Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, June 12- Last Day of School- Dismissal at 2pm
If your student has any medications or belongings in the Health Room, please pick them up as soon as possible. The Health Room is open from 9am to 4pm Monday through Friday, you can call ahead at (703)-295-1112 to confirm availability. If your student's medication is not picked up by a parent or guardian by the last day of school the student's medication will be destroyed. Medications cannot be sent home with your student. Direct questions to Mary Deschene at 703-295-1112/mdeschene@fcps.edu or
Tiffany Khattar at 571-585-4079/tkhattar@fcps.edu.
The Crossfield Green Team
Our Be/Bee Garden is complete! Planted with Virginia natives such as Wild Bergamot, Purple Coneflower and Coreopsis, it is ready to welcome pollinators by providing a space for food, nesting and resting. We are very proud of the 5th grade Green Team members Amelia Campanelli, Cora Weber, Marie Podhajny, James Granado, Alana Meloni, and Henry Goldsmith, who’s hard work created this special oasis for our insect friends. Many thanks also to our plant contributors Angela Crandlemire, Girl Scout Troop 56050, Joanna Cotter, Emily Sareen, the PTO and Merrifield Garden Center. Please come by to visit, and if you choose to take a blank rock, decorate with an inspirational message, and return to the garden when finished.
Kindergarten Registrations 24-25
If you have rising Kindergarten, please fill out our Kindergarten Registration Intake Form. https://crossfieldes.fcps.edu/student-services/kindergarten-and-student-registration
Your form will be submitted to Kristy Kim, our school’s Student Information Assistant, who will be able to assist you with the registration process.
Contact: Kristy Kim
Student's Intention for 2024-25 School Year
If your student is not returning to Crossfield ES this fall, please contact Kristy Kim at kskim1@fcps.edu or submit the Withdrawal Form.
Looking to give your child a learning boost this summer?
FCPS Family Resource Center has compiled a list of tutors for hire.
Visit the Family Resource Page for more information or contact your Family Liaison, Simi Sitaram at ssitaram@fcps.edu for a list of tutors.
Link to FCPS website on tutoring: https://www.fcps.edu/family-resources/tutoring-options-fcps
The Sibshop workshops are for children in grades 2-6 enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools who have siblings with special needs to:
- Meet other siblings in a relaxed setting.
- Celebrate the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of children with special needs.
- Share sibling experiences and receive peer support.
- Play games and have fun!
June 28, 2024, 9 a.m.- noon
Leis Center (map) 7423 Camp Alger Ave Falls Church, VA 22042
Register for this event
School Year Calendar
To assist with your planning, view the FCPS 2024-2025 standard school year calendar here. Any changes will be communicated as early as possible.
Summer Camps - Sponsored by the Oakton Athletic Booster Club
This summer the Oakton Athletics Booster is hosting several sports camps. Please see this website for more information. Camps are being hosted for a wide range of student age groups. We hope to see some current and future Cougars! More information can be found here. |
Youth Camp
Back-To-School Supplies
It's never too early to start thinking about school supplies, and 1st Day School Supplies makes your life easier by providing kits for sale. So skip traveling to multiple stores to get your kiddos' school supplies and consider ordering online:
The order deadline is July 1.
Kits will be mailed to your home at least two weeks before the 1st day of school.
Broadway Summer
Part-time Dining Assistant Needed
The position for dining assistant, to work alongside Mrs. Elias, has been posted. Please contact our administrative assistant, Mrs. Eaton, at maeaton@fcps.edu for more information.
We are also open to hiring part-time dining assistants, working only certain days of the week or certain hours.
The official job posting is here.
Parent Vue
Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.
FCPS offers free online tutoring to all students anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Tutors can help you with reading, math, and so much more! You can connect by text-chat or voice. Tutors are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin/Chinese and French. Students can access Tutor.com through their Schoology account.
Tutor.com for Elementary School Students
Link to FCPS website on tutoring: https://www.fcps.edu/family-resources/tutoring-options-fcps
Contact Simi Sitaram, Crossfield Family Liaison at ssitaram@fcps.edu
My School Bucks
Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school.https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application
Opt-out Forms