Dear Freedom Hill Families,
Thank you to everyone who made the end of the 3rd quarter a blast! We have seen many community members supporting field trips, the Book Fair, Read-A-Thon, Watch D.O.G.S., staff appreciation, and much more. Your support makes many of these events possible for our students and enhances their opportunities each day. Thank you!
The school building will be closed this week for Spring Break. This is a great time to reserve a copy of the Yearbook, sign up for spring after-school programs (today is the deadline!), order Spiritwear (deadline also today) and provide our school with your feedback by taking the FCPS Family Engagement Survey below.
We'll see everyone on April 3 when school resumes for the beginning of the 4th quarter! Wishing you a safe, restful time this week with your student(s), wherever your plans take you. Thank you for your continued support of our school community.
In partnership,
Nicholas Zapadka, Principal
Eric Kopacz, Assistant Principal
2023-24 FCPS School Calendar
FCPS Lunch Menu
March 24 - Spring Enrichment Registration Ends
March 25 - 29 - Spring Break, School Closed
April 1 & 2 - Staff Dev. Days, School Closed for Students
April 2 - Kindergarten Orientation, 2PM
April 4 - Spring Individual and Class Picture Day
April 10 - Eid al-Fitr, School Closed
April 11 - 3rd Quarter Report Cards Sent Home
April 19 - Freedom Hill vs. Westgate Faculty V-ball Game, 7PM
We are expecting openings in the following areas, and ask for our families' support in referring interested candidates to us:
- Teacher, Special Education (Autism)
- Teacher, Special Education (Preschool Autism)
- Daily Substitute Teachers and Assistants
As a reminder, kindergarten registration is now open. Students that turn five prior to September 30, 2024 are eligible to attend kindergarten this fall. Please reach out to our Student Information Assistant, Ms. Sujo, at to schedule a registration appointment. As as reminder, Kindergarten Orientation will be held Tuesday, April 2 at 2:00. You will learn more about the kindergarten curriculum from our staff, and your child will be able to visit classrooms and connect with new friends. We hope to see many new and returning families on April 2!
☀️ Safely View the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th
A total solar eclipse will occur on Monday, April 8th, and will be viewable, depending on weather, in Fairfax County. The eclipse will begin in our area around 2:04 p.m. and end around 4:32 p.m., with the maximum eclipse occurring around 3:20 p.m.
Because the timing overlaps with FH dismissal at 4:05 PM, it is crucial that students understand the importance of safe viewing practices. We encourage families to review these Solar Eclipse Resources, especially the eye safety information. We hope everyone takes the opportunity to learn more about this extraordinary natural phenomenon while prioritizing safe solar viewing.
FCPS’ Family Engagement Survey will is open. Parents/caregivers will received the survey link via email from independent research firm K12 Insight. Please participate — your feedback is critical in helping to inform and improve practices to best support our students.
Taking this survey will also help strengthen the partnership between your family and your school. When that partnership is strong, students can experience a range of benefits including improved school readiness, higher student achievement, better social skills and behavior, and an increased likelihood of graduating high school.
The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete and will be available in 10 languages. Please visit the Family Engagement Survey webpage for more information. Your voice matters!
 A joyful Easter to all in our community who celebrate! This year's Easter artwork was created by Falls Church High School student Dayanara M. The springtime celebration of Easter is the most important Christian holiday. It commemorates the resurrection of Jesus, who sacrificed so that Christians may have life with God after death.
Summer and Dayanra’s artwork was designed as part of the FCPS Observance Design Challenge for Students. Learn more about the challenge:
Thank you all for a great Read-a-thon! We crossed the finish line with over 250,000 minutes read and raised over $13,000! Reading was celebrated across all classrooms with finger flashlight Fridays, SCA spirit week, and teacher's choice rewards, like PJ day or movie time.
Congratulations to the students this year for meeting our school-wide goal! Students can look forward to throwing water balloons at the Principals during Field Day in June!
Students can still accept donations here, and should spend their prize money by Tuesday, March 26th by logging in here. Questions? Contact
The PTA is looking for individuals to serve on the PTA Board next school year (July 2024 - June 2025). Position descriptions and an application form are available on the PTA website. Please submit your application by Thursday, April 4th - it takes less than 5 minutes to complete. If you have an interest in any position or just want more information, please send a message to
With many of us doing spring-cleaning, now’s a great time to look in your student’s closet to see if they need to refresh their FHES spirit wear! Check out all the t-shirts, shorts and more available for online purchase here through today only. Thank you Michelle Zahalsky for having us covered.
Mark your calendars for the annual Freedom Hill ES vs. Westgate ES staff volleyball game on Friday night, April 19th at Marshall High School. More information to come home in a flier after Spring Break.
Be sure to check out the spirit wear sale if you want to dress the part and show your support at the game!
Don’t want to worry about registering for a class while on Spring Break? Register here today! Registration is underway and will close Sunday, March 24th at 11:59PM. Classes will run from April 3rd to May 31st; before school classes run 8:10-9:10 AM and after school classes run from 4:15-5:15 PM. Limited financial aid opportunities are available for those who qualify.