Thank you to our PTA for organizing such a fantastic Ice Cream Social!
Note from Dr. Sheers
A special thank you to our PTA in stocking the staff lounge. The treats and thoughtful contributions from parents have truly kept our staff happy and energized during the first weeks of school!
We encourage all families to join the West Springfield PTA. By joining the PTA, it makes the PTAs ability to organize fun events without cost such as our Ice Cream Social.
We are fortunate to have such a dedicated and caring PTA, and we encourage all families to join the PTA to help create a unified and collective effort in supporting West Springfield.
Online Verification Update (OVU) The 2024-25 Online Verification/Update (OVU) packet is available in ParentVue. Please log in to ParentVue to verify your student’s emergency contact information. Instructions and detailed information are available at the following sites: SIS ParentVUE Online Verification/Update (OVU) Packet. Parents should contact the school directly for data corrections that they are not able to update or submit a Parent Support Request ticket for technical assistance in ParentVUE.
Parent Digital Consent Student consent forms currently on ParentVUE were moved to the Parent Digital Consent System (PDC).
Families can log into the PDC using their ParentVUE credentials to complete consent forms assigned to their child. School staff will have access to view consent status and edit consent with permission from the family.
Donations Requested - Thank you! We are looking for the following donations to support our students and/or staff:
Board Games - Gently used games such as board games, cards, uno, etc. Please drop off the office.
K Coffee Cups and Candy - A caffeinated staff, is a happy staff! And, they love a sweet treat as a pick me up throughout the day. Please drop off any K-Cup or candy donations to the office.
Back to School Night Please secure a babysitter and plan accordingly for our Back to School Night on Thursday, September 19.
Volunteer Opportunities We welcome parent volunteers in the classroom and school in a variety of capacities (i.e. guest reader, library helper, cafeteria helper, assist during Language Arts, etc.). If you have any interest in volunteering, please let me know when and in what capacity you can help by filling out this Google Form. All volunteers must review the WSES Volunteer Procedures and complete the agreement form before volunteering.
Parent Handbook Our Parent Handbook is linked here with frequently asked questions on our website here.
School Picture Day School Picture Day is coming Friday, September 20, 2024. Picture day serves as an opportunity to capture your child’s current grade in school. Each child will be photographed, but if your child is out there will be a makeup/retake day. A pre-order link will be shared soon, and you will have the opportunity to order before or after picture day.
Student Arrival/Dismissal Reminders To ensure the safety of our students and to respect our neighbors, please remember to follow these important guidelines:
- If you are within walking distance, please walk to and from school to help reduce traffic.
- Avoid blocking driveways or mailboxes when parking or visiting the school.
- There is no designated Kiss and Ride area, and our parking lot is full. If you drive, you must park in the neighborhood.
- Do not make U-turns in the middle of the road.
- Adhere to the posted speed limits at all times.
- Do not stop and drop off your child on the side of the road. If you need to drop off, please pull over safely.
- Do not park in "No Parking" zones.
- If you see something unsafe, say something.
Everything You Can Do Through SIS ParentVUE Want to easily access back-to-school forms and checklists? Log in to your SIS ParentVUE account to find forms and make updates.
Update Contact Information Be among the first to know about weather closings, bus delays, and other critical communications from your school and FCPS by providing your cell phone number and email in SIS ParentVUE. To update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, click the “Online Packets” tab in the upper right of the screen, then click the “Online Verification/Update” icon.
Parents/caregivers who do not have a SIS ParentVUE account should print and complete the Emergency Care Information Form (PDF) and submit it to their child’s school.
Complete Permission Forms Families can now easily give permission for their children to access a variety of school resources through the Parent Digital Consent system. This online tool can be accessed using your SIS ParentVUE account. Parents can easily opt their child in or out of resources including online educational tools, school counseling services, and tutoring services. They can also change how student information is managed.
Visit the Parent Digital Consent webpage to access the system. Watch this video to see how to use the tool.
Submit Absences Parents can submit daylong absences through SIS ParentVUE. Log in and click “Report Absence.” Note: Partial day absences and changes of transportation should still be reported directly to the school front office.
Don’t Have a SIS ParentVUE Account Yet?Contact your school for an activation code and follow the directions on the SIS ParentVUE Account webpage.
