Bonnie Brae ES- Family Newsletter


P Message

Hello Scottie Families!

We hope you all have enjoyed the beautiful weather and have had an opportunity to spend some quality time recently with your friends in family!  A reminder that we are celebrating Month of the Military Child next week and Autism Acceptance.  Please see below for Month of the Military Child spirit week information (wear purple on Wednesday!).

If you have a rising kindergarten student, be sure to complete the kindergarten orientation form below.  We can't wait to meet our newest Scotties at kindergarten orientation on April 27, from 4-5:30 PM!

Have a great weekend!


Morgan Birge, Principal

Elaine Woo, Assistant Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal 

Family.  Relationships.  Success.

animal research


  • April 18 - Spring Picture Day (Individual and Class Picture)
  • April 19 - Robinson Art Show (6 pm - 8 pm)
  • April 21 - Student Holiday, Eid al-Fitr
  • April 21 - Last day to Order a BBES Yearbook

Positivity Project

Upcoming Weekly Focus:  Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence

Character Strength Features:  You notice and value the world’s beauty and people’s skills. You don’t take things for granted.

Quote of the Week:  “At some point in life the world’s beauty becomes enough. You don’t need to photograph, paint or even remember it. It is enough.”

                                                      -TONI MORRISON


scottie feature header

A few amazing highlights that happened this week...

learning this week


Kindergarten Orientation

Save the date!  Have a rising kindergarten student?  Kindergarten Orientation  will take place at Bonnie Brae on Thursday, April 27, from 4-5:30 PM!  Kindergarten orientation is for parents and kindergarten students.  Visit our Kindergarten Orientation page on our BBES website to learn more about this exciting event.

If you have completed the online registration process, please bring the following documents to orientation so we can complete the registration process:

  1. Original Birth Certificate
  2. Parent Photo ID
  3. Proof of Residency

We look forward to meeting our newest Scotties on April 27th!

Kindergarten Orientation Flyer

Parent Input for Next Year's Class Placement

We are getting ready to discuss class placement for the 2023-24 school year and would love to get your input for consideration during these discussions. If you would like to provide input, please complete this form by May 19, 2023. We look forward to continuing this collaboration with you and your children to best support their learning needs.

Pilot of Online Registration Includes BBES

Online Registration (OLR) will be available at more than 30 pilot schools beginning Friday, March 31. All FCPS schools will offer online registration beginning in June.

Families will be able to register their students electronically via SIS ParentVUE. Directions to setting up a SIS ParentVUE account are on the online registration page. 

The new system reduces manual data entry of basic student registration at all schools, allows online registration using the portal at any hour of any day, and enables secure electronic upload of student registration documents and storage, reducing paper records management. Parents/Guardians will continue to have the option of downloading the registration form bundle or paper registration forms as needed. Visit our website for more information on registering your child.

Robinson Art Show

The Robinson Art Show is this Wednesday, April 19th from 6 pm - 8 pm at Robinson.  We will have artwork displayed form 70+ students.  Come early for dinner and dessert with local food trucks: DC Slices, Two Smooth Dudes, Empanadas De Mendoza, and The Inside Scoop (Ice Cream). They will be serving food and treats from 5:30 to 8 p.m.

School Library Month

School Library Month

April is School Library Month.  Please join us in thanking and celebrating our amazing librarian, Lora Lewis.  Our BBES library empowers students to learn something new and continue their love of reading.  

Spring Picture Day

Spring Picture Day Order Form

Spring Picture Day is Tuesday, April 18th.  Individual and class pictures will be taken on this day. Families can pre-order spring pictures by visiting the Lifetouch website and enter either your child's student id number or picture day id (EVTXTSQSC).  View our Spring Picture Day flyer for more details.  The flyer will also be sent home in Tuesday Folders after Spring Break.

Spring 2023 Data Collection for FCPS ESSER/RTS

FCPS’ Office of Research and Strategic Improvement (ORSI) will gather information about FCPS’ teaching and learning efforts this school year from school-based administrators, teachers, students, and families this spring. These data collection efforts are part of FCPS’ ongoing study of what is working and what needs improvement following the pandemic. This includes FCPS’ use of $188.8 million in Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) funding to support the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on students.

Surveys will be administered to students in grades 4 -12, all teachers, and all families from April 17 to May 1.  The family survey has been translated into the major languages.

  • Family Survey:  Survey links will be shared via email to the enrolling parent.

Thank you in advance for supporting data collection to inform FCPS about its teaching and learning efforts this year and help us best meet the needs of our students and staff.

