Falcon Fanfare Week of January 7


Samantha Goldstein- Principal                  Meghan Ehrman- Assistant Principal

    sngoldstein@fcps.edu                                     mrehrman@fcps.edu


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Upcoming Events


Jan. 8 - 12:  Virtual Math Week

Jan. 9: Rising 7th grade Curriculum Night 6:00 (Robinson)

Jan 15- School Holiday (no school)

Jan 22- Winter Strings Concert  (5th &6th grade) at 6:30 PM @ Laurel Ridge

Jan 25- 2-hour early release

Jan 26- Teacher Workday (no school)

Jan 31- Winter Band Concert (6th grade) at 7:00 PM @ Laurel Ridge

Feb 7- 9:15- Principal's Coffee


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A Message from Principal Goldstein


Dear Fairview Families,

Make sure to check out this week's edition of the Falcon Fanfare. We are currently looking for students in grades 3-6 to apply to our Ambassador program. In addition, we are still looking for families and community members to sign up for our Heritage Night. 

Have a wonderful week! 



Samantha Goldstein


office hours

Fairview Office Hours:

The office will be open to answer phone calls and to answer the doorbell from 8:30-4:30. 

Coffee with the Principal

This event will be rescheduled for February 7th at 9:15 in the POD.  We will be inviting Angela Stotka, Reading Specialist to share about literacy.

Coffee with the Principal

Please let us know if you will attend here.

Falcon Ambassadors

Falcon Ambassadors

Applications for Falcon Ambassadors were handed out this week.  Please talk to your student about this opportunity!

Lost and Found

Our lost and found is very full! Do you recognize any of these items? We have wonderful PTA volunteers who tag and hang these items up. Please remind your child to stop by the lost and found on their way to lunch!  After a period of time, these items are donated. 

Lost and found

Recycled Material Request

This year, we will be adding some STEM activities during our Technology class. We need your help gathering our materials. We will be using recycled materials for these projects.  If you would like to collect and save some of these items and bring them to school, we would greatly appreciate your help. We will have collection bins placed in classrooms for these materials. We will start collecting these items after the winter break. Thank you for all your help. Here is the list of materials we are collecting: 

Plastic Bottle Caps

Plastic Water Bottles


Cereal boxes


Paper towel tubes

Toilet Paper Tubes

Thank you!

Technology class project

Families- We need your help!

Dear Fairview Families,


The PTA  has partnered with the school for a Heritage Night.  This wonderful event is being planned for Friday, February 23rd but it can't happen without our amazing and diverse communities help.  So far, we have had 8 families sign up. We would love to see as many different heritages represented for all of us to learn from so if you would like to participate please take a moment to fill out the following google form: https://forms.gle/kUGEwNr6QrmSUwb79.  A flyer and paper copy to participate will come home in folders this week as well.  Any questions can be directed to the PTA treasurer, Libby Smith at treasurer@fairviewpta.org.

Heritage Night

Yearbook Orders

Yearbooks are on sale now!  Price is $16.  Order online at www.strawbridge.net, online code:YB28140.  

The deadline to order is April 8, 2024.

Please call the Main Office with any questions,    703-503-3700.


Help FCPS Reach 1 Million Minutes of Math

CFCPS Family Math Week starts on Monday, January 8! Participate in games and stories online. FCPS is working toward a total of 1 million minutes logged by families. The event is free, with activities from ST Math geared toward students in grades K-6 and their families. 

Math Week offers families an opportunity to experience math, literacy, history, and geography in a fun and positive way. All content will be available for families in English and Spanish beginning Monday, January 8. Visit the Math Week website

math week

Extra Clothing

Please add an extra change of clothing to your students backpacks.  All types of accidents happen, not just bathroom, and it's useful for students to have extra clothes available.  This will also save the parent/guardians a last minute trip to deliver them to the office.

extra clothes

Cold Weather Reminder

Some of these winter days have been beautiful and others have been bitingly cold. Make sure to check the upcoming weather forecast and send students to school with appropriate clothing to match the expected weather. FCPS determines whether or not students can access outdoor recess by taking into consideration the actual temperature, the wind chill factor, as well as the real feel outside when taking both into consideration. See more about Cold Weather Safety published by the National Weather Service.

Immersion Registration

 Dual Language Immersion Program Registration

Registration for the countywide lottery for Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs will open on Monday, January 22. Current pre-K students may apply for the kindergarten immersion program, and current kindergarten students may apply for the first grade immersion programs for the 2024-25 school year. Programs are available in French, German, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. 

Parents/caregivers who are interested may want to attend an informational meeting. Meetings are held at the school site. Check the FCPS events calendar for the most current information. Meetings will begin on Tuesday, January 16

A virtual meeting hosted by the World Languages Office will include general program information. Access to this virtual meeting will be made available on the FCPS events calendar and the Dual Language Immersion registration site on the day of the meeting.

Get more information on the immersion program webpage and registration page. 

Conversation to Raise Awareness of Fentanyl and other Drugs

In this video, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid interviews the Fosters, a family who tragically lost their son Cayden to a half pill of fentanyl mistaken for Percocet. This heart-wrenching yet eye-opening video of their experience is essential to raise awareness among parents/caregivers and students about the dangers of fake painkillers.


Please join Dr. Reid on Wednesday, January 10, at 6:30 p.m., at Edison High School for a community conversation about opioid awareness. You may register to attend. However, registration is not required; it is simply for space considerations. 


The evening’s program is appropriate for parents/caregivers and students in grades 6-12. All attendees will receive free REVIVE! Narcan training during the event and learn about support services currently available within FCPS and Fairfax County.   


FCPS’ website also has resources to help you to start the conversation and additional support for families struggling with substance misuse. 

Safe Students, Safe Schools

Fairfax County Public Schools believes that academic success is built on the foundation of a safe learning environment. This includes physical safety, and mental health and wellness. 

FCPS has a comprehensive approach to safety that involves physical security measures, online monitoring by security staff, and crisis intervention support. The division has created the Safe Students, Safe Schools Brochure (PDF) to enhance your awareness of potential hazards and to equip you with practical tips for how you can help. Visit the FCPS website for more information. 

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