Falcon Fanfare Week of April 8th


Samantha Goldstein- Principal 


Meghan Ehrman- Assistant Principal


Joan Carter- Interim Assistant Principal



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Upcoming Events

April 8-Yearbook Order Deadline

April 10- Eid al-Fitr (Holiday-school closed)

April 15-19- Month of the Military Child Spirit Week

April 19-Field Day




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A Message from Principal Goldstein


Dear Fairview Families,

I hope you have enjoyed this beautiful weekend. Our students and staff are thrilled about the solar eclipse that is set to grace our skies tomorrow. This rare celestial event presents a wonderful opportunity for our students to witness the marvels of our universe. We encourage everyone to take proper precautions while observing this phenomenon and to embrace the awe-inspiring beauty of nature. We are grateful for the National Science Foundation who donated 800 pairs of glasses to our school. 

I want to extend my gratitude to Mrs. Valentine, our Librarian, and all the dedicated volunteers who contributed to the success of our recent book fair night. Your hard work and commitment to promoting literacy within our school community are truly commendable.

Furthermore, a big thank you goes out to the PTA for organizing a fantastic event last Friday night. Your efforts in creating enjoyable experiences for our students and families are invaluable.

Make sure to read this week's newsletter which includes the last day for yearbook orders and our parent sign up for Field Day!



Samantha Goldstein


Our staff would like to send a huge THANK YOU to Girl Scout troop 54120 who provided lunch for all of the Fairview staff on the Tuesday teacher workday.

Girl ScoutsBookFair

When: Friday, April 5th- Thursday, April 11th

Students will have/have had the opportunity to shop during their library class times (see schedule below). Students who are absent on their library day, will have an opportunity to shop on Thursday, April 11. Cash, Checks, Credit Cards, and eWallet are all accepted. Click on the link for eWallet information.  https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/articles/ewallet.html

Would you like to volunteer?https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A084DADA82BA64-48846671-spring

Questions? Please contact Ellen Valentine elvalentine@fcps.edu

Friday 4/5

10:20-10:50 Birnbaum and Geyer

10:50-:11:20 Coulter and Harrison

11:50-12:20 Gilchrist

12:20-1:10 6th grade non chorus students

1:20-1:50 Ridpath

1:50-2:20 Stebbins

2:20-2:50 Honeycutt

2:50-3:20 Marsaw

Monday 4/8

10:30-11:00 Johnson

11:50-12:20 Kesecker

1:20-1:50 Minnis

1:50-2:20- Killian 

2:20-2:50 Lee

2:50-3:20 Millard

3:20-3:50 Nabywaniec

Tuesday 4/9

10:30-11:00 Hayes

11:50-12:20 Roca

12:20-12:50 Minnick

1:50-2:20 Carter

2:20-2:50 Sakell

2:50-3:20 Gates

3:20-3:50 Bogart

Thursday 4/10

10:45-11:15 Wilder

11:50-12:20 Barrett

1:20-1:50 Wilbur

1:50-2:20 Ryan

2:20-:2:50 Thomas

2:50-3:20 Sefrin

3:20-3:50 Alvarez

Last Call for Yearbooks!

Yearbooks are on sale now!  Price is $16.  Order online at www.strawbridge.net, online code:YB28140.  

The deadline to order is April 8, 2024.



Month of the Military Child Spirit Week

Spirit Week

field Day

Fairview Field Day-Volunteers Needed

Fairview will be holding our annual Field Day on Friday, April 19th. Grades K-3 will rotate through their Field Day stations from 9:30-11:30 and grades 4-6 will rotate from 1:45-3:45. When you come down to the gym that morning, or afternoon, there will be a sheet to sign-up for a station to run for the time slot you have signed up for. It will be on a desk by the PE office.

Students are encouraged to bring hats, sunscreen (already applied), and plastic water bottles clearly marked with their name. Please make sure your child dresses appropriately for activity.

