Building Safety Starts with You - May 2023 Community Events
In observance of Building Safety Month in May, join Prince William County’s free “Building Safety Starts With You!” community outreach events that will take place each week to raise awareness about building and fire safety at home.
 Celebrate National Small Business Week with Prince William Public Libraries
In support of small businesses in Prince William County and the City of Manassas, Prince William Public Libraries will host the “National Small Business Week at PWPL” program series from May 1 – 4.
 Free Event for the Compost Curious May 6
The Prince William County Solid Waste Division and its partners Freestate Farms, Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Volunteers and Keep Prince William Beautiful will host a Compost Awareness Day event on Saturday, May 6, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Attendees can learn about backyard composting, ask questions and find out about the composting process at the county’s state-of-the-art facility.
 County Observes National Prevention Week and Fentanyl Awareness Day
Fentanyl is everywhere, and the use of the synthetic opioid in Prince William County mirrors the national problem with the drug that is many times more potent than heroin. May 9 is Fentanyl Awareness Day, set aside to raise awareness of the dangers of opioids such as fentanyl.
 Community Energy and Sustainability Master Plan Virtual Town Hall Meeting on May 17
The Prince William Office of Sustainability is holding a virtual Town Hall on Wednesday, May 17, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. to seek public input on which actions should be considered high priority in the Prince William Community Energy and Sustainability Master Plan (CESMP). The CESMP is being developed to serve as a roadmap for meeting the county’s Climate Mitigation and Resiliency goals set forth by the Board of County Supervisors.
 Business Appreciation Month Kicks Off Next Week
Every May, Prince William County's Department of Economic Development (PWCDED) celebrates Business Appreciation Month. The 2023 theme, Make Your Mark, highlights the grit, passion and commitment demonstrated by our business community, making it a sought-after destination for entrepreneurs, corporations and talented business leaders.
 National Dam Safety Awareness Day is May 31
National Dam Safety Awareness Day is held annually on May 31 in remembrance of the 1889 South Fork Dam failure near Johnston, Pennsylvania, the deadliest dam-related disaster in U.S. history. Dam Safety Awareness Day is an important reminder of the need to be prepared for any disaster. By taking steps to be prepared, you can help yourself and your community.
 Spend Your Summer with Prince William County
In case you missed it, our latest edition of Leisure is out, covering classes and programs from May through August. The upcoming months are jam-packed with activities for everyone!
 OmniRide Proposing Eastern Service Restructure for 2024
OmniRide is proposing a total overhaul of local routes in the eastern Prince William County area, including adding service to new destinations. The purpose is to create a more streamlined, efficient, and direct service.