Message from the Chair
Board chair, Heidi Williams, LMT, shares the intent and goal of the Board of Massage newsletter. Read her message.
Successfully meet your CE requirements
New Rules Where are we?
Know the Laws on...
- The Photo ID requirement - AID/HIV training repeal - Patient Notification of sexual misconduct
Read about them here.
Don't forget to renew your license!
It is against the law to practice on an expired license. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to ensure their license is active if they want to continue to practice. In accordance with WAC 246-12-030, courtesy renewal notices are mailed to the address on file. Failure to receive a courtesy renewal notice does not relieve or exempt the credential renewal requirement.
Courtesy renewal notices are mailed to the address on file at least six to eight weeks in advance of the expiration date. However, a practitioner can renew their license as early as 90 days before the expiration date either online, by mail, or by phone. To avoid a late fee and the risk of practicing with an expired license, you must renew on time.
Once a massage therapy license goes into expired status, it cannot be renewed online, and a late fee will be assessed. A credential status will automatically go into an expired status if the practitioner does not renew on or before the expiration date.
Find more information on the Department of Health’s License Renewal webpage.
Comments or Questions for the Board?
If you have questions or comments for the board, please remember that it is important to direct them to the massage program staff members or to provide them during a public comment period at a board meeting. While board members are more visible than the program staff, the public needs to be aware that board members do not speak on behalf of the board or department about decisions that are made in regard to the massage profession.
Multicultural Health Equity Education
At its March 12, 2021 meeting, the board will begin exploring the need for health equity training for initial training and continuing education. Public input is invited and encouraged. Contact the board with comments on health equity training.
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