Council Honors Model Citizen John Simson
The South Burlington City Council considered and adopted “A Resolution in Recognition of Model Citizenship” honoring South Burlington resident John Simson. Mr. Simson has been a very active volunteer and resident in the City for many years. The resolution specifically recognizes his commitment to and support for affordable housing in the City and identifies multiple areas where John has made a difference in this important area of social policy.
Read more.
Police Gift Books to Kindergarteners
Cpl. Brianne Williamson of the Youth Service team spent some time in September purchasing enough “gently used” books to gift one to each of the kindergarten students entering school.
Cpl. Williamson wanted to offer the soon-t- be kindergarteners a welcome gift that both humanized the police and encouraged these young learners to read. Cpl. Williamson accumulated over 200 books for the students.
Read more.
Miller Family Completes Donating Building to City
The Miller Family has donated the remaining portion of the building that houses the South Burlington Police Department to the City. The City originally purchased a portion of the 19 Gregory Drive building to house the Police Department. Some of the City’s area of the building has been further leased to the Department of Veterans Affairs and there is also room for the South Burlington Restorative and Community Justice Center as well as a community meeting room.
Learn more.
Proposed FY22 General Fund Budget
An overview of the draft FY22 General Fund Budget was presented to the City Council at their meeting on Dec. 21st. The budget, along with the Enterprise Accounts for Water, Stormwater, and Sewer, will be further discussed at the next City Council meeting on January 4th.
The proposed budget is less than a 1% increase--proposed at a 0.98% increase in the tax rate. It assumes a 1% growth in the Grand List as projected by the City Assessor.
Learn more.
Proposal to Amend Wastewater Ordinance
Members of the South Burlington Land Trust have presented a proposal to the City Council that calls for amending the City’s wastewater ordinance to direct sewer treatment capacity to areas in the City they deem more appropriate for growth – generally areas outside of the Southeast Quadrant.
Staff were asked to assess the proposal and provide information to the Council as to whether and how such amendments to the current wastewater ordinance could achieve the members of the Land Trust’s objectives.
Read more.
Transportation Impact Fee Proposal
Jonathan Slason, PE, of local firm RSG, Inc. appeared before the City Council to give a presentation on the City’s Transportation Impact Fee structure and how it might be updated. Mr. Slason is an expert on impact fee ordinances and calculations and has been working with City Staff for a number of months on a needed update to the ordinance.
Read more.
Public Hearing Set for Garden Street Construction
The City Council approved holding a public hearing on January 19, 2021 beginning at 7:00 PM to gain input from community members regarding proposed Tax Increment Financing (TIF) of Garden Street construction.
Garden Street is planned to connect Dorset Street near Health Living to Midas Drive near the Midas repair facility. Opening up this connection would take traffic off of Dorset Street and Williston Road and ease congestion at the intersection of the two.
Read more.
City Clerk & Council Discuss Annual Meeting
City Clerk Donna Kinville appeared before the City Council to discuss plans for the upcoming South Burlington Annual meeting of the voters. The threat to residents presented by the Covid-19 pandemic caused significant changes and new approaches to voting during the general election in November and some of those procedures may return for the Annual Meeting scheduled for March 2nd.
Learn more.
Search for Next City Manager Underway
City Council has commenced the search for the City's next City Manager. The process will take place through the opening months of 2021. The selected candidate will replace Current City Manager Kevin Dorn, who will retire at the end of June 2021.
Applications will be accepted through January 4, 2021 to the Human Resources Department. See the position posting for more information, to read the full posting, access the job description, and for requirements for application.
South Burlington Public Library
Book Bundles and Fairy Tale Kits
Library staff have collected items for new children's bags to checkout, including several of seasonal picture books and others highlighting certain fairy tales.
Book Bundles are clear plastic bags with red handles that contain 8 to 12 books around a seasonal theme. Books are appropriate for ages 4 to 8, and each bundle has different books, both picture book stories and age-appropriate factual books. There are three each of Winter and Fall Book bundles. Spring and Summer Bundles are coming soon.
Fairy Tale Kits contain 3 to 4 different versions of a familiar story and dramatic play materials for retelling that story: either a flannel board kit or puppets. Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the Three Little Pigs are all available in a clear plastic bag with red handles, and are appropriate for ages 3 to 7.
All these are available for CURBSIDE pickup! Call 846-4140 or email to reserve these and all other library materials. The Library pick up hours are M, Th, F 11-3 and Tu, W 2-6. Staff are also available to answer calls during those hours.
Upcoming Book Discussion of The Color of Law
February 2 and 16 | 6:30 pm | Virtual
The Affordable Housing Committee and the South Burlington Library are cosponsoring a book discussion series on The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, by Richard Rothstein. The book traces how federal government housing programs and policies, from the New Deal through the sixties, and on to today, have prevented or discouraged African Americans from owning their own homes. The result has been a significant wealth gap between the races.
The discussions will be led by Jessica Hyman, director of the Fair Housing Project at the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO), and will take place on Zoom on Tuesdays, February 2 and 16, at 6:30 pm.
Books are available to borrow at the library. Call 846-4140 or email to reserve a copy for pick-up and ask to be put on the Zoom list. If you don’t have time to read the book, watch the brief documentary, “Segregated by Design,” narrated by the book’s author, available at, or listen to an NPR “Fresh Air” interview at
The South Burlington Library is currently operating only curbside service.
See the current hours.
While the Library is closed to the public, staff will continue to work on your behalf. Patrons may continue to place holds online, or call and email us to renew and request. Bags of surprise books are again available - just give us an idea of what books or topics you've enjoyed recently. These bags were made possible by Hannaford in the spring, and are now brought to you by Target.