Medicaid Enrollment Underway

If you have Medicaid/FAMIS/CHIP health insurance, the Medicaid Enrollment Processes began in March. The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) (Virginia Medicaid) has started to review Medicaid members’ health coverage to determine whether members are eligible for coverage. DMAS will not cancel or reduce coverage for members without asking for updated information, but they need your help to make this a smooth process.Make sure your current mailing address, email, and phone numbers are up-to-date so that important information about your coverage gets to you. Update your contact information today online at, or by calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 or your local Department of Social Services.If you need any assistance or have any questions, contact Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 or your local Department of Social Services.

Take Action to Continue Medicaid Coverage!

If you have Medicaid/FAMIS/CHIP health insurance, as of March, Virginia began reviewing members’ eligibility for health coverage..  Coverage will not be terminated before April 30, 2023. Medicaid will not cancel or reduce coverage for members without asking for updated information. In fact, Medicaid may be able to renew your coverage without asking you for anything. If so, you will get a letter in the mail letting you know your health care coverage will continue. If Medicaid does not have all information to renew your benefits, you will get a form or a checklist in the mail to complete and return by a certain date. Please make sure Medicaid has your updated contact information so they can reach you. Update your contact information today online at, or by calling Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 or your local Department of Social Services.Members who do not respond or do not complete the renewal form/checklist will not be eligible to keep their Medicaid health coverage.Members can respond in one of the following ways:  

  • Online at using the case number and client ID on the renewal form to associate the member's case to a CommonHelp account; 
  • Call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590). (Have the requested information gathered and ready to give over the phone); 
  • By completing the form/documents and sending them in the prepaid return envelope by the due date; or 
  • By completing the form/documents and submitting them by fax or in person at the member's local Department of Social Services

For questions, additional help, or language assistance services or large-print, call Cover Virginia at 1-855-242-8282 (TTY: 1-888-221-1590) or email   


Order Your Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook Today

If you would like to order a Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook, please visit the Yearbook page on our Bonnie Brae ES website.  The order deadline is Friday, April 21st.  

Month of the Military Child

April is the Month of the Military Child, a time to recognize children from military families for their contributions and sacrifices. We would also like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank children from Uniformed Services, State Department, and Foreign Services and other families for their service and sacrifices. We recognize that children serve too. The nationwide commemoration was established in 1986 by former Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger.

FCPS is proud to have more than 14,000 military-connected youth as a part of our student body. We appreciate the varied life experiences they bring to our school community and recognize their strength and resilience. 

To show our support, we are inviting all Fairfax County students, families, school employees, and community members to “Purple Up!” on April 20 for military children. 

Why purple? Purple symbolizes all branches of the military as a combination of Army green, Marine Corps red, and Coast Guard, Navy, Air Force and Space Force blue. 

Post your picture and tag #PurpleUpFCPS. Let’s Purple Up! for military kids!

spirit week

COVID Test Kits Available

COVID-19 BinaxNOW test kits are available to Bonnie Brae families to pick-up prior to Spring Break. Test kits are available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last, and there is no charge for the kit.  FCPS is not requiring COVID-19 testing to return to school following Spring Break, but if you would like a COVID test kit (max two kits per student), please contact Jessica Martell, office assistant, at  

animal research


Bonnie Brae Field Day

Mr. Oviatt and Mr. Orahood, Bonnie Brae's amazing PE teachers, are organizing a school-wide Field Day. We are looking for a few parent volunteers to help spearhead this event the first week of June. 

Please sign-up on our Field Day SignUp Genius if you are interested and able to support this event. Thank you! 

2023-2024 PTO Board 

We are currently soliciting nominations and interest for the 2023-2024 PTO Board members. Join this fun, collaborative group and support Bonnie Brae! For more information on joining the board, please contact

Open positions include: President Elect, Secretary, VP Programs, and VP Fundraising. 

Nominations and Elections will be held at the May and June PTO Meetings.

upcoming events

View the 2022-2023 FCPS School Calendar

  • April 26 - Restaurant Night at Chipotle in Burke from 4-8 pm
  • April 27 - Kindergarten Orientation from 4-5:30 pm
  • May 1-5 - Restaurant Night at Chik Fil A in Burke; all day
  • May 4- Reading 5 SOL
  • May 8- Reading 4 SOL
  • May 9- Reading 6 SOL
  • May 10- Science 5 SOL
  • May 11- Reading 3 SOL
  • May 12 - PTO Spring Carnival from 6-8 pm
  • May 15- Math 6 SOL
  • May 16- Math 5 SOL
  • May 17- Math 3 SOL
  • May 18- Math 4 SOL
  • May 19 - PTO Spring Carnival rain date
  • May 19- Parent Input Form for Next School Year Due 

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Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

hours of operation


Bonnie Brae Elementary




Bonnie Brae ES Website


Bonnie Brae PTO


Bonnie Brae PTO Website