Council Makes Committee Appointments
The South Burlington City Council has made appointments to the various Committee who advise them or those that are required by statute. This process occurs each Spring with the goal of making appointments to fill out expiring terms by the end of June with the effective date of appointment being July 1.
Read more.
The City of South Burlington has hired CCS Constructors, LLC of Morrisville, VT, to install a new culvert under Kimball Avenue at our Williston border. The work includes the removal of the currently in place temporary bridge on loan from the State of Vermont.
The Planning Commission is considering two changes to the City’s Official Map. One would replace a planned roadway connection between Swift Street Extension and Hinesburg Road with a planned recreation path only. The other would eliminate a planned roadway connection between Deerfield Ave and IDX Drive. Read more.
Summer may be a few weeks away, but stormwater utility staff are well into their annual maintenance program. Every year stormwater service division staff clean and inspect storm drains and drainage pipes throughout the City. Read more.
Stormwater Projects for 3 Acre Sites Receive Funding
The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) recently amended the FY21 Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund (CWSRF) Intended Use Plan (IUP) to include $1.5M for preliminary engineering and final design work for “3 Acre Sites” created by the new 3-9050 Vermont Stormwater General Permit. CWSRF loans used for this purpose will include 100% loan forgiveness (i.e. no repayment of the loan will be necessary).
The City of South Burlington applied for and will receive a $675,000 loan. There are approximately 46 of these “3 Acre Sites” located in South Burlington and funding will be used to develop final engineering plans at up to 12 sites around the City. The loan underwriting process can take up to six weeks. Stormwater utility staff hopes to start this work in mid to late summer.
Second Phase of Quarry Hill Road building Approved
The second phase of a mixed residential-commercial building set on Quarry Hill Road recently received an updated approval, including a reconfiguration of this forthcoming. The approved four-story building will house 52 dwelling units and be located immediately to the north of the first phase, constructed in 2018.
The building will feature a combination of surface and below-ground parking, bicycle storage, and several outdoor activity areas, including a rooftop garden for residents. Of the 107 total homes between the two residential building, 16 will meet the City’s affordability standards under the Inclusionary Zoning requirements.
The Allen Road Shared Use Path project was originally part of a 2017 scoping study that looked at the approximately 800-foot gap in bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure along Allen Road, beginning east of Baycrest Drive and extending to the Spear Street intersection. Read more.
West Central VT CEDS* Workshop
Thursday, June 17, 6-8pm
Chittenden County RPC (CCRPC) and Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation (GBIC) cordially invite you to join us to help shape future economic development efforts in Chittenden County and Vermont!
On Thursday, June 17 from 6-8pm, CCRPC and GBIC will host a workshop for local business leaders, regional stakeholders, municipal representatives and residents. Learn more.
*Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
On June 4, 2021 SBFD celebrates SFF/AEMT Jason Cumming's retirement after 23 years of service to our community. Read more.
The pandemic has made it hard for thousands of Chittenden County residents to pay for housing. Earlier this month, the Vermont Housing Finance Agency resumed offering federal grants to help qualified lower and middle-income homeowners with economic hardship from the pandemic pay back property taxes and mortgage payments. Learn more.
Spring/Summer Home Improvement Projects?
Has time at home got you thinking about a home improvement project? A bathroom re-do? Making that home office more permanent? Creating more indoor/outdoor spaces? Then now is the time to check-in with Planning & Zoning if you have spring/summer building projects on the horizon and want to start or learn about the permitting process.
Don’t know if you need a permit for the project you are considering? Our FAQs may help. We also have detailed “How To” guides on our website that will walk you through the permitting process.
As always, if you have questions you can reach out to Planning & Zoning staff at or 802-846-4106.
School District Events & News
School Board Meeting
June 16 | 7 pm
Agenda can be found at
Join School Board Members for "Pop-in" Chats via Zoom!
The board began piloting virtual pop-in sessions for community members to express their concerns, ask questions, or offer suggestions in mid-May. Join Board Chair Bridget Burkhardt Mondays from 9-11 am, Rebecca Day Tuesdays from 10-noon, and Brian Minier Tuesday evenings in June from 6:00-7:00 pm . The board would love to hear from you!
For a complete list of meetings & events, please visit the calendar at
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, June 21 | 6:30 pm | Hybrid This meeting will be held at 575 Dorset Street and also virtually.
- Introduce new Deputy City Manager and appointment of City Treasurer
- Presentation from Chief Francis on major repairs needed for Fire Apparatus and possible Council action related to funding repairs
- Update on steps taken to work with the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission on a Climate Action Plan
- Council consideration and possible action on a resolution related to the City’s Fair and Impartial Policing Policy (FIPP)
- Recommendations to Council related to staffing and possible action involving investing funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
- Council recognition of outgoing City Management
Phone (audio only): (646) 749-3122 Access code: 713-547-421
Watch the Last City Council Meeting Recording
Want to see what happened during the latest City Council meeting? Can't attend the live session online? We've got you covered. You can watch the recorded June 7 meeting here.
Graffiti Removal
City Manager Kevin Dorn works with a resident to remove / paint over graffiti on the Lime Kiln bridge.
Residents of South Burlington celebrated National Bike Month by competing in The Inaugural South Burlington Art Hunt, a scavenger hunt to bike to our amazing public art adorning walls, utility boxes, underpasses and even sculptures. Dana Farr and Julie Thompson won the grand prizes for visiting the most artworks and each received a $50 Target gift card courtesy of University Mall. While the competition is over, feel free to go for a ride to check out some of our citizens talented artwork any time! See more photos.
City Clerk's Office: How to Access Services
Need to access the Clerk's office for a title search, vital records, or marriage license?
Visit the City Clerk's page and see how to do so!
June Weed Warrior Opportunities Help Improve our Wildlife Habitat
June 19, 9 am - Noon, Wheeler Nature Park June 26, 9 am - Noon, Red Rocks Park
Join our Weed Warriors and learn about invasive plant identification and removal at some of our most loved natural areas. Interested participants will learn the best techniques and have fun doing it.
Recreation & Parks Family Mourns Favored Friend, Jennifer Kochman
The Recreation and Parks Department Family will forever be grateful for the kindness, energy, passion and support of our dear friend Jennifer Kochman who passed away unexpectedly June 11. We are feeling and processing this loss in our department, in our community and in our hearts. Farewell friend--you will be missed.
SoBu Night Out is Back!
We are excited to announce that SoBu Nite Out is back for 2021, starting July 1st. SoBu Nite Out has become one of our most anticipated community events. In its 5th year, friends, family, and neighbors spend evenings in the park - listening to live music, enjoying different cuisines. Held on Thursday evenings, in July & August, you will find some of the best food trucks and local bands. Read more.
The Library is now closed for the move. We will reopen at our new location, 180 Market Street, on July 19 at 10:00 a.m. Read more.
Have You Tried Podcasts?
The Library is Closed…Have you Considered Podcasts? If you haven’t heard of podcasts, or haven’t tried any before, this could be the perfect time. Learn more.
Looking for a Full and or Part time job? The City of South Burlington is looking to hire part-time, full-time and summer positions. We are looking for great people to work here in the City. Our team is focused on keeping South Burlington one of the best places to live, work, and visit.
CLICK HERE for our most current openings.
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