 MSRB Webinar: What to Expect From Your Municipal Advisor
May 26, 2016
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET
Issuers of municipal securities can attend this free educational
webinar to learn about the new rules for municipal advisors and to hear
about how their relationship with financial professionals, hired as part
of the deal team, may change as the municipal advisor rules go into
effect. Register for the webinar.
MSRB Webinar:
Application of MSRB Rule G-37 on Political Contributions and Prohibitions on
Municipal Advisory Business to Municipal Advisors, and Related Amendments to
MSRB Rules G-8 and G-9
July 07, 2016
3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
During this free webinar, MSRB staff will review the new key provisions of MSRB
Rule G-37 that extend requirements to municipal advisors related to their
political contributions and the provision of municipal advisory business.
Municipal advisors are subject to amended Rule G-37, Rules G-8 and G-9 on
August 17, 2016. Register
for the webinar.
Use EMMA’s market statistics
for help understanding trends and patterns in the municipal market. The MSRB
collects data on new issuance, trading activity and continuing disclosure
volume, and provides interactive tools on EMMA for users to generate charts and
graphs to assist in visualizing these statistics.