Cub Run Family Newsletter


To read this newsletter in other languages, please visit our website.

Para leer este boletín en otros idiomas, por favor, visite nuestro sitio web.

이 소식지를 다른 언어로 읽기 원하시면, 우리 웹사이트를 방문하시기 바랍니다.

یہ نیوزلیٹر دوسری زبانوں میں پڑھنے کے لئے، براہ مہربانی ہماری  website  ملاحظہ کیجیئے ۔

Để đọc bản tin này bằng ngôn ngữ khác, xin quý vị vào trang mạng của chúng tôi.


Today's message includes the following:

  • Message from the Principal
  • Cub Run Is On Facebook!
  • Lost and Found
  • Seeking Families' Input for the 23-24 School Year

  • Cub Run vs. Virginia Run Volleyball Game

  • SCA Food Drive March 20-24
  • Your Child's Internet History
  • Portrait of a Graduate Spotlight: Critical and Creative Thinker

  • SCA Bracelet Sale 
  • Ramadan Mubarak!

  • The Importance of Attending School
  • Opioid Awareness Meeting: The Dangers of Fentanyl in Our Community

  • No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for Students

  • Proposed Updates to Student Rights and Responsibilities

  • It's Kindergarten Registration Time!
  • Family-Facing Curriculum for Core Content Being Added to Public FCPS Website

  • Review Draft Goals for FCPS’ New Strategic Plan

    How Are We Doing? Your Feedback Needed! 

  • Medicaid Policy Changes

  • In Case You Missed It: 

    • FCPS News
    • Kindergarten Registration
    • Flowers Volunteers
    • FCPS Cares 
  • Mark Your Calendars 

Dear Cub Run Families,

Today begins the month-long Ramadan period for our Muslim families. If your child will be fasting during this time, please communicate this to your child's teacher. Ramadan Mubarak to all who celebrate! 

As you'll see below, our annual Cub Run vs. Virginia Run staff and 6th graders volleyball match will be this Friday at 7:00 p.m. at Westfield High School. This is such a fun event, and we hope to see you there to cheer us on! After being separated by the pandemic for so long, I appreciate coming together as a community now more than ever.

Have a wonderful week!



Natalie Lorenzi


Marc Collage

FB Like

Cub Run is on Facebook!

Families, Cub Run is on Facebook! We will be using the Facebook page to share about things going on in the school, as well as events coming up throughout the school year. Please give us a “like”! Remember to also "like" the Cub Run PTA Facebook page, as well!

Lost And Found

Missing a jacket, sweater, or some type of accessory item?  Beginning Wednesday, March 29, please have your child check our lost and found tables in the front lobby. Parents and caregivers are also welcome to come to the school during the school hours of 8:30am to 4pm to possibly find your child’s item on one of the tables set up in our front lobby.  Items that are not retrieved by 4:00pm on Friday will be donated.


Seeking Families' Input for the 23-24 School Year

It's already time to start thinking about class groupings for our cubbies for the 2023-24 school year! We value families' input in this process and ask that you fill out this form to let us know if your student will be returning to Cub Run next year. For those who are planning to return, there is an option on the form to tell us more about the type of learning environment that best serves your child, as well as any other considerations for us to keep in mind as we create class groupings for next year. We ask that families not make requests for specific teachers. 


Cub Run vs. Virginia Run Volleyball Game

The annual Cub Run vs. Virginia Run volleyball game will be this Friday, March 24
 We’ll meet at Westfield HS at 6:45 p.m. to warm up before the 7 p.m. game. Matches will be our staff vs. Virginia Run’s staff, and our 6th graders against the Virginia Run 6th graders. Come on out and cheer on our cubbies!

SCA Food Drive March 20-24

SCA is holding a Food Drive the week of March 20-24. Families can send in their donations with their students or place them in the bin in the lobby. Donations will go directly to our Family Resource Center here on campus and will benefit Cub Run families in need. Please ensure donations are nonperishable, unexpired, and unopened. Thank you!

