Monday, 5/29 - Memorial Day Holiday, NO SCHOOL
Friday, 6/2 - ALL Library Books Due
Monday, 6/5 - Field Day
Monday, 6/5-Friday, 6/9 - Book Fair Week
Tuesday, 6/6 - RAIN DATE Field Day
Wednesday, 6/6 - First Grade EOY Ceremonies
Thursday, 6/8 - Second Grade EOY Ceremonies
Friday, 6/9 - Kindergarten Grade EOY Ceremonies
Friday, 6/9 - FES PTA Luau, 5:30 pm-8:30pm
Monday, 6/12 - Third Grade EOY Ceremonies
Tuesday, 6/13 - Fourth Grade EOY Ceremonies
Wednesday, 6/14 - Fifth Grade EOY Ceremonies
Thursday, 6/15 - Sixth Grade EOY Ceremony, 10:00 AM in the Gym
Friday, 6/16 - Talent Show 9:00 AM -11:00 AM
Friday, 6/16 - Last Day of School, 2 Hour Early Release
SOL Assessments
Grades 3-6
Please ensure your child gets a good night's sleep the night before and eats a healthy breakfast.
5/25 - 6th Grade Math
5/26 - Makeups
5/23 - 5/27 - Expedited retakes
Calendar Reminder
No School Monday - Memorial Day Holiday
May 29 - Memorial Day Holiday
As a reminder, all schools and offices will be closed on Monday, May 29, for the Memorial Day holiday. Classes will resume on Tuesday, May 30.
See the complete 2022-23 school year calendar.
P.E. News
Super Franconia World Spirit Week
To celebrate our upcoming Field Day we are having a spirit week!
Monday 5/29 - No school
Tuesday 5/30 - Dress like your P.E. teacher for the day.
Wednesday 5/31 - Jersey Day
Thursday 6/1 - Dress like your favorite video game character
Friday 6/2 - What Team Are You?
- Wear RED for team Mario
- Wear GREEN for team Luigi
- Wear PINK for team Peach
- Wear BLACK for team Bowser
Monday 6/5 - FIELD DAY! Wear your field day shirt or Franconia Gear!
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Field Day is Coming!
Super Franconia World
Gr K-2: Monday, June 5th, 2023 8:30 AM-Noon
Gr 3-6 Monday, June 5th, 2023 12:00-3:00PM
Rain Date (Same Times) June 6th
Here is our Super Franconia Field Day Signup form. Please sign up for volunteer days for either one or both sessions and if you’d like to donate any materials or props for field day
Library News
Last Call for Library Books!
All Books Due 6/2
Due date for all library books is Friday, June 2nd. Please take a moment to gather any books you may have forgotten and return them to the library.
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The Book Fair is Coming!
Sign up to Volunteer
The Book Fair is coming June 5th to June 9th!
It will be open to students during the school day.
Families may shop after school on Tuesday, June 6 until 6:15 and on Friday, June 9 during the Luau!
Volunteers sign up here:
Summer Learning Programs
(Bridge to Kindergarten, SOAR, Youth Scholars)
Registration for our summer learning programs has been sent out to students who are eligible. If your student was selected, please complete the registration form as soon as possible as space is limited.
Girl Scout Interest Meeting May 25th
Do you know of a girl who is coming to kindergarten next year who may be interested in Girl Scouts? We have an interest meeting Thursday, May 25th from 6-7pm in the Franconia Cafeteria. Bring your daughter for some fun activities while the adults discuss and answer questions about Girl Scouts. Hope to see you there!
If you are unable to make the meeting, please contact Cathleen Murphy (cmurphy@gscnc.org) for more information about Girl Scouts.
Calling All New Kindergarteners!
Any families who have an incoming kindergartener for the 2023-24 school year are invited to sign up for an optional kindergarten summer assessment time in August. This will be a brief 20 minute visit with a kindergarten teacher to let us get to know their strengths before starting school. Families can sign up here- Kindergarten Summer Assessment Sign Up
AAPI Celebrations and Events
Happy Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month! This month we honor the heritage and contributions of Americans with ancestral roots in Asia and the islands of the Pacific. Here are some AAPI celebrations/events around the DMV…
Sunday, May 28 @ 5:00
Asiantque Food Festival
6911 Columbia Pike, Annandale
FES PTA Summer Luau
Friday, June 9
Celebrate the end of the school year with your fellow Penguin families.
