Principal Updates

Lunch Menu Update

Due to the snowdays last week, our cafeteria has updated the menu to utilize food and limit waste. Please see the updates below:

Monday, January 22--Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza, PB& J, or Yogurt Power Pack

Tuesday, January 23--Sweet & Sour Chicken, Macaroni & Cheese, PB& J, or Yogurt Power Pack

Wednesday, January 24--Return to scheduled menu

Families may access the menu at the following link.


Cold Weather Guidance

It is our hope that once the snow melts on the field and blacktop students will be able to go outside for recess again. We always consider the wind chill and seek guidance from the National Weather Service before deciding when students will be able to play outdoors. We ask that families prepare their children by sending them with hats, gloves, and jackets so they are able to be outside safely. If you are in need of winter clothing, please contact our family liaison, Ana Maxey at 571-226-2600 or email her at


Parent Teacher Organization Meeting

On Tuesday, January 30 at 6:00 p.m., we will be hosting our next PTO Meeting. During the meeting,  behavioral specialist, Caryoln Haydon, will be coming to provide insights to families behind what they can do when their child exhibits challenging behaviors. The workshop will also focus on tools to effectively address behaviors and understanding what children may be communicating through these behaviors. 

**Childcare and pizza will be provided. All attendees will have a chance to win a Sweet Frog gift card.**

Owl with Books

Glasgow Middle School Transition Night

If you have a 5th grader who will be transitioning to Glasgow Middle School next year, Glasgow is hosting a Middle School Transition Night on Wednesday, January 24 from 6:00-8:30 p.m. During the event, families will have the opportunity to learn more about Glasgow and understand the course selection process. If you have any questions, contact the Director of Student Services, Jenn Pallotto. 

Calendar reminder graphic

Important Events and Reminders

January 25--End of 2nd Quarter; 2-hour Early Release

January 26--Teacher Workday (No School for Students)

February 1 & 2--1st Grade Field Trip to Gunston Hall 

February 2--5th Grade Panoramic & Club Pictures for yearbook

February 2--AttenDANCE Party

February 19--President's Day (No School)