Runner Express


April 20: Earth Day

April 22 - 23: Passover

April 24: Administrative Professional Day

April 26: Multicultural Night 6 - 8 PM

May 6 - 10: Teacher Appreciation/Spirit Week

  • Monday: Favorite Sports Team Day
  • Tuesday: Twin with your teacher and a friend day (Twin Day)
  • Wednesday: Kindness Day (Write a note to a teacher and wear a shirt with kind words)
  • Thursday: Cape Day (Wear a superhero cape to represent your superhero teacher)
  • Friday: Show your class pride and wear your class colors!!!
    • 6th - Blue
    • 5th - White
    • 4th - Red
    • 3rd - Green
    • 2nd - Orange
    • 1st - Yellow
    • K - Tie Dye


  • May 6: 3rd Grade Reading SOL
  • May 7: 4th Grade Reading SOL
  • May 8: 5th Grade Reading SOL
  • May 9: 6th Grade Reading SOL
  • May 13: 3rd Grade Math SOL
  • May 14: 4th Grade Math SOL
  • May 15: 5th Grade Math SOL
  • May 16: 6th Grade Math SOL
  • May  21: 5th Grade Science SOL


Our very own Liwam spoke before several VIP guests including US Representative Gerry Connolly and EPA Administrator Adam Ortiz about the importance of clean air and EV buses.


Congratulations to the students with artwork featured in the Hayfield Pyramid Art Show this past Thursday, April 19th. We are incredible proud of our student artists and were thrilled to see so many students and their families participate in this event

Principal Message

Dear Roadrunner Families,

It was such a thrill to see our roadrunners showcasing their knowledge and talents at both the Hayfield Art Show and the announcement of new electric vehicles at Lorton Station. Everyday I am excited but the great heights our students achieve and the impact they will make on our future. When you see their artistic gifts, coupled with their drive to save our environment, I know we are in great hands for the future.


Warm Regards,

Dr. Legagneur, Ms. Champion, Ms. Kayes, Mr. Barton

  • SEL Screener Results Coming Soon
  • Hayfield Pyramid Art Show
  • Lorton Station Multicultural Night
  • 2024 Yearbook Sale
  • Lost and Found
  • Kindergarten Registration

Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

FCPS students in grades 3-12 took the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener during March, providing updated information on skills such as achieving goals, understanding and managing emotions, establishing and maintaining relationships with adults and peers, and making responsible decisions. The SEL Screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. 

In late April, individual student SEL Screener results will be available for families in the Documents section of SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent via postal mail. 

Get more information about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For support in understanding your individual student’s results or ideas on how to support them at home, please review the Family Guide or contact your student’s [teacher or counselor]. 

Spanish:Estudiantes de FCPS en grados 3-12 tomaron la Encuesta de Aprendizaje Social y Emocional (SEL) durante marzo, proveyendo información actualizada en habilidades como alcanzar metas, entender y manejar emociones, establecer y mantener relaciones con adultos y compañeros, y tomar decisiones responsables. El SEL Screener también ayuda a los estudiantes a evaluar los esfuerzos de su comunidad escolar para que se sientan valorados, incluidos y apoyados. A finales de abril, los resultados individuales del SEL Screener estarán disponibles para las familias en la sección Documentos de SIS ParentVUE. Para las familias que no tengan una cuenta activa en ParentVUE, los resultados se enviarán por correo postal. Para más información sobre el cuestionario, por favor visite la página web del cuestionario de Aprendizaje Social-Emocional (SEL). Para obtener ayuda para entender los resultados individuales de su estudiante o ideas sobre cómo apoyarlos en casa, por favor revise la Guía Familiar o póngase en contacto con el maestro o consejero de su estudiante.


Multicultural Night

As we approach Multicultural Night, we want to ensure everyone has a chance to share their unique cultural heritage. As a school with a wide range of families from every state and worldwide, your family culture is valued, and we want to celebrate it. Please share your heritage with the LSES community! Share info about:

  • Your home country
  • Your home state/region in the United States
  • Places you’ve been stationed while in the military
  • A country in which you’ve lived, visited, or are interested
  • A part of Virginia (Coast/ Western VA, Middle VA, Richmond, etc..) your family closely associates with



Yearbook Orders

If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook for the 2023 - 2024 school year, please click on the link in the flyer.


Our Lost and FOund monster has once again become full of the coats and water bottles of the Lorton Station roadrunners in the building. If you can, please stop by the building and help slim the monster down 1 coat at a time.


It’s Kindergarten Registration Time!

Attending kindergarten provides children with an opportunity to learn and practice the essential social, emotional, problem-solving, and self-regulation skills they will use throughout their lives. Our school typically conducts kindergarten registration events, including orientation, in the spring during March or April. Eligible children can also be registered throughout the summer, but registering your child early helps us plan, so that we have the teachers and resources needed on the first day of school. 

Prepare for registration by gathering documents and completing forms. We are happy to support families with registration and the transition to kindergarten. For more information in other languages, visit FCPS’ Kindergarten Registration webpage.

¡Es El Momento de Inscribirse al Kindergarten!

Asistir al kindergarten les ofrece a los niños la oportunidad de aprender y practicar las habilidades sociales, emocionales, de resolución de problemas y de autorregulación que usarán durante toda su vida. Nuestra escuela normalmente lleva a cabo eventos de registro para el kindergarten, incluyendo la orientación, en la primavera durante marzo o abril. Los niños que cumplen con los requisitos también pueden inscribirse durante el verano, pero inscribir a su hijo con anticipación nos ayuda a planificar, de modo que tengamos los maestros y los recursos necesarios el primer día de clases. 

Para prepararse para la inscripción, reúna los documentos y complete los formularios. Estamos encantados de ayudar a las familias con la inscripción y la transición al kindergarten. Para obtener más información en otros idiomas, visite la página web de FCPS Registro para el Kindergarten.