Thoreau Matters
April 19, 2024
School Spirit Week:
Monday, April 22 – USA Day
Tuesday, April 23 – Comfy/PJ Day
Wednesday, April 24 – Student/Teacher Swap
Thursday, April 25 – Culture Day
Friday, April 26 – Celebrity Day
Upcoming Dates:
Friday, May 3 - NO SCHOOL - Teacher Work Day (office open 8am - 1pm)
Monday, May 27 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
Student Intention Forms
Moving this summer? If your family plans include relocation, please notify us by completing the Intention Form and send it to Ms. Karla Macoto - at your earliest convenience.
SOL Test Calendar
The SOL assessment schedule can be found below. The testing schedule will impact the bell schedule each day. Please avoid prearranged student absences on the dates your child will be taking an SOL test. More information regarding middle school SOLs is available on the SOL assessments webpage.
7th grade
8th grade
May 9th
Science SOL (Except for the Turtle Team)
May 13th
Science SOL (Turtle Team)
May 15th
Reading SOL
Reading SOL
May 17th
Math SOL
Math SOL
Scheduled as needed throughout window
For any student who receives a score of 375-399, they will be offered a retake. Thoreau staff will make parent phone calls to obtain parent permission and teachers will provide remediation to students.
Retakes will occur May 28th-31st.
If you have any questions regarding testing, please contact Thoreau’s school test coordinator, Erin Lynch (703.846.8058 or
Offer Your Feedback: Upcoming School Health Services Satisfaction Survey April 15 - 26, 2024
The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) and Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) School Health Services invites parents/guardians of FCPS students to participate in a survey requesting feedback on the level of satisfaction with School Health services provided to the school community.
FCHD employs school health aides and public health nurses who provide school health services to the students in FCPS. To determine the quality of these services, a survey has been developed by the FCHD to be shared with all parents or guardians who interact with the school health rooms. The survey will open on April 15, 2024 and will remain open until April 26, 2024. The survey should take approximately five minutes to complete.
Submit your survey.
VIP Summer Camp!
Registration Link:
Mental Health in Childhood
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with children’s physical and mental health. Mental health disorders such as ADHD and anxiety are the most commonly diagnosed in children, which commonly occurs together. Anxiety are feelings of worry, apprehension or dread that something bad is going to happen. Children diagnosed with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors, or be overly active. Early diagnosis and appropriate services for children and their families can make a difference in the lives of children with mental health disorders.
Anxiety related triggers are lonely and frightening emotional responses related to situations, persons, places or objects. Today’s sources of stress for our students include: increased coursework and graduation requirements, extracurricular activities, household responsibilities, and social media. Social media has been a great way to increase connection and communication, but for our young people it contributes to shorter attention spans and information overload. Signs of anxiety include appearing worried, irritable or nervous, restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, along with physical symptoms such as sleeping problems, headaches, and stomach aches. It is understandable for a parent to be worried because figuring out what to do is hard. Here are five simple ways to respond to teens with anxiety:
- Recognize warning signs.
- Guide your child to take a few deep breaths to slow things down.
- Make sure your child understands you are available if they need to talk.
- Acknowledge your child’s feelings and avoid downplaying situations or issues.
- Help them come up with ways to deal with the situation next time.
For general questions about the FCPS Substance Abuse Prevention Program, please contact the Office of Student Safety & Wellness at: 571.423.4270.
Sources & Resources:
For Further Information & Support:
Michael McNulty
Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist
Oakton HS Dance Team 2024-25 Tryout Information Meeting
If you are interested in trying out for the Oakton High School Dance Team for the 2024-25 season, there will be two virtual informational meetings Thursday, April 25 at either 3:15pm or 7:00pm (sign up to receive the Google Meet link here). Coach Rowley will give out tryout information and answer questions about what a year on dance team is like, as well as the tryout process.
Oakton HS Dance Team Spring Prep Clinic
If you love to dance and are interested in trying out for the Oakton High School Dance team for the 2024-25 school year or the year after, the Dance Team is holding a Prep Clinic May 20, 22, 28, and 30 from 4-6pm at Oakton HS, open to students in grades 7-11! The clinic will teach a variety of skills and choreography that will be helpful for preparing for tryouts. If you are interested in participating in the Dance Team Prep Clinic, complete the Spring Prep Clinic Interest Form to receive the registration form and information. If you have questions, please reach out to Coach Rowley at
Oakton HS Dance Team 2024-25 Tryouts
If you love to dance and want to be involved in your school, come try out for the Oakton High School Dance Team! Tryouts will be held June 10, 12, and 13 for the 2024-25 team selection. Not sure if you have all of the skills for dance team?? Fill out the form and come to tryouts anyway! You will have the opportunity to learn skills there, and dancers are often selected based on potential ability to pick up the needed skills! Sign up to get more information about tryouts with this Tryout Interest Form link. Check out the Dance Team website for more information about the team and what to prepare for tryouts. Contact Coach Rowley at with questions.
Check out the attached flyer with QR codes and links to our various dance opportunities related to tryouts and preparing for tryouts this spring!
Oakton HS Dance Team Junior Summer Dance Camp
All rising 1st-8th graders who love to dance are invited to attend camp this summer on Tuesday, Thursday & Friday, June 18, 20 & 21 from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm at Oakton High School. Participants will learn choreography and technique with OHS Dance Team dancers and coaches. The campers will have the opportunity to perform a routine at the end of the week. Each day there will be a craft, snack time, and team building activities. For more information and to register go to
Thoreau After-School Program
After-School clubs & late buses occur on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between the hours of 2:25pm - 4:45pm for the remainder of the school year!
Week of April 22nd - April 26th
Email Ms. Colleen Myers at or call 703.846.8089.