Principal Updates

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Days of CheerDays of cheer in Spanish


Message from our PTO: Support Our Teachers & Show You Care!

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Days of Cheer, from December 18th to 20th. This tradition is an opportunity for us to show our support and gratitude to the incredible Mason Crest crew who dedicate themselves to our children's education. We need your support to make Days of Cheer a success! We will be asking for handmade signs and decorations to spruce up the teacher’s lounge, we’ll be hosting a hot chocolate bar on Wednesday, a catered lunch on Thursday and breakfast on Friday. You can contribute by donating your time, dropping off items for the staff, or making a cash contribution. 

Sign-Up Genius Here

We also have started an Amazon Wish List!  If it’s easier to purchase the items online and send them directly to school, we would appreciate it!  Please just note the shipping/delivery dates to ensure the items will arrive on time.

We also have the option to Venmo if you would like to send a donation and the PTO can shop for you.  Our PTO Venmo is @Mason-Crest-PTO and label it “Days of Cheer.”

Health Room

Message from our Health Room

To ensure the health of everyone, students should be free of fever, vomiting and diarrhea for a minimum of 24 hours without medication before returning to school. If a student is sent home from school early with one of these symptoms, they should stay home from school the following day.   Thank you!

Medications may not be brought to school by students.  Parents must bring all medications to the Health Room during school hours. Over the counter medications must be in the original, unopened packaging.  Prescription medications require paperwork to be completed by a doctor.  For medication questions, please call 571-226-2610.


Message from our Music Program

Thank you for always supporting our amazing music programs at Mason Crest. There have been some questions regarding the Winter-Sing-a-Long later this week. Due to limited space, that event is only for students and staff to celebrate the end of 2024 heading into the Winter Break. 

  The Kindergarten and 1st graders will preform as a part of our Arts Showcase Night which is scheduled for the evening of March 27th. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to administration or your child's music teacher. 

kiss n ride

Kiss n'Ride Reminders

If you are utilizing our Kiss n' Ride line in the morning or afternoon, we ask that you please remain in your car and pull up to the sidewalk where staff can help your student get into or out of your car. 

We are having families who are parking their cars illegally in the parking lot and walking their child across the Kiss n' Ride line. If you would like to walk your child up to the door, please park on Wayne or on Brookcrest, and use the sidewalks leading up to the school to ensure our Kiss n' Ride line is moving as quickly and safely as possible.

Please help to keep our students safe and plan ahead on those days when the line might be longer such as when there is rainy weather. Thank you for your patience and continued partnership as a part of the Mason Crest community.

calendar reminder graphic

Important Dates and Upcoming Events

December 16-December 20: Spirit Days of Cheer

December 18: PTO Lebanese Taverna Night

December 20: 5th Grade Field Trip to Poe MS

December 23-January 3: NO SCHOOL-Winter Break Holiday

January 20: NO SCHOOL-Inauguration

January 29: NO SCHOOL-Teacher Workday

January 31: BINGO Night