Message from the Principal


Greetings Saxons,


The start of the school year in Saxon Country has been truly exceptional. Our students have seamlessly adapted to their new schedules and teachers, and we're excited about the promising year ahead. While there's not much to report this week, I do have a couple of important reminders.


I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to each of you for your ongoing support and partnership in creating a positive learning environment for all our scholars. As we prioritize academic excellence, we must also ensure our children's physical safety. Please remind your students of the importance of safe pedestrian practices. Before crossing the street, they should look left, right, left again, and make eye contact with approaching drivers. They should only cross when they have the right of way or if a driver has yielded.


Additionally, we've noticed instances of unsafe driving in our parking lot during arrival and dismissal times. Please remember that the speed limit on school property is 15 MPH. Given the high volume of pedestrian traffic, it's crucial for everyone to be alert and mindful of their surroundings while on school grounds.


Thank you for your help in keeping our children safe. I wish you and your family a wonderful and restful weekend.