SCA Food Drive

internet safety

Your Child's Internet History

FCPS offers the ability for families to see their children’s internet history through Lightspeed Reports that send weekly email reports to parents/guardians. From these reports, you can see which websites your child is accessing on their FCPS-issued device and how often they are accessing these sites. Please consider signing up for these reports if you would like to monitor your student's laptop activity at school and at home!


Portrait of a Graduate Spotlight: Critical and Creative Thinker

Cub Run student engage in activities that foster Portrait of a Graduate skills on a daily basis. Check out these activities for families from Mrs. Val Sesso, Cub Run's Advanced Academics Teacher (AART)!


encapsulation slide 1encapsulation slide 2

Bracelet Sale

Cub Run Bracelet Sale March 24

Cub Run bracelets are back! SCA will be selling Cub Run bracelets the morning of the volleyball game. Swing by the table in the lobby before school on Friday, March 24th. We have 100 bracelets to sell – if we sell out again, we can place a new order with enough interest! Bracelets are $5.

ramadan mubarak

Ramadan Mubarak!

This year, the first day of Ramadan is Wednesday, March 22. Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year, a time for spiritual discipline for Muslims, who believe it was during this month that God revealed the first verses of the Quran to Mohammed. Read more about Ramadan in National Geographic Kids.


Este año, el primer día de Ramadán es el miércoles 22 de marzo. Ramadán es el mes más sagrado del año, un tiempo de disciplina espiritual para los musulmanes quienes creen que fue durante este mes que Dios le reveló a Mahoma los primeros versos del Corán. Lean más sobre Ramadán en National Geographic Kids. 


 يصادف اليوم الأول من شهر رمضان لهذا العام يوم الأربعاء الموافق 22 مارس/آذار. شهر رمضان هو أكثر شهر في العام يتميز بالقدسية، وهو وقت للتأديب الروحي للمسلمين الذين يؤمنون بإن الله أنزل الأيات الأولى من القرآن الكريم على النبي محمد (ص) في هذا الشهر الفضيل. أنقر هنا لقراءة المزيد من المعلومات عن شهر رمضان في مجلة ناشيونال جيوغرافيك للأطفال (National Geographic Kids). 


 امسال، یکم رمضان المبارک بدھ ، 22 مارچ  کو ہوگی ۔  ماہ رمضان سال کا مقدس ترین مہینہ ہے اور مسلمانوں کیلئے روحانی نظم وضبط کا زمانہ ہے، جن کا ایمان ہے کہ اس ماہ مقدس میں خدا تعالیٰ نے قرآن مجید کی ابتدائی آیات حضرت محمد پر نازل کی تھیں


올해 라마단의 첫날은 3월 22일, 수요일입니다. 라마단은 일 년 중 가장 신성한 달로, 신이 모하메드에게 코란의 첫 구절을 계시한 달이라고 믿는 이슬람교도들에게는 영성 훈련의 시간이기도 합니다. 아동판 내셔널 지오그래픽 월간지에서 라마단에 대해 더 자세히 알아보기 

Sully DIstrict


Springfield and Sully District Town Hall

Please join Sully District Representative Stella Pekarsky, Springfield District Representative Laura Jane Cohen, FCPS Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid, and Student Representative to the School Board Michele Togbe for a town hall. All Springfield and Sully District families, staff, students, and community members are welcome! We hope to see you there!

When: Monday, April 10, 2023, from 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Where: Chantilly High School (Library), 4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA

Feel free to submit your questions or comments in advance.

*If American Sign Language or language interpretation is needed, please submit your request by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 31, 2023.


attend today achieve tomorrow

Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow!

This year, spring break is April 3-7. We will be eager to welcome your children back in school on Monday, April 10. Their attendance is very important. Every day, our teachers will be teaching, and students will be learning. Studies have shown that just two absences per month can cause students to fall behind. Let’s finish this school year strong. Visit FCPS’ website for attendance resources.


¡Asiste a Clases Hoy Para Tener Éxito Mañana!

