Sept. 15 - Oct 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
Oct. 14: Teacher Work Day (NO SCHOOL)
OCt. 21: Early Release Monday 1 PM
Oct. 25: Picture Makeup Day
Oct. 31: Early Release 2 PM
Nov. 1: Diwali (NO SCHOOL)
Nov. 4: Teacher Work Day (NO SCHOOL)
Nov. 5: Election Day (NO SCHOOL)
- National Bullying Prevention Month
- Immunization Clinics for FCPS Students
- Social Studies BASAL
- Lorton Station Chess Club
- African-American Early Lit Classes
- Hispanic American Early Lit Classes
- Hispanic Heritage Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. To help develop a common understanding of Bullying, below is the FCPS definition.
Bullying in Students Rights and Responsibilities is defined as: “Any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and victim; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. “Bullying” includes cyberbullying. “Bullying” does not include ordinary teasing, horseplay, argument, or peer conflict.”
For more information on how FCPS handles a bullying situation please visit the FCPS Bullying Prevention and Intervention webpage. Our goal is to ensure all students feel safe and welcome at school. If you have questions and/or concerns about something that is going on at school, please contact the front office so that they can support you and most importantly your student.
Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Acoso “Bullying”
Octubre es el Mes Nacional de la Prevención del Acoso "Bullying". Para poder desarrollar un entendimiento común del "Bullying", a continuación se encuentra la definición de FCPS.
El Acoso en los Derechos y Responsabilidades de los Estudiantes se define como: "Cualquier comportamiento agresivo y no deseado que tiene la intención de dañar, intimidar, o humillar a la víctima; involucra un verdadero o percibido desequilibrio de poder entre el agresor o agresores y la víctima; y se repite en el tiempo o causa trauma emocional severo. El "Bullying" incluye el ciberacoso. "Bullying" no incluye burlas ordinarias, payasadas, discusiones o conflictos entre compañeros".
Para más información sobre cómo FCPS maneja una situación de bullying por favor visite la página web de FCPS de Prevención e Intervención de Bullying. Nuestra meta es asegurar que todos los estudiantes se sientan seguros y bienvenidos en la escuela. Si usted tiene preguntas y/o preocupaciones acerca de algo que está sucediendo en la escuela, por favor póngase en contacto con la oficina para que puedan apoyarlo y lo más importante a su estudiante.
Safeway Immunization Clinics for All FCPS Students
Safeway Pharmacy will be providing immunizations at Frost Middle School for all FCPS students at no cost on:
- Tuesday, October 8, 3-7 p.m.
- Saturday, October 12, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Monday, October 28, 3-7 p.m.
Walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are highly encouraged to avoid wait times. A parent or guardian must accompany walk-in students under the age of 19 to provide consent. Learn more about immunization resources and registering in other languages for the Safeway clinic.
Elementary School Clinics
The Fairfax County Health Department will provide immunizations for FCPS elementary students on limited early release Mondays at their district offices. All school-required immunizations will be offered at no cost. Call 703-246-7100 to make your appointment.
Middle and High School Clinics
FCPS is partnering with the health department to host immunization clinics at middle and high schools. Clinics will take place during the school day. Students may only participate in the clinic at the school where they are enrolled. Parental/caregiver consent is required for students to receive immunizations.
Please check the Immunization Resources page for clinic locations, dates, and how to submit a consent form.
Social Studies Basal Resources Review
FCPS is adopting Social Studies Basal Resources for the 2025-26 school year. Basal resources are the primary resources used to support instruction in a given subject. Public review of the instructional materials under consideration — which is part of the process for selecting new resources — is underway. Visit the Community Review webpage for more information on how to view the materials online or in person.
All community feedback will be shared with School Board members before they vote to select materials in spring 2025. FCPS adopts basal resources by the process outlined in Regulation 3004.
 National Hispanic Heritage Month
From September 15 to October 15, FCPS recognizes and celebrates the histories and cultures of the members of our community who trace their heritage to Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Learn more about National Hispanic Heritage Month.