Vaccine Blurbs Issue 106: New Vaccines Coming to CVP Soon


Washington State Department of Health | June 24, 2021

Vaxelis & MenQuadfi Available July 1st

Vaxelis (DTaP-IPV-HIB-HepB) and MenQuadfi (meningococcal groups A, C, W, and Y polysaccharide tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine (MenACWY-TT) will be available for ordering through the Childhood Vaccine Program starting on July 1.

Vaxelis Summary:

  • Vaxelis (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HepB combination vaccine) for children 6 weeks through 4 years
  • 3-dose series given at 2, 4, and 6 months of age
  • Not approved as a booster dose of DTaP for dose 4 or dose 5, and not approved for Hib dose 4
  • Minimum interval between each dose is 4 weeks
  • Minimum age for dose 3 is 24 weeks or older
  • Maximum age for any dose is 4 years, 364 days (do not administer on or after the 5th birthday)


Immunization Schedule with Combination Vaccines (includes Vaxelis, from the California Department of Public Health EZIZ)

Vaxelis and Menquadfi

MenQuadfi Summary:

  • New MenACWY conjugate vaccine (MenACWY-TT) licensed for persons aged 2 years and older
  • MenQuadfi, Menactra, or Menveo can be used for adolescents who are routinely recommended to receive MenACWY vaccine at 11 or 12 years of age
  • Minimum age: 2 years for vaccinating anyone who is at higher risk for meningococcal disease
  • MenQuadfi will eventually replace Menactra and Menactra will be phased out over the next year


Letters to Parents Over the Summer

Around June 28, 2021, families with children age 4 to 6 years old will receive a letter in the mail from the Washington State Department of Health with information about which vaccines their child may be missing. It will include the parent chart Required Immunizations for School Year 2021-2022. All students, including those learning remotely, need to be in compliance with immunization requirements when school starts in the fall. Please work with parents to schedule well-child and vaccination appointments as soon as possible to help catch up and prepare children for more in-person activities.

Right now, children age 12 and up are also eligible for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, but we expect younger children may be eligible for COVID-19 vaccine as early as this fall. COVID-19 vaccine can now be given at the same time as any other vaccines—there is no longer a need to wait 2 weeks between COVID-19 vaccines and other routine childhood vaccines.

Clinical Corner

Vaccine Updates and Vaccinating Adolescents Webinar Recording Available (CEs available)

Did you miss the COVID-19 Vaccine Updates and Vaccinating Adolescents webinar hosted by the Department of Health on Thursday, June 10? The department recently posted the recording, and you can watch it by registering here. Continuing education credit is available for nurses, medical assistants, pharmacists, and pharmacy technicians for watching the recording. This webinar focused on COVID-19 vaccination, vaccine safety, and frequently asked questions related to adolescent vaccination.

For questions about the immunization schedule, the Immunization Information System forecast, or any other immunization clinical questions, please send an email to Check out the Immunization Training web page for more resources and training opportunities.

Helpful Hints

Updated Webpage

To prepare for the new vaccines Vaxelis and MenQuadfi, we've been working to update our tools and resources. The Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program Publicly Supplied Vaccines Webpage has been updated to include the new vaccines coming to the childhood vaccine program soon.