The MSRB recently established requirements that will strengthen
the effectiveness of broker's brokers in playing their crucial role of
providing liquidity for retail-sized trades in the municipal securities
market. The MSRB has also provided interpretive guidance to dealers that
transact through broker's brokers to help dealers more effectively use their
services for the benefit of dealers’ customers.
The new regulations are effective December 22, 2012. Read more.
materials on the upcoming changes to MSRB Rule
G-17 on the duties of underwriters to state and local governments are available on the MSRB's website. The
materials include a four-part recorded webinar and associated PowerPoint
Number of Trades Down, Par Value Steady

Trading activity in the first six months of 2012 totaled
$1.42 trillion, down 1.5 percent from the $1.44 trillion traded in the same
period of 2011. The number of trades decreased 10.3 percent to 4.91 million
trades in the first half of 2012, compared to 5.48 million trades in the first
half of 2011. In terms of par traded, customer purchases accounted for 47.7
percent, customer sales accounted for 31.6 percent and inter-dealer trades
accounted for 20.7 percent in the first six months of 2012.
For more information or other statistics on municipal
trading activity, continuing disclosures or variable rate resets, visit the MSRB’s
EMMA website.
(June 28, 2012)