Ring in the New Year!
This quarterly newsletter from the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) is designed to keep those working with Washington's children, youth, and families informed of all of the great work pertaining to Professional Development.
DCYF held a webinar in December with an update about the DCYF-approved training equivalent for early learning providers – now known as PACE – Provider Accessible Community Equivalent. If you weren’t able to join us live, you can watch a watch a recording. Click here to learn more about what’s included in the PACE.
DCYF is working with SBCTC to establish a process to receive college credit for this training pathway. More will be available in the coming months about this work.
How can I get started on PACE?
Early learning providers can complete Child Care Basics (CCB) and Enhancing Quality of Early Learning (EQEL). To find available training offerings, use the “Find Training” tab in MERIT.
Additional EQEL trainings will become available on DCYF's Training Site in early 2022. The additional new PACE training modules will be available in February 2022.
Visit the website to stay current on this equivalent option for licensed early learning providers needing the initial or short certificate for their role. For questions, reach out to Diana Stokes.
In October 2020, DCYF participated in the Public Performance Review with Governor Inslee to share more about the work that is happening in Early Learning per his Results WA initiative. Watch the recording.
What does this mean?
In 2022, DCYF is committed to expanding the availability of trauma-informed care training through EQEL. DCYF is working with training partners to increase delivery throughout Washington. To find available training offerings, use the “Find Training” tab in MERIT.
Additionally, the community-based training, PACE, part of the work that is happening with the Results WA work. DCYF will continue to expand availability throughout the year for those that need an initial or short certificate for their early learning role.
How can I get involved?
DCYF will be conducting focus groups to seek feedback throughout the year. Stay tuned for more information to come about these opportunities in upcoming communications sent by DCYF or by visiting PD's Engagement Efforts webpage.
We are updating the Spanish and Somali versions of the Early Learning Licensing Orientation Modules 1 and 2 in the DCYF Training Site.
To update the modules, we'll need to take them offline in order to upload the updated training. This is scheduled to occur Feb. 16. After the updated training launch, you will not be able to resume where you left off. The updated versions will become available Feb. 18.
This update includes:
- Shorter sections to reduce technical glitches
- Allows individuals to return to slides for reference
- Ability to advance through slides more quickly
If you have questions, please email training@dcyf.wa.gov.
We are updating the Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Youth Driven Spaces (YDS) modules in the DCYF Training Site to make it easier for individuals to access discussion boards and gain In-Service (STARS) hours.
During the update, the course will be unavailable. If you are currently completing the course, you will need to do so by Feb. 15, 2022. We plan to have the updated ELO SEL & YDS courses available again in mid-spring.
In the coming weeks, students will be able to sign up directly for online training cohorts that count toward initial and In-Service requirements directly on the DCYF training site via the 'Cohorts' tab. These are trainings with discussion boards that meet the following training requirements:
Sign-in to your DCYF Training Site account at www.dcyftraining.com and click on the Cohorts tab on the left. Scroll down and the cohorts will show on the left-hand side. You can select the cohort and register for the training you wish to complete (screenshot shown below):
CCB is the initial training to meet the health and safety requirements for educators working in licensed early learning facilities.
The temporary, condensed version of the COVID-19 CCB is no longer available. For those who selected this option, you will need to complete the full CCB version during the 2022 calendar year (Jan. 1 – Dec. 31, 2022).
There are various ways to meet the CCB training requirement. Check them out below.
Dual Language Training:
- This training is available statewide in English and Spanish.
- Available in a blended online cohort or live facilitation, currently held in a virtual format.
- 12 In-Service (STARS) hours available for those who complete the entire training series.
Dual Language Designation:
- The Fair Start for Kids Act, section 305, calls on DCYF to establish a dual language designation to provide subsidy or grants to ECEAP, Early ECEAP, and licensed or certified providers who accept state subsidy.
- DCYF is working with a culturally, linguistically, and regionally diverse advisory group to develop a dual language designation.
- The external advisory group is putting together provider and community surveys to seek feedback around the dual language designation.
- Survey will be sent to providers, centers, coaches, and families in early spring (February or March). We would love your feedback! The survey will also be posted on our PD Home webpage in February or March. Please be on the lookout for the survey.
