GBE Happenings 10.02.24

In this week's GBE Happenings:

What's Happening at GBE?!

Picture Day is October 7th! 
Arabic Early Literacy at GBE 
9/26 Family Workshop
AAP Parent Information Meeting 
CHS Haunted House Event 🦇
Give Thanks to GBE- Save the Date
GBE PTA News and Notes🗞️
Follow Us on Socials 💻
In Case You Missed It 📁
Rocking Roadrunner ⭐
PickUp Patrol Reminders 🚗

Rosh Hashanah


Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Wednesday, October 2. That day is an evening-only observance day. Important events will not be held after school. 

Thursday, October 3, is a holiday for all FCPS staff. Schools and offices will be closed. 

Friday, October 4, is a teacher workday and there will be no school for students. 

National Custodian Appreciation Day is TODAY!

We are grateful every day for our custodial team. They work so hard to keep our building clean and safe for all of us!!

National Bullying Prevention Month

National Bullying Prevention Month - October

National Bullying Prevention Month October is National Bullying Prevention Month. To help develop a common understanding of Bullying, below is the FCPS definition. 

Bullying in Students Rights and Responsibilities is defined as: “Any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyberbullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.”

For more information on how FCPS handles a bullying situation please visit the FCPS Bullying Prevention and Intervention webpage. Our goal is to ensure all students feel safe and welcome at school. If you have questions and/or concerns about something that is going on at school, please contact the front office so that they can support you and most importantly your student.  


Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Acoso “Bullying” Octubre es el Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Acoso "Bullying". Para poder desarrollar un entendimiento común del "Bullying", a continuación se encuentra la definición de FCPS. 


El Acoso en los Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Estudiantes se define como:  "Cualquier comportamiento agresivo y no deseado que tiene la intención de dañar, intimidar, o humillar a la víctima; involucra un verdadero o percibido desequilibrio de poder entre el agresor o agresores y la víctima; y se repite en el tiempo o causa trauma emocional severo. El "Bullying" incluye el ciberacoso. "Bullying" no incluye burlas ordinarias, payasadas, discusiones o conflictos entre compañeros".


Para más información sobre cómo FCPS maneja una situación de bullying por favor visite la página web de FCPS de Prevención e Intervención de Bullying. Nuestra meta es asegurar que todos los estudiantes se sientan seguros y bienvenidos en la escuela. Si usted tiene preguntas y/o preocupaciones acerca de algo que está sucediendo en la escuela, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina para que puedan apoyarlo y lo más importante a su estudiante.

Korean: 전국 학교 폭력 예방의

10월은 전국 학교 폭력(학폭) 예방의 달입니다. 아래는 괴롭힘에 대한 일반적인 이해를 돕고자 하는 FCPS의 정의입니다. 


학생의 권리와 책임에 대한 괴롭힘은 다음과 같이 정의됩니다 : “피해자를 해치거나 협박하거나 모욕하기 위한 공격적이고 원치 않는 행동; 가해자 또는 가해자와 피해자 사이의 실제 또는 암묵적 힘의 불균형이 포함됩니다; 반복적이거나 지속적일 때 또는 심리적으로 극심한 트라우마를 불러일으켰을 경우. “학폭”은 온라인 왕따도 포함됩니다. “학폭”은 일반적인 장난, 말장난, 말다툼, 또는 또래 갈등이 해당하지 않습니다.

FCPS가 어떻게 학교폭력을 처리하는지에 대한 관련된 상세 정보는 FCPS 학폭예방 웹사이트에서 보실 수 있습니다. 우리의 목표는 모든 학생이 학교에서 안전하고 환영받을 수 있도록 하는 것입니다. 학교에서 일어나는 일에 대해 질문 또는 우려 사항이 있으시면 학교의 메인 오피스에 연락하여 귀하와 더불어 가장 중요한 학생을 지원할 수 있도록 하십시오. 

Disability History and Awareness Month

Disability History and Awareness Month


Disability History and Awareness Month In Virginia during October, Disability History and Awareness activities provide an opportunity to create greater public awareness for individuals with disabilities, with the goal of full inclusion in our community.

Spanish: Mes de la Historia y la Concienciación sobre la Discapacidad

Durante el mes de octubre, las actividades de concienciación e historia de la discapacidad ofrecen la oportunidad de crear una mayor conciencia pública sobre las personas con discapacidad, con el objetivo de lograr la plena inclusión en nuestra comunidad.

Korean: 장애를 갖은 사람들에 대한 인식개선 역사의 10월 한달동안 장애에 대한 인식개선 및 역사를 대중에 알리고, 장애인 또한 지역사회에 포함되는 일원임을 알리는 목표를 갖고 있습니다.

