Eagle Update - May 19, 2023

WOES is Preparing for Field Day!

FIELD DAY IS ON ITS WAY!!! On Thursday, June 15th we will have our annual Field Day and we need volunteers to make it run as smooth as possible. There are plenty of activities and slots to sign up for. Click on a link below to sign up for which ever age group you can help with. The Upper Grades will have Field Day in the morning and the Lower Grade will have it in the afternoon. Please consider helping out with either or both! Volunteers will definitely be busy, but the smiles are worth it. If you have any questions, please email either Mr. Hartzell (dhartzell@fcps.edu) or Mrs. Orr (rlorr@fcps.edu).

Lower Grade Field Day Volunteers (afternoon):    https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0945A5AB2AABF94-k3rd

Upper Grade Field Day Volunteers (morning):    https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0945A5AB2AABF94-4th6th


Message From the SCA

Hat day

Message from the PTA

Virtual PTA Meeting Tuesday, May 23rd @ 7:00pm

Join us for one of our final PTA meetings of the year! We will review the remaining events on the PTA calendar, talk about how to put available funds to use for our school next year, and vote on two of our Board Members for next year--Adriana Herrerra for Communications Secretary and Jennifer Wainger for Treasurer! 

Join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88649487112?pwd=R1pXOHJ3SHJOZ1hJUFV1SkgveStnUT09 


Your PTA Still Needs Additional Board Members

In order to keep the White Oaks PTA going, we still need a President and a Vice President. Unfortunately, without a full Board, in accordance with our membership in VAPTA and National PTA (as well as our non-profit IRS status) we will have to freeze our bank account, stop fundraising, and lose access to many benefits we have now to support our school. Please reach out to wopta.president@gmail.com to discuss how you can help our school community next year. If you would prefer to help on one of our committees next year, please complete the following Google Form: https://forms.gle/mEMEtpQJ5mvMoZDN8 


Join us for a Family Fun Fair Saturday, June 3rd @ 3:00pm

We have planned for a fun afternoon of games, treats, and activities for the whole family! This event will be free to our families, with all kids getting tickets to participate in the activities and enjoy a treat at no cost. Food trucks will be onsite to order from at cost. To make this event possible we will need volunteers to help run some of the activities. Please see this google form to see if you can help for part of the event: https://forms.gle/6rPcJgdTfBmVnWQy7

Planning for Next School Year

Please help us as we plan for next school year by completing the Student’s Intention for Next School Year form and the Parent Input Survey that were sent home earlier this month. Accurate enrollment numbers and parent input are important as we thoughtfully consider classroom placements for next year. If you need another copy of either form, please contact Marti Lee at mllee@fcps.edu

VDOE Learning Grants

Tutoring Grants Available for Families

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is now accepting applications from parents for tutoring microgrants for their children through the K-12 Learning Acceleration Grants program. 

The program was created to help Virginia families address the impact of the pandemic on student learning. It provides $1,500 grants to parents of school-age children for tutoring in specific subjects. Children from homes with family incomes at 300% or less of the federal poverty level may qualify for $3,000 grants. 

Available services include in-person, online, and hybrid tutoring provided one-on-one or in small group or large group settings. The first step in the process is to visit VDOE’s K-12 Learning Acceleration Grants page and create an application account.

Becas para Tutoría Disponibles para las Familias

El Departamento de Educación de Virginia (VDOE) está aceptando solicitudes de padres para becas de tutoría para sus hijos a través del programa K-12 Becas para la Aceleración del Aprendizaje. 

El programa se creó para ayudar a las familias de Virginia a hacer frente al impacto de la pandemia en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Proporciona subvenciones de $1,500  a los padres de niños en edad escolar para clases particulares de materias específicas. Los niños de hogares con ingresos familiares iguales o inferiores al 300% del nivel federal de pobreza pueden optar a subvenciones de $3,000.

Los servicios disponibles incluyen tutorías en persona, en línea o híbridas, individuales o en grupos pequeños o grandes. El primer paso en el proceso es visitar la página K-12  Becas de Aceleración del Aprendizaje del VDOE y crear una cuenta de solicitud.

Online Registration

Updates on Online Student Registration

Online registration was successfully piloted at 26 schools last month. Thank you to the caregivers and staff who have provided valuable feedback on the process! 

