The MSRB launched an online toolkit to equip investors with basic information about navigating the
municipal market. The investor toolkit includes an investor guide that outlines questions to ask when investing in municipal bonds, how
to evaluate a municipal bond’s risk and what to expect from financial
professionals, among other resources. The toolkit also includes an introductory video and fact sheets about the MSRB's EMMA® website.
The MSRB is considering whether it should require disclosure of financial incentives received by underwriters or
municipal advisors that may influence their recommendations, as well as payments
made by underwriters or municipal advisors to incentivize third parties.
The MSRB's concept release requests public input on whether dealers and advisors should disclose this information, which would be disclosed on the
MSRB’s EMMA® website.
Number of Reported Auction Rate Resets Continues to Decrease

The number of interest rate resets on municipal auction rate securities reported to the MSRB since early 2009 continued their decline in 2011. Approximately 22,730 ARS rate resets were
reported in 2011, down 19.5 percent from the 28,250 rate resets reported in
2010. During the first four months of
2012, the 6,617 reported rate resets were 16 percent lower than volume in the
same period in 2011.
The MSRB will soon release an update to its annual report
summarizing interest rate, trading and other data on municipal variable rate
demand obligations and auction rate securities.
For more information or other statistics on municipal
trading activity, continuing disclosures or variable rate resets, visit the MSRB’s EMMA website.
(May 31, 2012)