SAVE THE DATE: (06/09) Child Care Providers COVID-19 Informational Webinar

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Dear Child Care Providers,

We are hosting a webinar to share updates from DCYF staff related to child care and the agency's COVID-19 response, including a Child Care COVID-19 Grant application update, re-opening guidance, and planning underway for this summer and fall. This will also be an opportunity to discuss questions you may have regarding COVID-19. In the meantime, please feel free to share any questions with us through this survey ( to help us better prepare and build an agenda that reflects your concerns. We look forward to continuing to provide a space and opportunity for our providers and community partners to ask questions and receive guidance.


Child Care Providers Bi-Monthly Check-In Webinar

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

12 – 1 PM

Join the Meeting by clicking the link

Access Code: 133 557 2953

Password: dcyf

Call in Number: 1.360.810.3022

Please note, the webinar system can only hold 950 participants. Once that number is reached the webinar will be locked.

Once the webinar has finished, we will post the presentation along with the Q&A from the webinar to our COVID-19 Early Learning and Child Care webpage on the right-hand side under “Child Care COVID-19 Webinars.” We appreciate your continued partnership as we all navigate the challenges presented by COVID-19.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions at

The Department of Children, Youth & Families.