Hello, Fall!
This quarterly newsletter from the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) is designed to keep those working with Washington's children, youth, and families informed of all of the great work pertaining to Professional Development.
DCYF held a webinar in July with an update about the DCYF-approved training equivalent for early learning providers – now known as PACE – Provider Accessible Community Equivalent.
What’s included in the PACE Model? Click here to find out.
DCYF is working with the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges to establish a process to receive college credit for this training pathway. More will be available in early 2022 about this work.
How Do I Get Started With PACE?
Early learning providers can complete Child Care Basics (CCB) and Enhancing Quality of Early Learning (EQEL). To find available training offerings, use the “Find Training” tab in MERIT.
The additional new PACE training modules will be available in February 2022.
Visit the website to stay current on this equivalent option for licensed early learning providers needing the initial or short certificate for their role. For questions, reach out to Diana Stokes.
Schools are back in session and off to a busy start!
In case you missed it, WAC 110-301 for licensed school-age providers went live on June 1.
DCYF has some resources to help navigate the new Professional Development requirements. These resources are now available on the new Staff Qualifications webpage for school-age providers. On this webpage, you will find resources such as:
If you weren’t able to join us live for our webinar on school-age staff qualifications, you can watch the recording here.
Youth Driven Space breaks down theory and offers Practical strategies for creating an Expanded Learning Opportunity program that centers on and celebrates young people.
This course is ideal for youth workers seeking to offer responsive and engaging activities to their program participants and can be found on the DCYF's training site, check it out!
In July 2021, DCYF updated the CPR training requirements found on the Training Modifications in Response to COVID-19 document (English) (Spanish) (Somali).
In light of the mask mandate implemented by Gov. Inslee on Aug. 23, 2021 and the increased COVID-19 cases, DCYF will continue to pause the in-person component required for CPR training. This will be re-evaluated in January 2022.
What does this mean for existing staff (hired before March 2020)?
- All child care workers or licensees who renewed their CPR card online between March 2020 to current:
- Wait until the next CPR renewal date to do the training in-person again.
- If this renewal date is before Dec. 31, 2021, the CPR training can be renewed online.
- All child care workers or licensees who completed their first CPR card online between March 2020 and now:
- Complete the hands-on component of CPR training from an approved provider as it is available in their community.
- If the hands-on component is not available in their community at this time, this component must be completed once it is available.
- DCYF will re-evaluate this in January 2022.
What does this mean for new staff (hired after March 2020)?
- Newly hired staff can complete their CPR training online at this time.
How do I know if my CPR training meets the WAC requirements?
When will DCYF provide an update?
- DCYF will provide an update in early 2022.
If I have questions, who do I contact?
- For questions about this, please contact your DCYF licensor.
More EQEL Year 1 trainings are now available! These trainings are offered in English, Spanish, and Somali and are available at no cost. You can search for the EQEL trainings by using the "Find Training" tab in MERIT.
EQEL Year 2 Coming Soon!
In the next coming weeks, you'll be able to search for the EQEL Year 2 training. Stay tuned, more details about this training will be shared soon.
Dual Language and the Fair Start for Kids Act
With the passage of the Fair Start for Kids Act, additional funding was provided to support the dual language work in early learning settings. Here are some updates of the work we've been doing:
- Support and develop early learning dual language programs to licensed or certified providers.
- DCYF has gathered internal early learning teams to establish goals and priorities to get this work off the ground.
- An external dual language advisory group is being formed and will convene this winter.
- A Tribal advisory group is being formed to strategize tribal pathways toward a dual language designation, and a customized tribal DL training.
Dual Language Training Update
- The Dual Language Learner training is getting updated into a blended approach. This means that training participants can access the content individually and complete activities on their own time but will still have the ability to join small group discussions. This new approach will be an addition to the training we currently offer, which is live and virtual.
- We're in the process of expanding our training providers. This means more training organizations and trainers will be available to provide this training to more providers.
Do you have a questions on this work or would like to get involved? Contact Athena Jiménez-Manalo.
Looking to complete the Child Care Basics course? Free online Child Care Basics is available! Check it out and register below.
