Message from the Principal
Fairfax County Public Schools sent this bulletin at 03/01/2024 04:17 PM ESTGreetings Saxons,
Our kids continue to amaze in so many ways! Let the shout outs begin!
We salute our National Merit finalists!
Pictured from left to right: Jolie Wu, Milan Nguyen, Katherine Davis, Ashley Headrick, Khalid Foraida,
Scarlett Adams, Anna Chen, Collin Le, Lucas Kinkead
Not pictured: Sai Charan Chaduruvelly, Jacqueline Gu, Aditya Gupta
CONGRATULATIONS to the following band & orchestra students, who successfully auditioned into the All-Virginia groups at JMU! They were among over 1,000 excellent student musicians from across the state who auditioned in person for these highly competitive ensembles. They will meet in Richmond in April with the rest of the selected students to rehearse and perform over three days. Hail Saxons!!
Clare Colligan, 3rd chair bassoon in the Symphonic Band (a freshman!)
Finn Fitzgerald, 16th chair viola in the Orchestra
Audrey Goodner, 1st chair violin in the Orchestra (top score in the state!)
Jacqui Go, 3rd chair flute in the Symphonic Band
Henry Lin, 7th chair trumpet in the Concert Band
Jayden Lee, 1st chair flute in the Orchestra (top score in the state!)
Elliot Pomper, 7th chair clarinet in the Symphonic Band
Amilya Smith, 12th chair cello in the Orchestra
Glenn vanValkenburgh, 6th chair percussion in the Concert Band
Marianne Wang, 4th chair clarinet in the Concert Band
Allen Zhang, 19th chair clarinet in the Concert Band (a freshman!)
Congratulations to Langley students selected for VA-All State Choir! Ashley Headrick, Cleia Jones,
Ashraya Suri, Maya Sachdev, Sri Allam, Dominika Loisha, Anna Cox, Adi Gupta, Farid Rashidi (not pictured)
Boys Swim & Dive State Champions!
1st Team All District Boys & Girls Swim & Dive- Gloria Kuang, Alyssa Webb,
Jacob Lee and Charles Hu
Congratulations to Indoor Track athletes who competed in VHSL state finals!
Boys 4x400 broke school record. Finished 9th in states
Ali Delong 5th in high jump. 6th in long jump
Blake Thompson 7th in shot put
Girls 4x200 relay 3rd in state. New school record
Tejas Verma 9th in the 500
Boys’ Basketball-Rotary Champs!
Congratulations to Ryan Bradshaw – Liberty District 1st Team
Edward Guo(9th Grade), Ethan Shan(9th Grade), Hridhaan Banerjee(9th Grade), Leon Huang(11th Grade) and Zelmay Jan(11th Grade) participated in the Virginia Regional Science Bowl, where they earned a 3rd place finish!
The following are the proud Gold National medalists for the National Russian Essay Contest. Please congratulate them on their achievement.
Second Year level:
Lara De
Ella Naroditsky
Nina Wang
Lakshmi Reddy
Intermediate level:
Vishva Rakasi
Nathan Reardon
Jan Sautters
Advanced level:
Alexander Arends
Tessa Jones
James McGowan
Elizaveta Godlevskaia
Alexandra Shakula
Alexandra Stec
Last Saturday, Langley’s Science Olympiad Team competed in Regionals. 3 Langley teams competed, and Langley finished 2nd place overall, qualifying for the State Science Olympiad in April at UVA.
The following students placed in their events:
1st place awards
Evan Ru and Zelmay Jan in “Anatomy and Physiology”
Rachel Ku, Akaash Sachdeva, and Ray Zhang in "Codebusters"
Jolie Wu and Ray Zhang in "Fossils"
Mia Tripathi and Evan Ru in “Dynamic Planet”
Arnav Ketineni and Mansi Bhardwaj in “Forensics”
Scarlett Adams and Lilly Wu in “Forestry”
Ben Pham and Katherine Ku in “Fermi Questions”
Ben Pham and Eric Zeng in “Towers”
Risha Potluri and Kasimir Rastogi in “Ecology”
Shae Tu and Shreejay Kannan in “Write It Do It”
2nd place awards
Claire Kim and Mansi Bhardwaj in "Astronomy"
Eugene Byun and Arnav Ketineni in “Chemistry Lab”
Claire Kim and Lilly Wu in “Towers”
Lily Choi and Anderson Hoang in “Forestry”
Isabella Zhang and Lillian Su in “Fossils”
Isha Joshi and Joowon Song in “Optics”
3rd place awards
Nik Polyakov and Arnav Ketineni in "Scrambler" (an engineering event with a car that holds and egg)
Eugen Byun and Mansi Bhardwaj in “Robot Tour”
Ruthie Chian and Rachel Ku in “Geologic Mapping”
Joowon Song and Katherine Ku in “Chemistry Lab”
Daniella Wu and Jason Wu in “Disease Detectives”
Lillian Su and Lindsey Sherry in “Ecology”
Have a great weekend, Saxons!