Activities include: Train Rides * Polynesian Dancing * Dunk Tank * Games * Airbrush Tattoo * Crafts * Face Painting * Spin Art* Snacks
You won't want to miss it!
Pet Food Drive Benefiting HART
The Franconia Student Council Association is calling all Penguins!
We need your help! We will be collecting donations of canned dog food and canned cat food to benefit the animals of HART. This organization helps abandoned and stray animals by getting the medical care they need, and finding them a loving home. Please consider donating.
- They are accepting all types of canned dog food
- They have requested donations of Nutro Natural Choice Kitten food and Nutro Natural Choice Adult Cat food
If we reach our goal, students will enjoy a school-wide Donuts and Dance Party!
(alternate treats will be provided for students with food allergies)
Collection bins will be located by the main office, and in the kindergarten/SACC hallway
Collection dates are April 26 - May 26
To make a monetary donation to HART, click here.
Counselor's Corner
Mindfulness at Franconia Update
At Franconia, we have the unique opportunity of creating a mindfulness lab using our wellness ESSER funds. Mindfulness is all about being in the present moment. In the lab, we have created opportunities for students to be in the present moment by creating mindfulness centers. Students can explore different mindfulness centers such as reading, breathing, art, affirmations, games and mindful movement. This space has provided an opportunity for student wellness by causing students to relax mentally, emotionally and physically. Also in the lab, as special treat to our students, we have a comfort dog named Charlie who visits with classes in the lab!
Take a look at one of our spotlighted classes in the mindfulness lab:
Ms. Allen's Class! Students had fun participating in mindfulness centers.
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Character Trait for the Month
May's character trait is Resilience-When things are hard, you don't give up, but bounce back.
April's character trait was Responsibility-doing what is expected and taking ownership of your actions/behavior. Here is a video of our Responsibility award winners.https://flip.com/s/kh4ynfQJ4jFR
Twain Parent Coffee
Thursday, June 1st at 9:00 am
Attention Parents of Rising 7th grade students:
There will be a Principal's Coffee for parents at Twain Middle in the cafeteria on Thursday, June 1st at 9:00am. The outcomes of the meeting will be an overview of what to expect in middle school, upcoming dates, and allow time for a Q & A.
End of Year Recognition Ceremonies Schedule and Procedures
Below are the guidelines for this year’s end-of-year ceremonies:
- Parking will be available in the parking lot behind the building off Kathmoor Dr.
- Visitors will enter and exit through the rear gym doors, located off the blacktop.
- Ceremonies will last approximately 30-40 minutes.
- Please do not bring food, drink, or gifts (no balloons, etc.) to the ceremony.
- If you have other children at Franconia who you wish to attend their sibling’s EOY ceremony, please coordinate that with their teacher (you can find all staff email links in our online staff directory).
- If you wish to take your child/children home with you at the conclusion of the ceremony, you will sign them out with a Franconia employee stationed at the exterior gym doors.
Please direct any questions to your child’s teacher.
Wednesday, 6/7 (first grade)
- 9:15 - Bolden
- 10:15 - Bonsall
- 11:15 - King
Thursday, 6/8 (second grade)
- 12:00 - Yortzidis
- 12:45 - Octaviano
- 1:30 - Dennison
- 2:15 - Webbs
Friday, 6/9 (kindergarten)
- 9:15 - Allen
- 10:15 - Channon
- 11:15 - Tran
Monday, 6/12 (third grade)
- 12:00 - Pina
- 1:00 - Stump
- 2:00 - Haffner/ Ms. Jo
Tuesday, 6/13 (fourth grade)
- 12:30 - Blum
- 1:30 - Yezefski
- 2:30 - Rim
Wednesday, 6/14 (fifth grade)
- 12:00 - Hodge
- 12:45 - Pater
- 1:30 - Dickerson
Thursday, 6/15 (sixth grade) .