In order for the events to be successful, we need parents to volunteer to help at stations and a First Aid Station. We also need ice pops, plastic cups, cases of water, coolers, and canopies. Please take a look at this signup genius and identify how you can help.

Kindergarten Orientation-New Date!


Please note that the date of Fairview’s Kindergarten Orientation has been changed to TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 4:45-6:00 PM

Detailed information about Kindergarten Orientation will be provided to those who sign up for the Kindergarten Orientation – https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E094FABA622A57-47923299-kindergarten.

Please let us know if you have a rising Kindergarten student – a child who will be 5 years old on or before September 30, 2024.  If you have a neighbor or friend who has a rising Kindergartner, please ask them to call Fairview at 703-503-3700. 

Your assistance with identifying our incoming Kindergarten class is greatly appreciated.

SOL Testing-May

Students in grades 3-6 will be participating in Spring SOLs in the month of May. Please mark your calendars! If you know you will be out of town for any of the days your child is scheduled to test, please reach out to their classroom teacher, or Meghan Ehrman mrehrman@fcps.edu to make alternate plans. If you have specific questions regarding the SOL assessments, please speak with your child’s classroom teacher.




3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade


Thursday, May 16

Thursday, May 16

Tuesday, May 7

Tuesday, May 7


Wednesday, May 22

Wednesday, May 22

Wednesday, May 15

Wednesday, May 15




Tuesday, May 21



🏫 Advertised Budget Focuses on Schools and Instruction




Investing in excellence means putting our dollars where it matters most — schools and instruction. Nearly 93% of FCPS full-time staff work directly in our schools. And nearly 86% of FCPS’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Advertised Budget is dedicated to instructional programs across all grade levels, including special education. 

Only 5% of the advertised budget is for general support and central administration. Central office administrators represent only 0.8% of total full-time positions.

For more details on FCPS’ advertised budget, view budget documents, including the FY 2025 Budget Book. 

Check out the Budget Calendar for important dates in the budget process as well as opportunities for the community to provide feedback.  

Lexia Parent Night


Attend a virtual information night to learn about Lexia on Tuesday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. Participants will discover how FCPS is integrating this program into the classroom to support student literacy growth. Tips for supporting students at home will also be shared. Integrating Lexia into the literacy curriculum aligns with the Virginia Literacy Act, FCPS’ Equitable Access to Literacy, and FCPS’ 2023-30 Strategic Plan Goal 3, which aims to have all students reading on level by the end of third grade.

PTA Events/News

Help Find Next Year's PTA Leaders

Are you interested in becoming a PTA leader or know someone who you would like to nominate? The following positions are open for the 2024-2025 school year:

  • President:
    • Serves as principal executive officer of the PTA. Supervises and controls activities of the PTA. Presides and participates in all executive and membership meetings. Assumes ex officio membership of all committees except the nominating committee. 
  • 1st Vice President:
    • Acts as an aide to the president and performs the president's duties in the absence or inability of the president. Serves as Fundraising Chair or works with the community to delegate.
  • 2nd Vice President: 
    • Acts as an aide to the president and performs the president's duties in the absence or inability of the president. Serves as Programs Chair.  
  • Secretary
    • Records the minutes of all meetings of the PTA. Keeps the official copy of the local unit’s bylaws. Maintains a committee membership list as required by the Virginia PTA. Helps with PTA outreach.  
  • Treasurer:
    • Has charge and custody of all the funds and fiscal reporting duties of the association. Keeps a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures. Makes disbursements and is authorized by the President. Remits dues for membership to the Virginia PTA and National PTA offices. Presents a written financial statement at PTA meetings, if necessary, or when requested by the executive board. Prepares an annual financial report.

If you're interested or would like to nominate someone, contact the Nominations Committee at nominations@fairviewpta.org by 8:00 pm EST on May 1st, 2024. 

Please refer to the VA PTA Bylaws available on the Fairview PTA website for detailed information on the PTA’s election rules and process.


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