Bonnie Brae ES- Family Newsletter


P Message

Hello Scottie Families!


We had a great week at Bonnie Brae, which included our first PTO sponsored assemblies in over three years!  Dr. Recess was exciting and engaging while sharing with students about safe and cooperative recess games.  Thank you to our PTO for providing this fun learning experience for our students! 

Don't forget to RSVP to our upcoming Family Learning Night, which will take place on March 30, from 6-7:30 PM.  See the section below for additional details, and let us know if you'd like to be a part of our "This is Us, A Cultural Celebration." 

Have a great weekend with your families, Scotties!


Morgan Birge, Principal

Elaine Woo, Assistant Principal

Natalie Vershaw, Assistant Principal 

Family.  Relationships.  Success.


  • March 21- Braddock and Springfield District Town Hall, 7-8:30 PM, at Lake Braddock Secondary School
  • March 25 - All County Chorus at Lake Braddock Secondary School

Positivity Project

Upcoming Weekly Focus: Wild-card/Makeup Week

Character Strength Features: This week's intent is for classroom communities to revisit the Positivity Project traits learned so far in the school year and dig deeper as needed.

Positivity Project Traits Explored: Cheering others' success, Love, Humility, Love of Learning, Identifying & appreciating the good in others


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A few amazing highlights that happened this week...

Dr. Recess Assembly


BBES Family Learning Night

Join us on Thursday, March 30th from 6-7:30 PM for our Family Learning Night!  We are excited to hold a community potluck, learn more about each other's culture, and share information about literacy, math, and wellness at home. Please share if your family plans to attend at this link, to include whether you would like to sign up for our "This is Us: A Cultural Celebration."  We will be reaching out to those who register for the "This is Us: A Cultural Celebration" display with more details.  We are looking forward to this fun family event!

Family Learning Night Flyer

SOL Testing Calendar 

For your planning purposes, please take note of the SOL schedule, coming up in May.  Families can also find the SOL testing dates under Upcoming Events on our BBES website.

SOL Testing Calendar

Family-Facing Curriculum for Core Content Being Added to Public FCPS Website

On March 9, 2023, the curriculum overviews and unit standards from the planning and pacing guides will be posted on the FCPS public web and shared with the School Board. Over 86 web pages are being developed to reflect the scope and sequence of core content areas across K-12. The goal is to provide families a comprehensive overview of what students are learning and when they are learning it.

An introductory paragraph on each grade level or course page includes the following statements: “The objectives and outcomes for each unit are common across FCPS and based on the Virginia Standards of Learning. The pacing by quarter and by week provides an example of how the curriculum can be organized throughout the year. Teacher teams may adjust the pacing or order of units to best meet the needs of students.”

Information will be updated at the start of each school year to reflect curriculum updates. To access the grade level and/or course web pages directly, first search for the level within the Academics page, select grade level or content, and click on Year at a Glance. 

Order Your Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook Today

If you would like to order a Bonnie Brae ES Yearbook, please visit the Yearbook page on our Bonnie Brae ES website.  The order deadline is Friday, April 21st.  

FCPS Purple Up! T-Shirt

April is the Month of the Military Child and Virginia’s Purple Up! Day is Wednesday, April 19. The FCPS Purple Up! t-shirt is available for order now through March 16 here! Purple Up! FCPS!

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upcoming events

View the 2022-2023 FCPS School Calendar

  • March 30 - Family Learning Night
  • April 3-7 - Spring Break

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Stay up to date on all things BBES! Subscribe to our School Calendar.

hours of operation


Bonnie Brae Elementary




Bonnie Brae ES Website


Bonnie Brae PTO


Bonnie Brae PTO Website