Kimball Bridge Update
This project is on track to open within a couple of weeks. Yes, we did pave a base coat, as part of the process. We'll keep you posted as we get to completion.
 $9.7 Million Grant Secured for I-89 Bike/Ped Bridge
U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has awarded the City a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant totaling $9,768,834, to build a bicycle and pedestrian bridge over Interstate 89. The project will provide a safe and protected way for bicyclists and pedestrians to travel between South Burlington and Burlington. Senators Leahy and Sanders, along with Representative Welch made the announcement last week!
Read more.
 Goodrich Parcel Invasive Plant Removal
The City was able to complete a successful invasive plant removal event at the conserved Goodrich Parcel. This parcel was originally protected through a perpetual easement in 2011. This work was mainly focused on removing honeysuckle and buckthorn plants. This is one of the first regional conservation efforts to-date, and involved multiple partnerships.
Read more.
 Hubbard Recreation & Natural Area Climate Change Study Update
The first year of a project that examines the impacts of climate change on food webs is complete. The focus is on testing the ability of predators (spiders) and prey (grasshoppers) to adapt their behavior and physiology in response to climate change. The project is being run by a group of students, professors, and postdoctoral researchers from Yale and Northeastern University. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation and is taking place at the Hubbard Recreation & Natural Area.
Read the project report.
Climate Action Plan Task Force Gets To Work
Earlier this fall, the City Council established a Climate Action Plan Task Force and adopted a resolution to create the City’s first-ever climate Action Plan. The Task Force will have their inaugural meeting on November 29th.
More information.
 New City Planner
The Planning & Zoning Department welcomed Kelsey Peterson as the new City Planner on Monday, November 8. Kelsey has recently returned to her native Vermont from New Hampshire, where she worked as an environmental and land use lawyer in Concord. She is “happy to be back and excited to help South Burlington plan for the future” as City Planner.
Kelsey will be supporting the Planning Commission’s work, working with other City committees, and generally supporting the Planning & Zoning Department’s projects. Outside of work, Kelsey enjoys exploring Vermont outdoors with her family, cooking new recipes, and looking for new places to travel post-COVID.
 PUBLIC HEARING: Spear Street Bike/Ped Improvements
Wednesday, Dec 8 | 5:30 pm | Hybrid (held at the Bike/Ped Committee meeting)
The project is looking at an approximately 3,500-foot-long off-road shared use path between the end of existing infrastructure at the UVM Forestry Building and Swift Street. The goal is to provide a safe route for users along a narrow and fast-moving street with minimal shoulders. It will also connect residents to City Center, schools, and parks.
Learn more.
 Hinesburg Crosswalks
The Department of Public Works has completed the installation of three new crosswalks across Hinesburg Road, between Kennedy Drive and Williston Road. Users can find one of the new crossings at Ruth Street, Prouty Parkway, and at the Awasiwi Trail. They will provide pedestrians with a safer way to cross Hinesburg Road and access schools, City Center, and businesses on Williston Road.
 Allen Road Shared Use Path
Members of the City’s Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee celebrated the completion of the new 800-foot-long shared use path connection along Allen Road by having a small ‘stenciling party’.
Bob Britt and Amanda Holland came out and helped paint the City’s Penny for Paths logo on both ends of the new facility to let users know that this fund helped complete this new section of path. The project also installed new bike boxes on Spear Street, to provide a safe and visible space for cyclists using Spear Street to wait at the intersection during a red light. We hope you check out the new connection soon.
Conversion of Hotel Suites to Apartments
The Planning & Zoning Department this past week issued a zoning permit to convert renovated hotel suites at 1712 Shelburne Road to 78 residential dwelling units, 12 of which will per permanently affordable homes under the City’s Inclusionary Zoning requirements.
If COVID-19 has caused you economic hardship, assistance is available.
The 2021 Vermont COVID-19 Arrearage Assistance Program (VCAAP II) provides financial support to customers who may face disconnection of service because of past-due balances for their electric, landline telephone, Vermont Gas (natural gas), water or sewer/wastewater charges. Learn more.
School District Events & News
School Board Meeting
December 1 | 7 pm
The agenda can be found at
Virtual Community Budget Forum December 7, 6-7:30 pm More information at
COVID-19 Message
We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation, as the health and safety of our employees and the public is our top priority. We are continuing to employ measures to help limit exposure and spread. Currently, we are encouraging visitors to wear masks in our Public Library & City Hall. See more details about facilities and accessing services.
For a complete list of meetings & events, please visit the calendar at
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, December 6 | 6:30 pm | Hybrid Auditorium, City Hall, 180 Market Street Virtual Option: see info below
- Planning Commission Presentation
on LDR Amendments
- FY23 Budget: Introduction and focus on general government, and culture and recreation
- Recreation & Parks Committee Appointments
Access agendas and minutes.
VIRTUAL OPTION Want to attend the meeting virtually? You can join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
Here are some etiquette guidelines:
- Keep your camera and microphone off.
- During invitations for the public to speak, you should turn your camera on to be recognized.
- If you are having audio issues using your computer's audio, we find it works best to watch the meeting on your device AND dial in to the phone number directly.
Watch the Last City Council Meeting Recording
Want to see what happened during the latest City Council meeting? Can't attend the live session online? We've got you covered. You can watch the recorded November 15 meeting here.
Howl-o-ween Spooky Pooch Pawty
South Burlington Friends of Dog Parks “Howl-o-ween Spooky Pooch Pawty” went virtual this year! All "tech savvy" pooches who participated were recognized for their Halloween spirit!
Check out the pooches.
Enter your home's lights display for a chance to win a small prize, bragging rights and contributing to the wellness of the community.
Learn more and register.
Location: First floor, 180 Market Street
Check out the website for the December activities or stop by and grab a copy of our monthly listing. Games, activities, lunches, and more!
 Senior Holiday Lights Tour
December 17 | 5:30-7:30 | Market Street Board the Holiday Cheer Bus to see the festive holiday lights in theCity. The 2 hour tour is free to South Burlington seniors. Space is limited. Call Rebecca at 923-5545.
Register here.
Looking for Volunteers
Do you like to help others? Are you looking for something to do in your free time? Do you have a hobby or activity you would like to teach others?
We are looking for volunteers for a variety of activities. Contact Rebecca Isham (923-5545) for more information.
 The Public Library is open:
Monday - Thursday 10 am - 7 pm Friday 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 10 am - 2 pm
Check out the many events happening.
The Library staff is excited to announce the Friends of the Library Winter Concert Series, four free concerts in the beautiful new auditorium at the South Burlington Public Library.
See the dates and learn more.
Looking for a Full and or Part time job? The City of South Burlington is looking to hire great people to join our team. Here are a few of the positions:
Director of Public Works
We are seeking an experienced and engaging leader who can work effectively across the organization, with City Council, and the public. The department includes three divisions: Water Quality, Stormwater, and Highway. Learn more.
Finance Specialist
The Finance/Payroll Specialist is responsible for maintaining financial and accounting records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and procedures, state statutes & legislative requirements, supporting municipal operations, and the general ledger. Learn More
CLICK HERE for our most current openings.
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