Este año, las vacaciones de primavera son del 3 al 7 de Abril. Estaremos impacientes por dar la bienvenida a sus hijos a la escuela el lunes 10 de Abril. Su asistencia es muy importante. Cada día, nuestros profesores estarán enseñando, y los estudiantes estarán aprendiendo. Los estudios han demostrado que sólo dos ausencias al mes pueden causar que los estudiantes se atrasen. Terminemos este año escolar fuerte. Visite el sitio web de FCPS para recursos de asistencia.


출석은 오늘, 학업 성취는 내일!

올 봄방학은 4월 3일부터 7일까지입니다. 4월 10일 월요일에 자녀가 학교로 돌아오는 것을 진심으로 환영합니다. 학생들의 출석은 매우 중요합니다. 매일 선생님들은 가르치고 학생들은 배울 것입니다. 연구에 따르면 한 달에 두 번만 결석해도 학생들이 뒤처질 수 있다고 합니다. 이번 학년을 힘차게 마무리합시다. 출석에 관한 자료는 FCPS 웹사이트를 방문하십시오.

fight against fentanyl

Community Meeting on the Dangers of Fentanyl

Monday, March 13, Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid and Fairfax County Police Chief Kevin Davis hosted nearly 400 families, staff, and community members for a conversation on the dangers of fentanyl. During this impactful event, audience members heard testimonials from individuals affected by the opioid epidemic and learned facts from medical experts and law enforcement representatives.  The conversation will continue on Monday, April 24, with our next community meeting on the critical topic of fentanyl danger and opioid awareness. More information is coming soon. Visit our Opioid Awareness webpage for updates as they become available. Visit the Fairfax County Government webpage on opioids for information on how you can take action and how to get help for yourself or loved ones.


Reunión Comunitaria sobre los Peligros del Fentanilo

El lunes 13 de Marzo, la Superintendente Dra. Michelle Reid y el Jefe de Policía del Condado de Fairfax Kevin Davis recibieron a casi 400 familias, personal y miembros de la comunidad para una conversación sobre los peligros del fentanilo. Durante este impactante evento, los miembros de la audiencia escucharon testimonios de personas afectadas por la epidemia de opioides y aprendieron datos de expertos médicos y representantes de las fuerzas del orden.    La conversación continuará el lunes 24 de Abril, con nuestra próxima reunión comunitaria sobre el tema crítico del peligro del fentanilo y la concienciación sobre los opioides. Pronto dispondremos de más información. Visite nuestra página web de Concienciación sobre los Opioides para obtener información actualizada a medida que esté disponible. Visite la página web del Gobierno del Condado de Fairfax sobre opioides para obtener información sobre cómo puede tomar medidas y cómo obtener ayuda para usted o sus seres queridos.


펜타닐의 위험성에 대한 지역사회 회의

월요일인 3월 13일, Michelle Reid 교육감과 Kevin Davis 페어팩스 카운티 경찰서장은 펜타닐의 위험성에 대한 대화에 약 400명의 가족, 교직원 및 지역사회 일원이 모인 가운데 회의를 진행했습니다. 이 중요한 회의에서 참석자들은 오피오이드 대유행의 영향을 받은 사람들의 증언을 듣고 의료 전문가와 법 집행 기관 담당자로부터 여러 가지 관련 팩트를 배웠습니다.

이 대화는 4월 24일(월) 펜타닐의 위험성과 오피오이드 인식이라는 중요한 주제로 다음 지역사회 회의에서 계속될 예정입니다. 자세한 정보는 곧 공개될 예정이며 오피오이드 인식 웹페이지에서 업데이트되는 내용을 확인하세요.

페어팩스 카운티 정부의 오피오이드 관련 웹페이지에서 귀하 또는 가족을 위해 취할 수 있는 조치와 도움을 받을 방법에 대한 정보를 확인하시기를 바랍니다.  

mental telehealth

No-Cost Mental Health Teletherapy for Students Starting April 10 

FCPS has partnered with Hazel Health to begin offering virtual mental health services to high school students via live video sessions. Starting Monday, April 10, parents/caregivers who have been struggling to find a therapist for their child or who notice changes in their child’s behavior will be able to connect them virtually with a licensed therapist. 

