Crossfield News - 10/13/23 (With Correction)

Fun Run 2023



Fun Run

The FUN RUN PEP RALLY will take place today, Friday, October 13th. Send your students to school in their new Fun Run T-Shirt!  Crossfield spirit items like pom poms, cowbells, or signs are always welcome too! 

Let’s show our CROSSFIELD NATION SCHOOL SPIRIT and see which grade level SHINES THE BRIGHTEST!

The FUN RUN is just two weeks away!  This year’s theme is “CROSSFIELD NATION IS OUT OF THIS WORLD” and each grade level will represent a different planet.  Help your children register and raise funds by visiting CrossfieldFunRun.orgThere are prizes for the top student fundraisers and the grade level with the highest participation. 

The PTO is excited for this year’s Fun Run and look forward to another amazing community-building event!  Help us reach our $35,000 fundraising goal.  Donations will fund TWO NEW PLAYGROUNDS for all Rockets the enjoy when the school renovation is complete!  GO CROSSFIELD ROCKETS!