New Attendance Reporting Feature Launching in ParentVUE How to Report an Absence Through ParentVUE
Student Lunch Online payment for student fees and school store items are available through the MySchoolBucks School Store.
Free and Reduced Meals Families can apply here.
FCPS policy on Smart Watches and Cell Phones in elementary school is the following:
- Phones must be silenced and in backpacks for the duration of the school day. Cell phones may be used on campus before and after school only.
- Smart watches that serve a dual purpose may be worn, but the phone features (texting, Internet viewing, and calls) are to be off when phone use is prohibited.
- Students are prohibited from using phones, tablets, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms, unless there is a medical necessity or emergency.
- With the approval of the principal or their designee, teachers may allow usage of cell phones for instructional activities where they are the most appropriate tool; however, one-to-one FCPS devices should meet most needs.
By Andrea Howard
As your family liaison, my goal is to keep you informed about the valuable resources, events, and family engagement opportunities available through WSES, FCPS, and the community.
If you have questions about navigating the school, learning about FCPS resources, or getting your student set up for success, I'm here to help. Please email or call 703-912-4409 to set up an appointment.
Visit the WSES Family Liaison homepage for additional information and resources.
September Webinars Hosted by the Family Resource Center 7 Simple Strategies for Sibling Support Siblings of children with disabilities play essential roles in their families and often experience similar concerns and opportunities as parents. In this interactive, virtual session learn some common issues that siblings experience and seven simple ways parents and providers can help minimize sibling concerns and maximize opportunities to build close bonds with siblings. Join Emily Holl, Director of The Sibling Support Project at Kindering, for this exciting online webinar.
September 6, 2024 10-11:30 A.M.
Register online
Back-to-School Toolkit: Proven Systems for Solving Disorganization, Procrastination, and Missed Deadlines with Ann Dolin Unrelenting patterns of disorganization, procrastination, and late assignments wear down and discourage many parents of students (especially those with ADHD and other learning differences) as the school year grinds on. But it doesn’t have to be this way! In this webinar, Ann will discuss:
- What a system is and why sustainable systems are game changers for kids
- Uncover which type of procrastinator your child is, from crisis-maker to dreamer, and get personalized solutions for each procrastination style
- How your child can effectively use a calendar system to combat procrastination and meet deadlines head-on
- Strategies to help your student maintain order with easy-to-implement organizational routines, like the Clean Sweep and Launching Pad
- Communication starters to develop a relationship of trust at the start of the school year and how to nurture it for a smooth academic journey
Join Educational Connections Founder and President Ann Dolin, M.Ed., an experienced author, educator, and advocate for this important webinar.
September 13, 2024 10-11 a.m.
Register online
The New Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) Participation Decision-Making Tool: Information for Families of Students With Disabilities Join the Office of Special Education Instruction for a live, virtual training event providing an overview of the new Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP) Participation Decision-Making Tool. The overview will include background information regarding changes in the VAAP Participation Criteria Form, as well as information on the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team's implementation of the new tool. Webinar Highlights:
- Learn about significant cognitive learning disabilities
- Implications of VAAP participation on your child
- The new VAAP Decision-Making Tool
September 18, 2024 6:30-8 p.m.
September 19, 2024 10-11:30 a.m.
Register online
Setting Limits and Dealing With Dramatic Resistance It's important to set limits, but sometimes when we try to set them, our kids don't follow them or it takes a tremendous amount of energy to enforce them. In this webinar, you'll learn:
- How to set effective limits to reduce the likelihood of resistance.
- How to deal with dramatic reactions that do occur -- in a way that boosts your influence and your child's resilience.
Join Rachel Bailey, parenting expert and coach for this important webinar.
September 20, 2024, 10-11:30 a.m.
Register online
Save the Date
Friday, August 30 and Monday, September 1 - Student Holiday
Monday, September 16 - Three Hour Early Release at 12:30 pm
Thursday, September 19 - Back to School Night (adult only)
- 5:30 - 6:15 Kindergarten and First Grade
- 6:15 - 7:00 Second, Third Grade and Fourth (*time change for 4th)
- 7:00 - 7:45 Fifth and Sixth Grade
Friday, September 20 - Fall Picture Day
Wednesday, October 9 - Walk to School Day
WSES 3-Hour Early Release Mondays:
- September 16
- October 21
- November 18
- February 10
- March 10
- April 21
- May 12