Teletherapy services for students are short-term, evidence-based, and culturally-responsive. Teletherapy is available on any device, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Therapists will be locally-licensed clinicians; 50% of whom identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC); and 40% of whom are bilingual. More than 15 languages are available.

Hazel Health’s licensed therapists can help students who are experiencing:

  • Mood/behavior changes, lack of motivation, grief/loss.
  • Anxiety, worry, fears.
  • Bullying, sexual identity challenges, challenging peer and family relationships.
  • Academic stress.

The first step for parents is to provide information through an opt-in form. Visit FCPS’ Teletherapy webpage for details.


Teleterapia de Salud Mental Sin Costo para Estudiantes

FCPS se ha asociado con “Hazel Health” para comenzar a ofrecer servicios virtuales de salud mental a estudiantes de secundaria a través de sesiones de video en vivo. Comenzando el lunes, 10 de Abril, padres/tutores legales que han estado luchando por encontrar un terapeuta para su hijo o que notan cambios en el comportamiento de su hijo podrán conectarse virtualmente con un terapeuta licenciado.

Los servicios de teleterapia para estudiantes son a corto plazo, basados en pruebas y culturalmente sensibles. 

La teleterapia está disponible en cualquier dispositivo, de lunes a viernes, de 7. a.m. a 7. p.m. Los terapeutas serán clínicos con licencia local, el 50% de los cuales se identifican como Afroamericanos, Indígenas o Personas de Color (BIPOC), y el 40% de los cuales son bilingües. Hay más de 15 idiomas disponibles.

Los terapeutas licenciados de Hazel Health pueden ayudar a los estudiantes que están experimentando:

  • Cambios de humor/comportamiento, falta de motivación, pena/pérdida.
  • Ansiedad, preocupación, miedos.
  • "Bullying" (Acoso escolar), desafíos a la identidad sexual, relaciones difíciles con los compañeros y la familia.
  • Estrés académico.

El primer paso para los padres es proporcionar información a través de un formulario de inscripción. Visite la página web de Teleterapia de FCPS para más detalles.


학생을 위한 무료 정신 건강 화상 상담 서비스

FCPS는 Hazel Health와 제휴하여 고등학생에게 실시간 화상 세션을 통해 온라인 정신 건강 서비스를 제공하기 시작했습니다. 4월 10일 월요일부터 자녀를 위한 심리상담가를 찾는 데 어려움을 겪고 있거나 자녀의 행동 변화를 발견한 학부모/보호자는 면허를 소지한 심리상담가와 화상으로 연결할 수 있습니다. 

학생을 위한 화상 상담 서비스는 단기적이며 근거에 기반하고 문화적 특성에 맞게 제공됩니다.

심리상담은 월요일부터 금요일까지 오전 7시부터 오후 7시까지 모든 기기에서 이용할 수 있으며, 심리상담가는 해당 지역의 면허를 소지한 임상의로, 50%는 흑인, 원주민 또는 유색인종(BIPOC)으로, 40%는 이중 언어를 구사할 수 있습니다. 15개 이상의 언어가 지원됩니다. 

Hazel Health의 면허를 소지한 전문 상담가는 다음과 같은 경험을 하는 학생들을 도울 수 있습니다:

  • 기분/행동 변화, 동기 부여 부족, 슬픔/상실감.
  • 불안, 걱정, 두려움.
  • 괴롭힘, 성 정체성 문제, 어려운 또래 및 가족 관계.
  • 학업 스트레스.

학부모가 해야 할 첫 번째 순서로는 Opt-In(동의) 양식을 통해 정보를 제공하는 것입니다. 자세한 내용은 FCPS의 화상 상담 웹페이지를 방문하십시오.


