Crossfield News - 5/1/24

Breakfast with Buddies 

Breakfast with Buddies is coming up on May 14th & 15th! Students may invite buddies (i.e. parent, grandparent, neighbor) for a donut, juice, and coffee breakfast before school in the cafeteria. This year we’ll have a small pop-up bookfair during the event! You won't want to miss it.  

  • Tuesday, May 14, 8:15-9:00am (A-L suggested)
  • Wednesday, May 15, 8:15-9:00am (M-Z suggested) *If you have schedule constraints, feel free to attend either day

Mark your calendar & RSVP now! Sponsored by the Crossfield PTO.

Volunteers are needed to help make these favorite annual events happen! Please sign-up here to help.