Farewell Ms. Barreto

We’re so grateful for Ms. Adriana Barreto’s dedication and hard work as a valued member of our team. Her positive attitude, helpful spirit, and can-do approach has made a significant impact on our GBE community. As she embarks on a new chapter, we wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

Thank you for everything, Adriana Barreto!


Picture Day- October 7th

Monday, October 7th, 2024, is GBE School Picture Day for all students.

It’s that time of the year again to capture school memories with portraits by Barksdale.

An order form was sent home in your child’s Wednesday Folder today, to explain detailed information as well as the payment envelope.

Additional order forms will be available in the front office.

You may also choose to pay order online by scanning the QR code on the order form. If you would like to order the picture packet, your child must have the payment envelope or online receipt at the time of his/her picture is taken on Monday, October 7th.


Arabic Early Literacy at GBE

We are thrilled to announce that we are hosting Arabic Early Literacy at GBE. It’s open to all families. 


9/26 Family Workshop

Dear GBE Families,

Families can access the Family Workshop on SR&R and Zones of Regulation below. In addition, you will find attached the presentations that were presented.  Have a great day!


SR&R Presentation

24-25 GBE - SR&R Parent Presentation.pdf 

Zones Presentation

Zones - Parent Presentation 24-25.pdf 

AAP Parent Information Meeting


CHS Haunted House Event

Mark your calendar for one of our local area’s favorite fall events - the Chantilly High School Haunted House! Along with the Haunted House, there will be games, face painting, and refreshments for sale. Proceeds benefit the Chargers Field Hockey, Girls Soccer & Girls Lacrosse programs. Tickets are $10 in advance ($15 at the door). To order your tickets, use the QR code or log on to


Give Thanks to GBE- Save the Date



GBE PTA News and Notes 🗞️

Save the Dates


October 2nd @ all day! : Dominos Pizza @ Greenbriar Town Center 13053 US-50, Fairfax, VA . Use "DN3" on your online or in person order to have a portion come back to the PTA. Money raised goes to a new recreation shed.

October 11@ 6pm: Fall Festival @ GBE Teacher Parking Lot


Visit our website for more information: GBEPTA.ORG




PTA membership

👍Follow Us On Social Media❤️


Want to see more photos and videos of what’s going on at Greenbriar East? Follow us on social media!


👀Looking Ahead 👀

Rosh Hashanah Rosh Hashanah begins at sundown on Wednesday, October 2. That day is an evening-only observance day. Important events will not be held after school. 

Thursday, October 3, is a holiday for all FCPS staff. Schools and offices will be closed. 

Friday, October 4, is a teacher workday and there will be no school for students. 

2nd Annual GBE Night from 6 pm-8 pm! More information coming soon on how your family can sign up to participate! All are invited!


📁 In Case You Missed It 📁

Did you miss a GBE Happenings? Want to take a look at past weekly newsletters? Click this link


⭐ Rocking Roadrunner ⭐

FCPS Cares


Do you want to celebrate a GBE employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way, or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

Lily Shin!!

FCPS CARES submission:

Thank you, Ms. Shin, for helping my child during lunch bunch, and for warmly inviting him to socialize and meet new friends during this activity. Appreciate all the updates on how he is doing, and for providing any observations/recommendations on how to make school a more positive experience.


This information is posted on the FCPS CARES webpage, accessible at


At the conclusion of each calendar month, a committee comprised of HR personnel will review all FCPS CARES submissions for that month. One recipient will be chosen as the CARES of the Month from each Region, along with one from Central office. These individuals will be acknowledged and honored at their respective schools or worksites.


Thank you for your excellent service to FCPS and best wishes for continued success.

Becca Hitchings!!

FCPS CARES submission:

Mrs. Hitchings has gone above and beyond in teaching all her Kindergarten students. Her loving and compassionate nature has really helped her students successfully transition to a new school environment, along with identifying the individual learning needs of each student. Her enthusiasm in creating weekly newsletters and updates to parents on how their child is doing at school is exceptional. She is always putting her best efforts into teaching her students and involving parents in their child's school life; it really shows through on the newsletters she sends out; sometimes they are even emailed on weekends. Her hard work and dedication deserve much recognition and applause.


This information is posted on the FCPS CARES webpage, accessible at


At the conclusion of each calendar month, a committee comprised of HR personnel will review all FCPS CARES submissions for that month. One recipient will be chosen as the CARES of the Month from each Region, along with one from Central office. These individuals will be acknowledged and honored at their respective schools or worksites.


Thank you for your excellent service to FCPS and best wishes for continued success.

Michelle Stroh!!

