The Prince William County Department of Public Works Neighborhood Services and Solid Waste Divisions have scheduled Dumpster Days across the county beginning in April.
The Prince William County Department of Social Services will raise awareness around child abuse and neglect and promote child and family well-being and strategies to keep children safe during National Child Abuse Prevention Month. The theme of this year's awareness campaign is "Building Together: Prevention in Partnership."
After years without a home, Veterans Growing America's pop-up shop opened in the Stonebridge Potomac Town Center last summer. VGA helps connect veterans with customers, and while businesses in the shop pay rent for their booth space, they keep 100 percent of their sales.
The Prince William County Department of Social Services is looking to area landlords to help the county's homeless population find housing through the Prince William Area Landlord Network program.
With spring's arrival, spring cleaning is close behind. Prince William County Solid Waste Division has several programs to help residents declutter, organize and dispose of unwanted items in an environmentally responsible way and reduce waste in the landfill.
The federal Fair Housing Act prevents landlords from discriminating against people based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age and familial status. To these, the Virginia Fair Housing Act added sources of funds, gender identity, sexual orientation and military status to its protected classes.
Join Prince William Public Libraries for a Spring Festival, Earth Day events, gardening programs and recycling and upcycling activities this April.