For the latest news, scores, and schedules please visit our SCHS Athletics & Activities website:

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 We are in need of volunteers to help run our concession stands during events! If you are able to assist us please scan the QR code below or click on the following link:
Your help is much appreciated!

Gates open 45 minutes before the start of the event. Cost of admission is $5, and can be purchased at the gate or ahead of time through this E-tix link. For Postseason events, admission is $5 for students and $7 for adults.
- Patrons will not be allowed to enter the stadium/gym with athletic equipment such as bats, balls, sticks, etc.
Purses, diaper bags and reasonably sized bags are permitted inside the stadium with adults. However, all bags may be subject to search and inspection.
Students are not permitted to bring bags or backpacks into the stadium.
- Patrons will not be allowed to enter the stadium/gym with outside food or containers such as water bottles, cups, cans, etc.
- We welcome all members of the community to attend our games, but parents are needed to attend and monitor middle and elementary school aged students. All attendees, regardless of age, are expected to behave responsibly.
- South County High School (including the parking lots) is a drug, alcohol, and tobacco-free zone.
- Representatives from the Fairfax County Police Department, the South County HS Administration, and the South County HS Security Staff will continue to monitor the activities of our patrons in the parking lot, at the ticket gate, and inside the stadium to promote a safe and secure environment for South County HS fans, our visitors, and guests.
- For varsity football games, once you pay and enter the stadium you may not leave and reenter. Please plan accordingly.
- South County HS students and parents are asked to demonstrate good citizenship and spirited sportsmanship to our opponents and their fans. Any clothing that includes negative references to opposing teams/schools will not be tolerated.
Let's show everyone what Stallion Nation is all about!

To be eligible to tryout for High School Sports athletes must complete the following:
The athlete AND one parent/guardian must review the online Concussion Education presentation, which is part of the online registration process mentioned above. This must be completed once per year.
The VHSL form must say “Revised January 2021” in the top right corner of pages 1-4. No other versions of this document will be accepted. Please be sure that this form is completed in it’s entirety. Incomplete forms will be returned to families. Page 3 must be signed and dated (After May 1, 2023) by a physician.
All freshmen are academically eligible for sports in the fall and winter. High School students must pass no less than five credits the previous semester to remain eligible each season.
All required forms and contact information for coaches are available on the Athletics and Activities website