Questions or Comments about Dual Language? Contact Athena Jimenez-Manalo.
The PD team is committed to having the public and stakeholders engage and contribute to our work.
During January's webinar, held on Jan. 18, the PD team introduced PD's newest webpage PD's Engagement Efforts and provided an update on how to get involved in different work areas for the team, as well getting involved in larger, agency-wide advisory groups or committees overseen by DCYF's Community Engagement Team.
Currently, our team has multiple opportunities to get involved in around:
- PACE (Provider Access to a Community Equivalent)
- Multilingual/Dual Language in Early Learning
- State-Approved Training Program
We'd love to hear your voice!
Please note we are working to re-record January's webinar and it will be posted on our Newsletters and Webinars webpage.
During this series, we'll discuss topics around our engagement efforts, Outdoor Nature-Based Programs, training needs, and feedback. Make sure to register and join!
Are you interested in having or working at an outdoor nature-based child care program?
During this webinar, the PD team will provide an overview of the competencies and staff qualifications for Outdoor Nature-Based Programs. We'll cover the following topics in detail:
- Staff qualification requirements for Outdoor Nature-Based Programs, and how it compares to early learning and school-age programs.
- Learn about the next steps for meeting your licensing education requirements.
- Understand how to meet the education requirement and the steps to complete during the timeline for your role.
Tuesday, Feb. 15 | 6 p.m.
During this live and interactive forum, we'll split into break-out rooms in English, Spanish, and Somali to hear your feedback around training and professional development.
- How do you prefer to take training and when?
- What training topics would you like to see offered?
- What makes you choose the training you complete?
We want to hear it all! The PD team will have some guided questions and polls – please join us and have your colleagues join, too. We want to learn from you to make training more meaningful.
Tuesday, March 15 | 6 p.m.
Webinars are recorded and live on our Newsletters and Webinars page.
If you cannot find the webinar you're looking for, we're most likely working to record and upload. We appreciate your patience. If you have questions about a specific webinar, email Marlene White.
The Washington State Department of Agriculture Farm to School is excited to offer a new Farm to School Purchasing Grant available to schools, child care centers, and summer meal program operators for the purchase and use of Washington-grown foods in child nutrition programs.
Farm to School and Early Learning Purchasing Grants will be offered twice. Year 1 grants are currently live and Year 2 grant applications are scheduled to open later this Spring.
To learn more about the grant program and see a list of current grantees, visit:
Technical Assistance (TA) is here to help providers apply for the Child Care Stabilization Grant, understand how funding can be used and how records should be maintained. TA provides:
- One-on-one support or small group learning
- In-person, phone, or virtual (i.e., Zoom) assistance
- Support in the primary language of the provider
- Support with technology, including accessing and navigating the WA Compass Provider Portal
The Imagine Institute and Voices of Tomorrow will be providing TA for providers.
Are you a trainer or are you curious to learn more about Washington's State-Approved Training program? The latest Growing the Workforce Newsletter is geared toward State-Approved Trainers.
A complete list of the Growing the Workforce Newsletters can be found on DCYF's Newsletters and Webinars webpage:
DCYF knows the value of education and works diligently to partner with the higher education community to design and provide various educational programs and scholarships to support the early learning workforce. To keep updated on these programs and other education resources, visit:
Do you have questions or need clarification around DCYF's scholarship programs?
The DCYF Scholarship Program Guide for the Early Achievers Grant and Child Care Aware of Washington Scholarships is available online: DCYF Scholarship Program Guide.
Do you want to learn more about scholarships? Check out what options are available to you: Early Learning Scholarships.
Anna's Story
I am so grateful for the Early Achievers grant. Without it, I might not have been able to financially take these classes. I have wanted to work as a teacher since I was little, so I am grateful for this opportunity. These classes have helped me in my classroom so much. Every activity plan that I do I do it in my classroom and I see the change in the children’s development. I have learned so much on why quality development is so important to children. -Anna D.
Yara's Story
Hello, my name is Yara R. I am from Gayaquil, Ecuador, and have lived in Washington for the past 15 years. I am a mother of four children. I worked and volunteered in the teaching field while raising my children. Facing a divorce with four children, no education, and no job, I strongly felt I needed to get back to invest time in my career. I always loved to teach, and it is one of my passions.