Proposed Updates to Student Rights and Responsibilities

The Department of Special Services will be hosting two virtual meetings for the FCPS community regarding proposed updates to the Student Rights and Responsibilities (SR&R) Regulation. Please join one of the meetings below via Zoom (click the date to register):

Participants will have an opportunity to learn about the suggested updates and ask questions via Zoom Chat. Language interpretation will be available in Spanish. A certified deaf interpreter will be available as well. 

Beginning Monday, March 20, families and staff will also be able to provide feedback on proposed updates to the SR&R via a short survey. Please stay tuned for details. Visit FCPS’ website for more information.   


Actualizaciones Propuestas a los Derechos y Responsabilidades del Estudiante

El Departamento de Servicios Especiales tendrá dos reuniones virtuales para la comunidad de FCPS con respecto a las actualizaciones propuestas a la Regulación de Derechos y Responsabilidades del Estudiante (SR&R). Por favor, únase a una de las reuniones a continuación a través de Zoom (haga clic en la fecha para registrarse):

  • Lunes, 27 de Marzo, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de conocer las actualizaciones sugeridas y hacer preguntas a través de Zoom Chat. Habrá interpretación en español. También estará disponible un intérprete certificado para personas sordas. 

A partir del lunes, 20 de Marzo, las familias y el personal también podrán dar su opinión sobre las actualizaciones propuestas para el SR&R a través de una breve encuesta. Por favor manténgase en sintonía para más detalles. Visite el sitio web de FCPS para más información.


학생 권리와 책임에 대한 업데이트 안

Special Services Department는 학생의 권리와 책임(SR&R) 규정의 제안된 업데이트와 관련하여 FCPS 커뮤니티를 위한 두 번의 화상 회의를 개최할 것입니다. 아래 회의 중 하나에 Zoom을 통해 참여하십시오(등록하려면 날짜를 클릭하십시오.):

  • 3월 21일 화요일, 오후 6:30-7:30
  • 3월 27일 월요일, 오후 6시 30분~7시 30분.

참가자는 Zoom 채팅을 통해 제안된 업데이트에 대해 알아보고 질문을 할 수 있습니다. 언어 통역은 스페인어로 제공됩니다. 공인 청각장애인 통역사도 함께 제공됩니다. 

3월 20일 월요일부터 가족과 직원들은 간단한 설문조사를 통해 SR&R에 제안된 업데이트에 대한 피드백을 제공할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 계속 지켜봐 주시기 바랍니다. 자세한 내용은 FCPS 웹사이트를 방문하십시오.

strategic planning

Review Draft Goals for FCPS’ New Strategic Plan

Please take a moment to share your perspectives on the draft work-to-date related to the development of FCPS’ new Strategic Plan. Your input is important to this work and will help ensure a thriving future for each and every FCPS student.

FCPS emailed the survey link to all parents and caregivers on Monday, March 6. Please check your email, if you haven't had a chance to take the survey yet. If you are a community member who does not have a student enrolled in FCPS, please use this link to participate. 

The survey is available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Korean, Chinese, Urdu, and Vietnamese. All responses are anonymous and confidential. Information from the survey will be shared with and analyzed by Performance Fact, Inc. (PFI), the company FCPS hired to help create our Strategic Plan. Visit our Strategic Planning webpage for more details.


Revisar el Borrador de Metas para el Nuevo Plan Estratégico de FCPS

Por favor tómese un momento para compartir sus opiniones sobre el borrador del trabajo hasta la fecha relacionado con el desarrollo del nuevo Plan Estratégico de FCPS. Su opinión es importante para este trabajo y ayudará a asegurar un futuro próspero para todos y cada uno de los estudiantes de FCPS.

FCPS envió por correo electrónico el enlace de la encuesta a todos los padres y tutores el lunes 6 de Marzo. Por favor revise su correo electrónico si usted no ha tenido la oportunidad de tomar la encuesta todavía.  Si usted es un miembro de la comunidad que actualmente no tiene un estudiante matriculado en FCPS, por favor use este enlace para participar.