The Farm to ECE Community of Practice is a network of farmers, providers, programs, and others interested in learning about farm to ECE in Washington State
More About Farm to ECE
The Washington State Legislature provided historic funding levels to Washington State Department of Agriculture for various food systems initiatives in the 2021 Legislative Session for the 2021-23 State Budget, including $5 million to expand local purchasing for child nutrition programs in Washington State. The new grants from these funds will reimburse child nutrition programs at school districts, child care centers, and summer meal programs for the purchase of Washington-grown food. To learn more, visit:
DCYF is pleased to announce that the Child Care Stabilization Grant application is now available. Licensed and certified child care providers can apply for the Child Care Stabilization Grant in the WA Compass Provider Portal. The application is open now and will close at 11:59 p.m. on June 30, 2022.
Need Assistance Applying for the Grant? Technical Assistance Available!
Technical Assistance (TA) is here to help providers apply for the Child Care Stabilization Grant, understand how funding can be used and how records should be maintained. TA provides:
- One-on-one support
- Small group learning
- In-person, phone, or virtual (i.e., Zoom) assistance
- Support in the primary language of the provider (Interpreters may be used if needed)
- Support with technology, including accessing and navigating the WA Compass Provider Portal
- Connects providers to resources
The Imagine Institute and Voices of Tomorrow will be providing TA for providers.
The Imagine Institute
Website: imaginewa.org/CCSG-Support
Phone: (206) 492-5249
Email: CSSG@imaginewa.org
Languages: Korean, Amharic, Tigrinya, Arabic, Somali, Spanish, English, and more
Voices of Tomorrow
Website: voicesoftomorrow.net
Phone: (206) 278-8290
Email: childcaresupport@tomorrowvoices.org
Languages: Somali, Oromo, Amharic, Tigrinya, Swahili, Arabic, and English
For additional information about the Child Care Stabilization Grant, visit:
Are you a trainer or are you curious to learn more about Washington's State-Approved Training program? The latest Growing the Workforce Newsletter is geared toward State-Approved Trainers.
A complete list of the Growing the Workforce Newsletters can be found on DCYF's Newsletters and Webinars webpage:
Join PD's Fall Webinar Series. The series will cover a variety of topics around resources, meet and greet, and the PACE launch. We hope to see you there! |
This fall season, the PD team wants to host a fun and casual webinar to hear from the field and swap recipes!
This webinar will have interpreters available in Spanish and Somali. During this webinar we'll:
- Do a quick meet and greet of the PD team.
- Hear from participants. We really want to know:
- What's on your mind?
- Where are supports needed?
- Share Recipes: bring your favorite recipe and we'll share during the webinar, or through the chat box. We'll collect all recipes shared and create a recipe book that will be emailed to all participants at a later date.
Tuesday, Nov. 16 | 6 p.m.
Note: This webinar is open to everyone and sharing a recipe is optional. If you cannot make this webinar but would like to share your favorite recipe or receive the recipe book, email Marlene White.
November: Meet & Greet and Recipe Swap message in Spanish and Somali message can be found here.
PACE is coming! DCYF is gearing up to launch PACE in early 2022 and we want to make sure you stay up-to-date on this option.
PACE (Provider Access to a Community Equivalent), which was formerly known as the Community-Based Training model, is one of the options to meet your licensing education requirement for those required to have an initial or short certificate.
Join us during this webinar to learn:
- If this option is right for you.
- How to find the PACE trainings.
- How CCB and EQEL fit into PACE.
- How PACE will be tied to additional educational opportunities.
Tuesday, Dec. 14 | 6 p.m.
October's webinar, MERIT Account Management, is designed to help you manage the basics of your MERIT account with a focus on education verification and training.
Webinars are always recorded and live on our Newsletters and Webinars page.
If you cannot find the webinar you're looking for, we're most likely working to record and upload. We appreciate your patience. If you have questions about a specific webinar, email Marlene White.
DCYF knows the value of education and works diligently to partner with the higher education community to design and provide various educational programs and scholarships to support the early learning workforce. To keep updated on these programs and other education resources, visit
Do you have questions or need clarification around DCYF's scholarship programs?
The DCYF Scholarship Program Guide for the Early Achievers Grant and Child Care Aware of Washington Scholarships is available online: DCYF Scholarship Program Guide.
Do you want to learn more about scholarships? Check out what options are available to you: Early Learning Scholarships.
Marie's Story
As a professional, the Early Achievers grant I received is so important. Specifically, the way I used to talk with parents and children before was very different. I must explain and let you know that without the grant, I wouldn’t be able to connect with parents and children the way I am today. -Marie
Nathalia's Story
Hello, my name is Nathalia Z. I will be graduating in June. I have been working with children since 2018 and I started my AA on spring 2019. I had to stop my education before I knew about the Early Achievers scholarship because my parents and I could not afford my college tuition, so I had to focus on working and getting money to then start school again.