Going to Care.com one day, I learned about LWTech. I learned about their ECE program and was extremely interested. I was not sure how I was going to afford it, but I desperately needed to go back to school and get a job. Faith Lutheran school was hiring and as I interviewed and got the job, I learned they were a licensed school and worked with the Early Achievers program.
LWTech has been a blessing just like Faith Lutheran School. I have grown as a professional and am gaining a backbone for what early childhood education is all about. The techniques, children’s development, and how to reach amazing goals for the children to thrive through their early years of education. Without the scholarship, I could not afford continuing my education. I am a newly single mother who benefits from and is extremely grateful for programs like Early Achievers. This scholarship has made this Latino mother show their children that it is never too late to achieve your goals and dreams. I am planning continuing with the bachelor’s program in ECE at LWTECH. Thank you, Early Achievers, for making this mother have hope and new beginnings in life.
Prakash's Story
My wife and I are an Early Achievers enrolled Level 2 family home chilcare for the last four years. None of the teachers in our program had any formal ECE education. This, however, changed when the LWTech ECE department informed us about learning opportunities and how it would be possible for workers in an Early Achievers facility to attend classes. I always wanted to have a formal education in ECE because I believe that education opens a world of opportunities and prepares you to better serve within your community. I enrolled in LWTech courses in ECE that were sponsored by Early Achievers. It is difficult to study college and work, however, the support from Early Achievers Funding for this education has helped make getting formal ECE education a possibility. I completed my Short Certificate last quarter.
The knowledge gained has helped me rethink how we care for children and improve our program. I saw so much value in this learning that now I am looking forward to completing my State Certificate and possibly my associates degree.
I am looking forward to the Early Achievers program to always be well funded in the future and as it enables teachers to shape children they work with into successful citizens of tomorrow. -Regards, Prakash M.
Cynthia's Story
To pursue the new career path in child development is another big change and challenge for me after moving to United States with my family four years ago. Last year, I was fortunate to join my friend’s daycare to work with kids and we have lots of fun with them. It also made me know being a professional educator is very important for the growth of children. I was lucky to participate in ECE classes at LWTech and met Brandi Renis, other teachers, and other ECE classmates, and I learned a lot from classes. Although my first quarter was only three months, the development checklist helps me more understand different age group children’s profile and I can understand the behaviors of children in my class and find the proper ways to help their growth.
I used the methods from class to help children to take turn and demonstrate how to resolve the conflict by themselves. The emotional management with deep breath and name emotion helped one anxious crying girl calm down, when she smiled and said “I like Teacher Yu” in the next day, you know your professional helps a child’s growing up and I am proud of that.
I am grateful to LWTech and for the scholarship. I appreciate that I can learn and be a professional, especially in the first few years of immigration in a new country. Because we are facing the problems of bring non-native English speakers, cross-domain, and cultural differences, looking for the same job as before in the new city brings challenges. Please continue to provide scholarships that will help me complete my certification and realize my dreams. -Regards, Cynthia Y.
Share With Us!
Have you received the Early Achievers grant and want to share your story? Send your story to our ECE Education Specialist, Sharene Leek, to be featured in the next newsletter.
DCYF’s Community Engagement team provides oversight and support in working with external stakeholders and advisory bodies to ensure there is consistent and effective communication between constituents and the agency.
Get Involved!
DCYF has numerous opportunities to make sure your voice is heard. Some include:
For a full list of advisory boards and councils or to get involved, visit DCYF's Community Engagement webpage.
Don't miss the latest updates related to training and PD. Bookmark the PD webpage!
Growing the Workforce is a resource for all individuals who are in the business of delivering professional learning supports to the early learning workforce.
The PD Newsletter is designed to keep Washington's early learning community informed of all of the great work pertaining to Professional Development.
A complete list of newsletters can be found on our Newsletters and Webinars page.
DCYF Secretary Ross Hunter shares monthly messages to provide updates and news about the work of the agency. Read his latest messages below and click here to subscribe.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact DCYF's Office of Communications.