FCPS plans to have online registration in place at all schools across the district starting June 30, ensuring a simple and efficient new student registration application process for the upcoming school year. Learn more about registration

Novedades sobre la matriculación en línea

La inscripción en línea se puso a prueba con éxito en 26 escuelas el mes pasado. ¡Gracias a los cuidadores y al personal que han proporcionado información valiosa sobre el proceso! 

FCPS planea tener la inscripción en línea en todas las escuelas del distrito a partir del 30 de junio, asegurando un proceso simple y eficiente para la inscripción de nuevos estudiantes para el próximo año escolar. Aprenda más sobre la inscripción.

Middle/High School Transition

Making the Transition to Middle School

Making the move from elementary school to middle school can be an exciting and unsettling time for a parent and child. In a recent episode of FCPS multilingual podcast, En Pocas Palabras, learn ways to ease the transition including:

  • Understanding the developmental changes in your child.
  • Getting to know middle school culture.
  • Encouraging independence, but remaining available.
  • Offering emotional support to your child.
  • Reiterating your family values and expectations.
  • Staying involved in your child’s school.

The podcast is available in Arabic, English, Korean, and Spanish. Listen and subscribe. 

Transición a la Escuela Intermedia

Hacer la transición de la escuela primaria a la escuela intermedia puede ser un momento emocionante e inquietante para un padre y su hijo. En un episodio reciente del podcast multilingüe de FCPS, En Pocas Palabras, aprenda maneras de facilitar la transición incluyendo:

  • Entender los cambios en el desarrollo de su hijo.
  • Conocer la cultura de la escuela intermedia.
  • Fomentar la independencia, pero permaneciendo disponible.
  • Ofrecer apoyo emocional a su hijo.
  • Reafirmar sus valores y expectativas familiares.
  • Participar en la escuela de su hijo.

El podcast está disponible en Árabe, Inglés, Coreano y Español. Escuche y suscríbase.

CyberPatriot Summer Cyber Camp


Chantilly Academy will host an AFA CyberCamp Monday, June 26, to Friday, June 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. This camp is recommended for rising fifth through eighth graders of all skill levels interested in learning more about the importance of cybersecurity and gaining skill to protect themselves and others from cyber threats. Discounts are available for students eligible for free and reduced-price meals. Visit the camp website to learn more about registration, curriculum, and schedule. 

Other Summer Camp Opportunities

Registration is still available for Institute for the Arts (IFTA) and Elementary-IFTA arts camps, Credit Recovery Academy, and Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology’s Middle School Technology Institute (MSTI). 

Campamento Cibernético de Verano "CyberPatriot"

La Academia de Chantilly será el anfitrión de un AFA CyberCamp Lunes, 26 de Junio, a Viernes, 30 de Junio, de 9 a.m. a 3 p.m. cada día. Este campamento está recomendado para alumnos de quinto a octavo curso de todos los niveles interesados en aprender más sobre la importancia de la ciberseguridad y adquirir habilidades para protegerse a sí mismos y a los demás de las amenazas cibernéticas. Se ofrecen descuentos a los alumnos con derecho a comidas gratuitas o a precio reducido. Visite el sitio web del campamento para obtener más información sobre la inscripción, el plan de estudios y el horario.  

Otras oportunidades de Campamentos de Verano

Otras oportunidades de campamentos de verano

Todavía están disponibles las inscripciones para los campamentos de arte del Instituto para las Artes (IFTA) y Primaria-IFTA, la Academia de Recuperación de Créditos y el Instituto de Tecnología de la Escuela Secundaria de Ciencia y Tecnología Thomas Jefferson (MSTI). Que incluyen estudiantes de la escuela intermedia.

INOVA Free School Physicals and Immunizations

Inova Cares Clinic for Children (ICCC) and Inova Partnership for Healthier Communities (PHC) are now scheduling appointments in June, July, and August to provide children ages 5 and up with FREE school physicals and immunizations to begin the 2023-24 School Year. This will take place at the Inova Cares Clinic for Children in Herndon, Manassas, and Falls Church.

PHC will be on site to screen and enroll qualifying families in Medicaid/FAMIS and connect them to an appropriate and affordable source of quality healthcare providers. Please share the flyers below.

Flyer for Insured and Inova Patients

Flyer for Medicaid or Uninsured Patients


May Observances 

  • Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
  • Mental Health Awareness Month
  • Jewish American Heritage Month
  • Better Speech Month
  • National Physical Fitness and Sports Month
  • SOL Testing Grades 3-6
  • PTA General Membership Meeting - Tuesday May 23rd @ 7:00pm