FCPS CARES submission:

Thank you, Mrs. Stroh, for helping Andrew with his day-to-day activities at school. Especially appreciate your attention to detail on helping him through mealtime, helping him in the cafeteria, and trying to make sure he has opportunities to eat during the school day. Thank you for taking care of Andrew along with your dedication to support all your students in class on making it a positive and loving environment during their transition to a new school.


This information is posted on the FCPS CARES webpage, accessible at


At the conclusion of each calendar month, a committee comprised of HR personnel will review all FCPS CARES submissions for that month. One recipient will be chosen as the CARES of the Month from each Region, along with one from Central office. These individuals will be acknowledged and honored at their respective schools or worksites.


Thank you for your excellent service to FCPS and best wishes for continued success.

Rosanne V Luis Wegman!!

Rosanne V Luis Wegman!!

FCPS CARES submission:

Thank you for going above and beyond with helping my child in his day-to-day activities at school and continuing to encourage and teach him every day. The greatest opportunity to make the biggest difference in a child’s life is when they are having the hardest time. Thank you for being a part of my child’s development journey.


This information is posted on the FCPS CARES webpage, accessible at


At the conclusion of each calendar month, a committee comprised of HR personnel will review all FCPS CARES submissions for that month. One recipient will be chosen as the CARES of the Month from each Region, along with one from Central office. These individuals will be acknowledged and honored at their respective schools or worksites.


Thank you for your excellent service to FCPS and best wishes for continued success.

FCPS CARES submission:

Thank you for going above and beyond with helping my child in his day-to-day activities at school and continuing to encourage and teach him every day. The greatest opportunity to make the biggest difference in a child’s life is when they are having the hardest time. Thank you for being a part of my child’s development journey.


This information is posted on the FCPS CARES webpage, accessible at


At the conclusion of each calendar month, a committee comprised of HR personnel will review all FCPS CARES submissions for that month. One recipient will be chosen as the CARES of the Month from each Region, along with one from Central office. These individuals will be acknowledged and honored at their respective schools or worksites.


Thank you for your excellent service to FCPS and best wishes for continued success.

Pickup Patrol

Use PickUp Patrol to report absences

In emergencies, email or call the front office 

This is a reminder to put your students' absence, arriving late, or leaving school early in Pickup Patrol (PUP). All default plans should be up to date. Make sure you change the default plan anytime you change your students' permanent dismissal. Emails and phone calls are no longer encouraged, except for emergencies. When you enter a change in PUP, it goes directly to your child’s teacher as well as our front office staff. Please remember to provide a reason for the absence, late arrival or early dismissal. Changes must be entered on PUP by 2:30pm each day. If you need assistance setting up your PickUp Patrol account, please reach out to Adriana Barreto at 703-633-6400 or 

Este es un recordatorio para poner la ausencia de sus estudiantes, llegar tarde o salir temprano de la escuela en Pickup Patrol (PUP). Todos los planes predeterminados deben estar actualizados. Asegúrese de cambiar el plan predeterminado cada vez que cambie el despido permanente de sus estudiantes. Ya no se recomiendan los correos electrónicos ni las llamadas telefónicas, excepto en casos de emergencia. Cuando ingresa un cambio en PUP, se envía directamente al maestro de su hijo y al personal de nuestra oficina principal. Recuerde proporcionar el motivo de la ausencia, llegada tardía o salida anticipada. Los cambios deben ingresarse en PUP antes de las 2:30 p. m. todos los días. Si necesita ayuda para configurar su cuenta PickUp Patrol, comuníquese con Adriana Barreto al 703-633-6400 o


هذا تذكير لوضع غياب طلابك أو الوصول متأخرًا أو مغادرة المدرسة مبكرًا في دورية الالتقاط  Pickup Patrol (PUP). يجب أن تكون كافة الخطط الافتراضية محدثة. تأكد من تغيير الخطة الافتراضية في أي وقت تقوم فيه بتغيير الانصراف الدائم لطلابك. لم يعد يتم تشجيع إرسال رسائل البريد الإلكتروني والمكالمات الهاتفية، باستثناء حالات الطوارئ. عندما تقوم بإدخال تغيير في PUP، فإنه يذهب مباشرة إلى معلم طفلك وكذلك موظفي المكتب الأمامي لدينا. يرجى تذكر تقديم سبب الغياب أو الوصول المتأخر أو الانصراف المبكر. يجب إدخال التغييرات على PUP بحلول الساعة 2:30 ظهرًا كل يوم. إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة في إعداد حساب PickUp Patrol الخاص بك، فيرجى التواصل مع Adriana Barreto على الرقم 703-633-6400 أو