
Intended Audience: AVP and CVP enrolled Providers and Vaccine Coordinators

Join the Training Session
Webinar ID: 851 4240 2545
Passcode: 673609

IIS Training Materials Portal Updates

IIS picture

COVID Vaccine Inventory in the WAIIS is a quick reference guide that may be helpful in managing '23-'24 COVID-19 vaccine inventory in the WAIIS. 

Nirsevimab Documentation in the WAIIS is a reference guide that shows how to document and manage Nirsevimab inventory in the WAIIS.

IMPORTANT: The documentation for Nirsevimab differs from other immunizations because a patient could receive identical injections twice in the same day. Administering two doses to a patient on the same day can also affect Nirsevimab inventory counts in the WAIIS. Contact if you have questions.

Click here to access the IIS Training Materials Portal.

WAIIS New User Training

IIS Webinars

If you have staff who are new to using the Washington State Immunization Information System (WAIIS), you can access the recording, slides, and FAQ from a recent New User Training through the IIS Webinars web page. This training provides an overview of what an IIS is, information about the WAIIS, and a demonstration of how to search and add patients to the system, enter vaccines, and access a patient’s vaccination history.

The next WAIIS virtual training will occur on November 15, 2023 at 11:00am. The topic is “Adding and Editing Patient and Immunization Information in the WAIIS”. You can register here or through the link on the IIS Training Materials Portal. If you have any questions or training topic suggestions for future webinars, please contact   

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine 2023-24 Formula Dosing Update

Important Information: Ensuring Correct Dosing of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula) to Individuals 6 months through 11 years (0.25mL)

FDA released important information to ensure correct administration of the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula) for individuals 6 months through 11 years.  

The announcement advises that providers who administer the Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula) to individuals ages 6 months through 11 years should ensure that the correct volume of the vaccine (0.25 mL) is withdrawn from the vial and administered to the recipient. Providers should discard the vial and excess volume after extracting a single 0.25mL dose. Excess volume should not be used to administer an additional dose. Additionally, never combine partial doses from multiple vials to make one dose for a patient. 

FDA shared this information after learning some healthcare providers may not recognize that the single dose vial of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine (2023-2024 Formula) contains more than 0.25 ml of the vaccine and may be withdrawing the entire contents of the vial to administer to an individual. FDA has not identified any safety risks associated with administration of the higher dose in individuals 6 months through 11 years of age, and no serious adverse events related to this issue have been identified.  

For additional information, see the FDA announcement, updated Moderna fact sheet, and the vaccine administration resources listed at the end of this email.   

Clinical Corner

WAIIS Forecast Updates for PCV20

The WAIIS Forecast has been updated to include forecasting for doses of PCV20. Doses that had been marked as an “inadvertent dose” should now be counted as valid if given at the appropriate age and interval. Our software vendor is working to address other Forecast issues as soon as possible.  

ACIP Votes on Use of Pentavalent Meningococcal Vaccine (MenABCWY)

Penbraya (Pfizer) pentavalent meningococcal vaccine (including serogroups A, B, C, W, and Y) is now licensed for use in people age 10 through 25 years. This intramuscularly administered vaccine is prepared by reconstituting the lyophilized MenACWY powder with MenB suspension. Recently, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to recommend Pfizer’s MenABCWY vaccine as another vaccine option when both MenACWY and MenB are indicated at the same visit for:

  • Healthy individuals age 16 through 23 years when shared clinical decision-making favors administration of MenB vaccination
  • Individuals age 10 years and older at increased risk of meningococcal disease (e.g., due to persistent complement deficiencies, complement inhibitor use, or functional or anatomic asplenia) due for both vaccines 

We will provide more information about vaccine availability and ordering in future newsletters. You can find more information on this topic at the following link: ACIP Vaccine Recommendations and Schedules | CDC

2024 Adult and Child/Adolescent Recommended Immunization Schedules will be Available in November

CDC plans to move up publication of the 2024 schedules to November 2023 (instead of February 2024) to allow more time for healthcare provider education and steps needed to implement insurance coverage. To accommodate recommendations for nirsevimab (a monoclonal antibody) on the 2024 child/adolescent schedule, the title has been revised to refer to “vaccines and other immunizing agents.” In addition, the 2024 schedules will include an addendum page to list updates to the schedule for new recommendations added by ACIP during the year after its publication. The schedules will be posted here: Immunization Schedules for Healthcare Professionals | CDC 

For questions about the immunization schedule, the Immunization Information System forecast, or any other immunization clinical questions, please send an email to Check out the Immunization Training web page for more resources and training opportunities.

Helpful Hints

Have Special Shipping Instructions?

If you have special shipping instructions when placing your vaccine order in the IIS, be sure to enter those instructions in the "Instructions" field of your order page, not the "Comment" field. For example, if your clinic is closed from 12 - 1 pm for lunch hour and cannot accept a delivery during that time, please place that in the Instructions field to ensure that message makes it to the carrier.

Returning COVID vaccines with expired BUD?

Providers can return the new COVID vaccines with expired BUDS temporarily by choosing the category "Spoiled" and the reason "Cold Chain not maintained during shipment". 

We are updating the reason in the IIS to a more suitable description, and we will provide further information once we implement the new process.