La encuesta está disponible en Inglés, Español, Árabe, Coreano, Chino, Urdu y Vietnamita. Todas las respuestas son anónimas y confidenciales. La información de la encuesta será compartida y analizada por Performance Fact, Inc. (PFI), la compañía que FCPS contrató para ayudar a crear nuestro Plan Estratégico. Visite nuestra página web de Planificación Estratégica para más detalles.


FCPS의 새 전략 계획 목표 초안 검토

잠시 시간을 내어 FCPS의 새로운 전략 계획의 개발과 관련된 현재까지의 작업 초안에 대한 여러분의 생각을 공유해 주시기 바랍니다. 여러분의 의견은 모든 FCPS 학생의 밝은 미래를 보장하는 데 큰 도움이 됩니다.

FCPS는 학생의 학부모/보호자께 3월 6일 월요일 이메일로 설문조사 링크를 보내드렸습니다. 아직 설문조사를 참여하시지 않으셨다면 이메일을 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. FCPS에 재학 중인 학생이 없는 지역사회 구성원이 링크를 사용하여 참여하십시오. 

설문조사는 영어, 스페인어, 아랍어, 한국어, 중국어, 우르두어, 베트남어로 제공됩니다. 모든 응답은 익명으로 처리되며 기밀이 유지됩니다. 설문조사에서 수집된 정보는 전략 계획 수립을 위해 FCPS가 고용한 Performance Fact, Inc.(PFI)와 공유 및 분석됩니다. 자세한 내용은 전략 계획 웹페이지를 참조하세요.

fcps cares


The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for families, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees at Cub Run ES. We love our staff members; let's tell them how we feel!



In case you missed it in FCPS This Week, the school division shared updates on the following topics:

  • The Dangers of Fentanyl
  • Mental Health Therapy for High School Students
  • Proposed Updates to SR&R 

Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving the weekly newsletter, sign up today


Registration is Open for School Year 2023-2024!

If you have a rising kindergarten student, or are new to Cub Run, Kindergarten Registration is coming soon for the 2023-2024 school year!

On April 14th, Cub Run will be registering rising kindergarten students. Please contact our Student Information Assistant (SIA) Ms. Doris Velez  to set up an appointment. You can also reach her at 703-633-7503. The registration will be open on April 14th from 9 am-12:30 pm. When you register your student, you will be added to a rising kindergarten email distribution list.

We will contact you with information about our upcoming kindergarten orientation!

The following documents are required for registration:

  • Proof of residency: A deed or lease agreement
  • Proof of birth: Original birth certificate
  • Health documentation: A certificate of physical examination including required screenings completed within the last 12 months prior to starting school by a licensed physician.
  • Immunization records: Up-to-date records in accordance with the child's age

Registration packets are available online or can be picked up in the front office. 

For support in Spanish, please contact our family liaison, Lilith Albornoz. She can also be reached via phone at 703-633-7572 on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Thank you for registering early and for sharing this information with your neighbors! We are very excited to welcome our Kindergartners here in fall!


Flowers Volunteers

Every Friday, Traders Joe's in Reston donates flowers to Cub Run! These flowers not only go to our teachers and staff to brighten their day at the end of the week, but they are also donated to a local homeless shelter after they have been sorted and organized by our student Green Team. We are in need of volunteers to pick up flowers each Friday from Trader Joe's in Reston, VA. If you think you might be able to lend a hand, please look at the dates here and sign up for a date that you are available! 


Mark Your Calendar:

March 22: Ramadan Begins

March 24: Cub Run Bracelet Sale

March 24: Cub Run vs. Virginia Run Volleyball Night

Looking Ahead:

March 31 : March Spirit Day – Wear green to celebrate spring!

April 3-7: Spring Break

April 13: Quarter End- 2 Hr. Early Release

April 14: Kindergarten Registration (by appointment only) 9 am- 12:30 pm

April 14: Teacher Workday-No Students

April 21: Holiday (Eid Al-Fitr)

*The full 2022-2023 FCPS calendar may be accessed here.

Interested in learning more about counseling lessons at Cub Run? Follow us on Twitter! @CubRunCounselor

mental health resources

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Helpful Resources

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