- 10:00 - All sixth grade classes
How Do YOU Practice Wellness?
Sign up to share on the morning news
Penguins, we want to know how you practice wellness in your life. Use the link below to sign up for a Wednesday to share a video showing your wellness journey with your fellow Franconia Penguins. Videos should be 3 minutes or less. Be sure to include yourself talking about why the wellness practice is important to you, and how it helps you. (if you need to include 2 shorter videos, one showing the activity and one of the student discussing the activity, that is fine and I can combine them for you. They should be no more than 3 minutes when combined.)
You can show yourself practicing wellness by:
- a sport you play (for example soccer, gymnastics, martial arts training, etc)
- practicing a skill you're learning (for example dance, playing an instrument, or any other artistic/creative expessions)
- showing activities your family enjoys together (for example, taking walks together, cooking meals together, family game time, etc)
- showing activities you enjoy doing when enjoying alone time (for example reading or drawing)
Use this link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4AA4A928A6FB6-wellness
Ms. Octaviano will contact you the week before your video will air on the morning news with additional information about how to submit your video.
If you have any questions, please email Ms. Octaviano at: rloctaviano@fcps.edu
Please remember to notify the school office of any of the following changes that come up for your child.
Notification should be made by 9:00am on the day of the change.
- Absence
- Late arrival
- Planned early pick-up or mid-day appointment (pick-up and return)
- If your child needs to be picked up unexpectedly, please call the office (703-822-2200) in advance of your arrival
- This allows the office to contact your child’s teacher to prepare your child for their departure
- For early pick-ups after 3:00pm, please park on Kathmoor as the school buses start to arrive for dismissal at that time and the front parking lot will be off limits
- Changes in dismissal mode (https://franconiaes.fcps.edu/about/change-dismissal-form)
Below are the 3 options by which to notify the school office (choose one option):
Please do this IN ADDITION to contacting your child's teacher. There could be times when the teacher is absent and, by also contacting the office, the information will be properly noted.
To email your child’s teacher, click HERE.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Recognize FCPS Employees
FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care.
The start of the school year is a great time to acknowledge someone who has helped to make your child's return to school amazing.
Learn how you can acknowledge an FCPS employee for their great work.
FCPS Parent Resource Center
Dunn Loring Center for Parent Services
2334 Gallows Road, Entrance 1, Room 105
Dunn Loring, VA
The FCPS Parent Resource Center (PRC) offers a welcoming and engaging environment for families, educators, and community members.
Email: prc@fcps.edu
Phone: 703-204-3941
Web: https://www.fcps.edu/resources/family-engagement/parent-resource-center
Twitter: @prc_fcps
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fcpsprc
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FCPSParentResourceCenter
- The PRC offers free, confidential in-person, videoconference, and phone consultations for families and FCPS staff.
- Appointments are highly encouraged.
- They can brainstorm strategies and possible solutions to help you address your concerns by drawing upon resources and support from FCPS, as well as community, state, and national centers.
- The PRC maintains a list of current FCPS employees who hold a valid and current teaching license in VA and want to tutor after their contracted school day.
- Contact the PRC at 703-204-3941 or prc@fcps.edu for more information.
- Come explore the library for families and staff, 8:00am-4:00pm
- The library contains over 10,000 books, eBooks, DVDs, and CDs on topics related to parenting and educating all children, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities.
- Check out up to 6 items and keep them for 3 weeks. Renewals are easy - just call or email us.
- Find library resources to support your child with help from the Parent Resource Center staff.
- Call us and we can have library materials ready for you to pick up.
- Return library materials to us 24/7 in our book return or use the FCPS inter-office mail. Contact us for details.
- Register here - https://bit.ly/3hSRIZW
- Watch recorded webinars - https://bit.ly3rpPl3Q
- To turn videos into preferred languages, open a video - choose any video on YouTube and follow these directions to have closed-captioning in your preferred language:
- Click the CC button - make sure it is underlined in red.
- Click the settings button - it looks like a gear.
- Click subtitles.
- Click auto-translate.
- Choose a language.
Penguin Points
Click on a link for information
Franconia Elementary School website