Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!
We especially appreciate everyone’s efforts to avoid taking extra days off during the upcoming holidays. Just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused absences, can add up to too much lost learning time and leave your child behind in school. This is as true in kindergarten as it is in high school.
The best gift you can give your child is a good education. And the best place to get that education is in school. Every day. On time. Visit our website for more attendance resources.
Above is our Chronic Absenteeism rate as of December 2, 2024. Help us stay under 15% for Chronic Absenteeism! Staying under 15% is part of the VDOE school accreditation requirement.
Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Jennifer Morris at no later than December 15, 2024. Parents are highly encouraged to complete and submit the Optional Parent Questionnaire as well.
The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually. Forms for Full-Time and Part-Time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted.
Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement. Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Jennifer Morris at
Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss the December 15th deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall.
For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.