After I interviewed for a preschool and they told me about this scholarship, I applied as soon as I got the job. It has been such a blessing and knowing that my dream of graduating from a college in the U.S. is so close to coming true makes it all so magical, especially because I haven’t had to pay for anything out of pocket since I started this program.
Years ago, I wanted to be in advertising, but my heart was always with kids. Coming to Lake Washington Tech has made me grow so much not only professionally but as a Colombian woman who wants to achieve big dreams in her life. I started this program knowing so little about caring and being intentional for the children and after two years I can see my progress and the way I do my role as an educator. This scholarship has opened a huge door in my life that I know so many other students need.
Ushas's Story
The Early Achievers funding has really helped me learn so many new things about working with children and understanding their development. I have learned new techniques on how to teach children how to take turns, value and understand the diversity in the classroom, and express their emotions. I have also learned about different developmental domains and how childcare workers can help children in those domains. For example, I have learned about cognitive development and different activities I can lead to support a child’s cognitive development. I believe that it is important to keep funding the scholarship in the future because it allows teachers to gain additional skills that help them become better teachers, without any financial stress or pressure. -Usha B.
Haylee's Story
Growing up, I had experienced a rocky and unstable home life in which near homelessness and frequent anxiety plagued me. It was hard to see my siblings grow and suffer in their own ways alongside me, and this made me want better for them and other children in my community who may be struggling. I began volunteering at my church at age 10 or 11. I grew in my passion for teaching alongside two exceptionally positive role model women; they got me started. By age 14 or 15 I was leading a classroom of children on my own and I took whatever leadership classes my high school offered in hopes to enrich the future career I knew I would choose. Caring for children brought me so much peace in feeling like my life is making a difference and creating a future that would be positive and caring. Right after my high school graduation, I was offered a job at a preschool and child care center. My boss and good friend had witnessed me in my volunteer classroom, and she saw my passion for teaching as well as my potential.
When I began the big leagues (haha), I started small and taught in an infant classroom which was an absolute joy! Soon I moved to the toddler classrooms, then I finally took a position in preschool. That all happened nearly four years ago, and what a journey it has been. I have shared so many laughs, cries, scrapes, songs, milestones, and discoveries with my kids and my team of dedicated women. I would not trade any of it for anything.
I have the passion, I have the experience, I have the dedication, so what was I missing? The answer to that question would be education. I needed a college education so that I can provide these kids with the best early education possible. I needed to know how to teach in a way that reaches back to my goal of providing kids with care that can support them, despite their adverse childhood experiences. College never felt like an easy path or option for me, but I had heard of a program through my center called Early Achievers, which would provide me with the tuition needed to fund my teaching enrichment that I so desired.
Since beginning my classes through the help of Early Achievers, I have been given all the materials needed for success and have been able to achieve a 3.97 GPA! I absolutely cried when I saw that; never in a million years would 11-year-old me see myself here now, in college with a high GPA, in a job I love, surrounded by support. I have been able to redesign two classrooms in my center to better suit the needs of our students, and I have learned so much to support them the way I need and it really shows.
Without this program I could not give these children what they deserve. They are the future, OUR future and I am not done yet!
Share With Us!
Have you received the Early Achievers grant and want to share your story? Send your story to our ECE Education Specialist, Sharene Leek, to be featured in the next newsletter.
DCYF’s Community Engagement team provides oversight and support in working with external stakeholders and advisory bodies to ensure there is consistent and effective communication between constituents and the agency.
Get Involved!
DCYF has numerous opportunities to make sure your voice is heard. Some include:
For a full list of advisory boards and councils or to get involved, visit DCYF's Community Engagement Webpage.
Don't miss the latest updates related to training and Professional Development. Bookmark the Professional Development webpage!
Growing the Workforce is a resource for all individuals who are in the business of delivering professional learning supports to the early learning workforce.
The PD Newsletter is designed to keep Washington's early learning community informed of all of the great work pertaining to Professional Development.
A complete list of newsletters can be found on our Newsletters and Webinars page.
DCYF Secretary Ross Hunter shares monthly messages to provide updates and news about the work of the agency. Read his latest messages below and click here to subscribe.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact DCYF's Office of Communications.