Message from the Principal


Greetings Saxons,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. As we prepare for Monday, teachers and staff are eagerly awaiting the return of students to the building. Many hours of work and preparation have been put in to ensure a fantastic start for each student. Our goal for the year is to provide rich learning opportunities and incredible outcomes for all.

As students return to Langley, there are some items to keep in mind.

  • Construction on Georgetown Pike/495 is ongoing. Please plan accordingly if you plan to drop off your student or you have a student driver.
  • For those utilizing Kiss and Ride, please follow the established traffic pattern.
    • Upon entering the main lot, proceed to the far right.
    • Make a left at the row parallel to the stadium.
    • Turn left and proceed to Door 14 for drop off.
  • Langley Oaks is not to be used for student drop off or pick up.
  • Only seniors with a driver’s license and no outstanding school obligations will be eligible to purchase parking permits.
    • We are working to determine how many spaces may be available for junior drivers. Please be patient as we work through this process.
  • We have a closed campus. Once students arrive on property, they may not leave, or return to their vehicles, until the end of the school day.
  • Please keep your student home if they aren’t feeling well. While learning is important, we must do all we can to keep Saxon Country well.
    • When your student is absent, or if they need to arrive late or leave early, please follow the procedures outlined on the  attendance page of the school website.
  • Please remind your student of the updated expectations related to cell phone usage during the school day.
    • Students in grades 9-12: Phones must be silenced and put away during all instructional periods. Phone accessories are also to be silenced and away when phone use is prohibited. Smart watches that serve a dual purpose may be worn, but the phone features (texting, Internet viewing, and calls) are to be off when phone use is prohibited. Phones can be stored in a locker or backpack during the day. Students are prohibited from using phones, tablets, and other mobile devices in restrooms and locker rooms, unless there is a medical necessity or emergency.  Teachers may allow usage of cell phones for instructional activities when appropriate. Cell phones may be used on campus before the first bell, after the last bell, during passing periods, and lunches.
  • If your student has forgotten their cafeteria PIN number, there will be assistance available during all lunches on Monday.
  • Food deliveries are not allowed during the school day.
  • To ensure proper supervision, the building is not open for students until 7:40 a.m.

Now that we’ve gotten the reminders out of the way, I would like to officially welcome our freshmen and transfer families to Langley High School. We are thrilled that you’re here. We will do all we can to ensure that your student has a phenomenal high school experience. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you over the course of the school year. If there’s anything that you or your student needs, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

It was wonderful to welcome new students to Saxon Country during yesterday’s orientations. Thank you to all of the students, staff, parents and coaches who helped to make them an overwhelming success. We hope students and families found the event helpful. Here are a few pictures from the events.




Here’s to a great year!
