Crossfield News - 4/30/24

Upcoming Dates: 

Friday, May 3- Teacher Workday. No School

Monday, May 6- Rising Kindergarten Info Meeting-Virtual (link will be emailed)

Tuesday, May 7- SOL  Test-Reading Grades 3-6

Wednesday, May 9- 5th Grade Field Trip 7:30am- 3:30pm

Monday, May 13- 4th Grade Field Trip 9:30-1:30

Tuesday, May 14 & Wednesday, May 15- Breakfast with Buddies

Thursday, May 16- SOL Test - Math Grades 3-6

Tuesday, May 21- SOL Test- Science Grade 5, Chorus Concert 7pm

Monday, May 27- Memorial Day- No School

Wednesday, May 29- Band Concert 7pm

Friday, May 31- Kindergarten Authors' Tea 9:30am

Tuesday, June 4- Field Day 9:30am-12pm

Monday, June 10 - 6th Grade Promotion Ceremony

Wednesday, June 12- Last Day of School- Dismissal at 2pm

Teacher Week

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is right around the corner! The PTO cannot wait to show how much our community appreciates the hard work of every staff member at Crossfield. We have a full week of fun planned for the staff and are seeking donations for the 3rd Annual "Stock the Staff Lounge" (Monday May 6th) and a Wonka Theme Dessert Bar and Raffle (Thursday May 9th).  Please sign up HERE if you are able to help. Please reach out to if you have any questions. Thank you!

Class Placement Parental Input

If you have input for Mr. Granieri regarding classroom placement for the 2024-25 school year, please email between now and May 31. This email is only accessible by Mr. Granieri and Mrs. Fant.

Oakton Pyramid Art Show

Please join us to view a selection of beautiful art works from the students of the Oakton Pyramid. The show can be viewed at Oakton High School April 29-May 9. Exhibition space is limited for each school and we were not able to display work from all students. We hope our community enjoyed seeing ALL of our students' work at the Crossfield Multicultural and Art Fest. Invitations will be sent home to the parents of the student artists who will have pieces available for viewing. We hope that all will come out to support our young and talented artists!

Kindergarten Registration for 24-25

Please register your rising Kindergarten students as soon as possible. Contact our registrar, Mrs. Kim, at to schedule an appointment.

Rachel Carson MS PTA

Now Accepting Nominations

Believe it or not, the Rachel Carson PTA is already planning for the 2024-2025 school year! Are you or is someone you know enthusiastic about supporting Rachel Carson and all of its students, teachers, and staff? We are soliciting nominations for several positions that will be open next year including:

  • President
  • - oversees and coordinates the executive board to effectively run the PTA; presides at PTA board and association meetings; serves as the official contact, communicator, and representative of the PTA
  • Recording Secretary
  • - records Minutes at Board and association meetings; maintains and preserves PTA records and documents to pass on at the end of term
  • Financial Assistant
  • - works closely with the treasurer and other financial officers in handling PTA funds; deposits funds in the PTA bank account and reconciles the bank account monthly
  • VP of Fundraising and Social Events
  • - oversees and coordinates with individual event Chairpersons for PTA fundraising and social activities
  • Membership Chair
  • - works with the membership committee to create and implement the annual membership campaign;
  • promotes membership throughout the year; provides membership reports at PTA board and association meetings.
  • Basketball Game Chair
  • - works closely with the RCMS After School Activities Specialist and the LHMS PTA Basketball Chair to plan and execute the annual RCMS vs. LHMS Basketball Game event
  • Restaurant Spirit Night Chair
  • - arranges and coordinates for restaurant spirit nights throughout the school year
  • STEAM Night Chair
  • - arranges and coordinates a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) event

Current Board members will assist new members with the transition. Please email if you are interested or know of someone who would make a great addition to our team!


Sneaker Collection Fundraiser

Got Sneakers?

Monday, April 15 - Friday, May 3

Bring your old Sneakers to Crossfield! The PTO is sponsoring a sneaker recycling program. We will be collecting pairs of sneakers in the lobby from April 15-May 3. The sneakers will be sent to GotSneakers which is a recycling organization that will pay Crossfield for the sneakers we donate. They will recirculate or recycle the sneakers. To learn more visit

Support Oakton HS Band

Support the Oakton HS Bands by eating at MOD Pizza in Vienna ANY TIME on Tuesday, May 7. Mention "Oakton Band" OR order online through the MOD app or website, using code: "MODGIVES25" and 25% of proceeds will go to the Band! Feel free to share the flyer and make sure to tell everyone to mention "Oakton Band" at MOD Pizza on May 7!

SOL Testing

To prepare for testing, please, encourage students to get a full night’s sleep, have something nutritious for breakfast, and send them to school on time with a positive mindset. If your child requires morning medication, remind your child to take the med and consider sharing the brain/focus benefit to them. Encourage your child to attend to/read instructions for each question, particularly if they should mark more than one answer. Consider sending them off with a positive message, such as: “Do the best you can.”, “Your first choice is usually correct. Don't change an answer unless you have a good reason to do so.”, “Relax, breathe, and read directions carefully.”, “If you are not sure, choose the answer you believe is best and move on.”, “You’ve got this!”. There are many, many more samples available; search “test taking tips for elementary students”.

Grades 3-6 Reading May 7, Tuesday 9:30 start time. Students have up to the end of the school day to complete their assessment.

Grades  3-7 Math, May 16, Thursday 9:30 start time. Students have up to the end of the school day to complete their assessment.

Grade 5 Science, May 21, Thursday 10:35 start time. Students have up to the end of the school day to complete their assessment.

We will pull students who were absent for make-ups throughout the first attempt window ending on May 24. Eligible retakes begin on May 28th. Parents will be notified after their child’s first attempt completion if their score is between 375-399. Parental permission is required for students to retest.  Additional information on Standards of Learning (SOL) Assessments can be found at:

You are welcome to contact Barbara Fant, School Testing Coordinator, or by calling the main office (703-295-1100) to schedule a phone or in-person conference regarding SOL assessments.

Summer Camps

The resources are provided for informational purposes only. They do not reflect recommendations or endorsements by Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) or the FCPS Family Resource Center.

Part-time Dining Assistant Needed

The position for dining assistant, to work alongside Mrs. Elias, has been posted. Please contact our administrative assistant, Mrs. Eaton, at for more information.

We are also open to hiring part-time dining assistants, working only certain days of the week or certain hours. 

The official job posting is here.


FCPS offers free online tutoring to all students anytime, anywhere, on any device

Tutors can help you with reading, math, and so much more! You can connect by text-chat or voice. Tutors are available in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin/Chinese and French. Students can access through their Schoology account. for Elementary School Students


Contact Simi Sitaram, Crossfield Family Liaison at

Parent Vue

Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.

My School Bucks

Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application

Opt-out Forms