Holds and requests are available for pickup M, Th and F 11-3 and Tu & Wed 2-6 in front of the library windows. If you can't come inside, call us from the parking garage and we will bring your items out during those hours. Check your receipts for due dates. Stock up for the holidays!
Call us during pickup hours for more information or to get help with any of the resources on the web, 802-846-4140.
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For a complete list of meetings & events, please visit the calendar at
CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, January 4 | 6:30 pm | Virtual
- Consider and possibly approve FY22 Amendment for Capital Improvement Plan
- Consider and possibly approve FY22 Enterprise Funds Budget
- Consider and possibly approve FY22 Draft General Fund Budget
- Consider and possibly approve Fire District #2 Land Transfer
- Discussion and possible action: SoBu/Winooski/Burlington MOU related to operations at Airport
- Council appointment of members to City Manager Applicant Review Committee and direction given
Full agenda and meeting minutes
Phone (audio only):(646) 749-3122 Access Code: 545-403-629
Watch the City Council Meeting
Want to see what happened during the latest City Council meeting? Can't attend the live session online? We've got you covered. You can watch the recorded December 21 meeting here.
Affordable Housing Committee
Tuesday, January 5 | 10:30 am | Virtual
Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Phone (audio only): (224) 501-3412 Access Code: 922-657-933
Development Review Board
Tuesday, January 5 | 7 pm | Virtual
Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Phone (audio only): (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 447-414-389
Natural Resources Committee
Wednesday, January 6 | 6 pm | Virtual
Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Phone (audio only): (312) 757-3121 Access Code: 928-325-253
Planning Commission Special Meeting
Thursday, January 7 | 7 pm | Virtual
Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Phone (audio only): (872) 240-3212 Access Code: 182-122-397
Parks & Recreation Committee
Monday, January 11 | 5:30 pm | Virtual
Please check the calendar on the City website for login information. It was not available at time of publication.
Planning Commission
Tuesday, January 12 | 7 pm | Virtual
Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Phone (audio only): (408) 650-3123 Access Code: 220-586-637
Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee
Wednesday, January 13 | 5:30 pm | Virtual
Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Phone (audio only): (872) 240-3412 Access Code: 830-033-285
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Proposed Amendment to Capital Improvement Program (FY2022-2031)
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the South Burlington City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 4, 2021 at 7 P.M. to obtain public comments regarding the proposed Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2022-2031, prior to Council action to amend the Capital Improvement Program. The hearing will be held remotely via GoToMeeting.
Online: city-council-meeting-01-04-2021
By phone: (646) 749-3122 Access Code: 545-403-629
The purpose of the Capital Improvement Program is to serve as a fiscal tool, that is reviewed and amended each year and includes estimated public capital cost expenditures and revenues (funding sources) related to the following areas over the next ten fiscal years: Highway/Parks, Road Improvements, Fire and Ambulance Department, Police Department, Recreation and Parks,Open Space Projects, Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements, IT, Administration, Energy Projects, City Center, Sewer, Stormwater, and Water. The proposed Capital Improvement Program amendment is available for viewing online at and in the Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 575 Dorset Street.
City Clerk's Office: How to Access Services
Need to access the Clerk's office for a title search, vital records, or marriage license?
Visit the City Clerk's page and see how to do so!
Happy Holidays
by Holly Rees, Director
We wanted to take a moment to share our thoughts and well wishes for a safe, happy and healthy close to the year. This year has certainly brought its unexpected challenges, but with every challenge brings opportunity.
Some of the quick pivoting that we have had to do to continue to provide meaningful connection and safe engagement for our community will now become part of our new traditions. Successes such as the Halloween Glow Walk, Outdoor Hiking Series, Virtual Programs, Drive Thru Meal Delivery and Spark the Park will all now become part of our annual inventory; allowing for broader access for all.
While we are eager to return to more of our traditional programs and offerings, we have been proud to provide these non-traditional platforms to our community, and honored that you have trusted us to ensure protocols and develop safe environments for you to play and gather.
As we enter this long winter, we are hopeful for the spring; when the vaccine may be more readily available for our greater community and when we can once again fully embrace all facets of recreation programs including leagues, camps, festivals, concerts and events. Thank you for doing your part, so we can do ours.
New Rec Guidance from the Governor for Return to Play
The Governor announced a limited return to play for youth recreational and school-based sports. Specifically, no-contact team-based activities (i.e., individual skill-building exercises, strength and conditioning sessions, no-contact drills) resumed Saturday, December 26.
Specific guidance can be found at the following link.
After many weeks of preparation and cold hours of installation, we are ready to flip the switch and SPARK THE PARK! Thanks to the generosity and vision of North Country and SB’s own Julie Longfellow, we have turned the band shell at Veterans Memorial Park into a Winter Wonderland. This festive and cozy display will be lit nightly from 4:30-8:30 pm for anyone who wants to drive through and take a look.
Learn more.
Community Decorating Contest
Who doesn’t enjoy riding around SB on a clear winter’s eve and checking out all of the seasonal decorations? It’s an uplifting and COVID-friendly activity. From the snowflakes on the lampposts on Market Street, to each and every neighborhood, there’s plenty to see.
This year we challenged community members to show their spirit and help to light up South Burlington for all to enjoy. To encourage this, SBRP held a Decorating Contest. The contest was a great success and SBRP staff went around on Monday, 12/21 to judge the competition. Winners will be contacted directly through email.
School District Events
South Burlington School District FY22 Budget Community Forums
January 5
All forums will take place via Zoom and run from 6-7:30 pm. Links to agendas and participation information will be posted at
Regular School Board meeting January 6 Agenda can be found at