Upcoming Dates:
Wednesday, October 25 - Student Picture Retakes
Thursday, October 26 - PTO Fun Run
Friday, November 3 - 2 Hour Early Release
Mon. & Tues., November 6 & 7 - No School, School & Teacher Workday
Thursday, November 9 - AAP Parent Meeting
Fall Student Pictures Retakes
Student picture retakes are scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, October 25. If your student was absent on Sept. 13, or if you were dissatisfied with the original picture, you may request a retake by sending in your students picture packet or original proof with them tomorrow. Proofs from our original picture day were distributed last week!
Federal Impact Aid Survey
This year, FCPS is pleased to announce that the Federal Impact Aid Survey is now available electronically through your ParentVue account. For families that do not have access to Parent Vue or prefer to complete a paper form, a printed form will be sent home with your student. For further information, please visit https://www.fcps.edu/impact.
Lost and Found
Lost an Invisalign tray? Baseball glove? Reading glasses? Book? Jacket? Sweater? Hoodie? Our Lost and Found is full. Most (maybe all) items with names have been returned.Saturday, November 4th items that have been waiting to go home for quite a while will be donated to The Closet in Herndon; at other times donations go to other schools or coat drives that support families in our Herndon/Reston area.
Thank you to all who have donated to the PTO FUN RUN fundraising campaign. Our goal is for each of our students to receive a donation, and I have some great news to share that will help us achieve that goal…..
This week, Crossfield Families will have a chance to win a set of 4 tickets to a mutually agreed upon Washington Capitals or Wizards Game, in a suite with food and beverage included, donated by Monumental Sports & Entertainment!
On Wednesday, all students who have received a donation for the Fun Run by end of day Wednesday (4:00 p.m.), will be entered into the drawing. We will select a winner and announce it on WCES this Friday, October 27th. If your student has not received a donation yet, now would be a great time to donate to the campaign! Reach out to family, neighbors and friends. Remember, any amount counts! All donations will fund TWO NEW PLAYGROUNDS for all Rockets to enjoy!
Please visit https://go.rallyup.com/crossfieldfunrun2023/Campaign/Details and click on Donate. You can find your student's name at checkout or your student may bring in their cash/check donation to the front office.
Thank you for your support and hope to see you at the Fun Run, THIS Thursday, October 26th! We are still looking for volunteers to help - please sign up here to volunteer!
Language Arts Basal Instructional Resources
Fairfax County Public Schools will adopt new Elementary School Language Arts Basal Instructional Resources for the 2024-2025 school year. Public review of the recommended materials is part of the process for selecting new resources.
Elementary English Language Arts basal instructional resources may be accessed in person and online from November 15, 2023, until noon on December 15, 2023. Digital materials for public review and comment will be available on the Elementary Language Arts Basal Resource Review website. Those reviewing instructional materials may complete an electronic comment sheet that will be available on the website during the review period.
Hard copies of instructional materials will be available for review Monday-Thursday from 9:00AM to 9:00PM at Pimmit Hills Center, Room 207, 7510 Lisle Avenue, Falls Church, VA 22043. Please enter using door #4 and check in at the main office.
All community feedback will be shared with the review committee and with School Board members before the vote at the School Board regular meeting.
FLE -Human Growth and Development Lessons
Beginning in fourth grade students are presented scripted lessons on human growth and development. This year’s presentation dates are Grade 4 on December 1; for grades 5 and 6 December 11-15.
You are invited to review the materials. Access our All Parents/Guardians Schoology course. Once you are in the course, you can find a blue folder labeled Family Life Education. Inside are links to Parent Preview- FLE Instruction (materials review), FCPS FLE Information- all levels (topics covered by grade level) and Opt-out forms in English and Spanish.
Family Life Education Instructional Program
Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) provides a comprehensive, sequential Family Life Education (FLE) program for students in grades kindergarten through grade twelve. Instruction is seen as a partnership among parents and guardians, the school, and the community in supporting the learning essential to the development of strong families, positive relationships, and a healthy community.
Parents/guardians may choose to opt their child out of all or part of the Family Life Education program. Students who are opted out are provided with age-appropriate, nonpunitive alternative health instruction, and every effort is made to foster respect for family choices. If you wish to opt your child out of all or part of FLE for this school year, opt out forms were included in your child’s back-to-school/orientation packets and are available online for Elementary (K-6), Middle School (7-8), and High School (9-12).
Detailed grade-level program descriptions are available online at Elementary (K-6) , Middle School (7-8) , and High School (9-12). FLE grade level-specific lessons and media that FCPS has streaming rights for are available for parents online in Schoology. Parents/guardians login to Schoology using the same username and password as their Student Information System (SIS) Parent account. Grade level-specific lessons are also available at the City of Fairfax Regional Library (this location does not have media). Grade level-specific lessons and media that is not streamed online are available for review at your child’s school library. Due to copyright permissions, we are unable to stream all media online.
Program questions may be addressed to Barbara Fant, FLE Administrator, bdfant@fcps.edu, by contacting Instructional Services at 571-423-4550, or fle@fcps.edu.
Advanced Academic Programs Screening Information
Meeting for Parents/Guardians of Children in Grades 2-6
An informational meeting will be held at Crossfield Elementary School on Thursday, November 9, 2023 at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria. The Advanced Academic Resource Teacher will review the screening process for full time AAP services.
Referrals for full time (level IV) AAP screening are due to Mrs. Graham no later than December 15, 2023. There are no exceptions.
Families of rising 7th graders: You are welcome to attend this meeting to understand the screening process. There will be another meeting specifically for rising 7th graders to address AAP options verses honors courses. Date and time TBD.
PTO Spirit Gear!
Big News Rockets: Our fan favorite VACrossfield logo and our New Rocket Nation design are available for pre-order now through 10/29. Classroom delivery estimated for mid-November. Don't miss out, see all the options and place your pre-order today: https://forms.gle/iMRrEA6a6ufrYDpVA
Harris Teeter Together in Education Program
Harris Teeter's Together in Education program gives schools a chance to earn funds when you link your VIC card and shop Harris Teeter brands. Harris Teeter has donated over $32.4 million to Together in Education schools since 1998! When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to your school. There are NO LIMITS to how much a school can earn. Link your card via this google form or in store by mentioning Crossfield Elementary School or code 5139. VIC Cards must be re-linked every August!
Parent Vue
Access the FCPS secure solution for information about your child's attendance, class performance, demographic data, and more.
My School Bucks
Lunches, Field Trips, laptop repair fees. This is the primary way to send money to the school.https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ver2/getmain?requestAction=home
Free and Reduced-Price Meals Application
Opt-out Forms