Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We had a quiet and focused end to the second quarter and first semester. Staff is being trained in their curriculum and calculating grades during these two student holidays. Report cards will go home with students on the Monday, February 6th. Parents and students will be able to view grades on ParentVue and StudentVue on February 6th at 6:00 am.
We look forward to celebrating our students who make Honor Roll or are nominated by teachers for displaying POWER traits. Stay tuned for those numbers and names!
Aimee Monticchio
Help Shape FCPS’ Future!
Our students are preparing for careers that don’t exist today. In order to keep pace with these needs, we must rethink our plans for the future and how we will best serve our students for this new era.
We encourage you to join us in this important work of developing a new Strategic Plan.
You’re invited to participate in a Strategic Planning Community Forum
Thursday, February 16, 6:30 to 8 p.m. (Hunters Woods ES) Register.
Community Forums will provide families, students, staff, and community members with an opportunity to review student achievement, access, and perception data and identify both strengths and challenges within the data. Community input from the forums will be shared with the Core Planning Team to incorporate recommendations into finalized Strategic Plan goals.
Learn more about FCPS’ strategic planning process
ommunity Forum for Strategic Planning
Academic Advising and our 2023-2024 SY Hughes MS Registration Site!
For more information about course selection for the upcoming school year, you can access out 2023-2024 SY Hughes MS Registration Site from the menu on the Langston Hughes Middle School website or with this direct link: On the site, you will find course selection materials, presentation materials, information and videos about electives and other course offerings, and so much more. Please visit the site and email our Director of Student Services, Michele Beard, at if you have any questions.
Important Academic Advising Dates:
Rising 7th Grade
Our counselors will visit feeder elementary schools in the month of February to support course selection. Rising 7th grade students will receive a folder with information about course selection and the course selection sheet. Students will return signed course selection sheets to their elementary schools by the school’s designated date. Rising 7th grade course selection sheets are due to LHMS from the elementary school by March 6th, 2023.
Rising 8th Grade
Langston Hughes counselors will meet with current 7th grade students for class lessons about course selection and academic advising February 6th – 9th through history classes. Students must return signed course selection sheets to their history teacher by February 27th, 2023.
Rising 9th Grade
Langston Hughes counselors will meet with current 8th grade students for class lessons about the high school course selection and academic advising January 31st – February 3rdh through Civics classes. Students will complete a draft course selection sheet to review with parents. South Lakes counselors will then meet one on one with our students February 10th – 15th through science classes to select high school courses in SIS StudentVue. (If your student will not be attending South Lakes, your child’s current LHMS counselor will work with them to select courses in SIS for another FCPS high school.) Parents will be able to review students’ course request by logging into SIS ParentVUE and clicking “Course Requests.”
Don’t forget to check our site for updates!
2nd Quarter Report Cards and SIS ParentVUE
The last day of the second quarter/first semester was Wednesday, January 25th. The Grade Book and Report Card modules in SIS ParentVUE will be closed on January 25th – February 6th for teachers to update final 2nd quarter and semester grades.
If you do not already have a ParentVUE SIS account, it is very important for you to activate this feature to support your child’s academic success. Through ParentVUE, you are able to monitor your student’s attendance, grades, and assignments at any time. Once you have activated a ParentVUE account for an FCPS student, you will keep the same account until the student graduates. In addition, all students in the same family can be accessed through the same ParentVUE account. SIS/ParentVUE can be accessed using an app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device. Do you need help creating a SIS ParentVue account? This video walks you through the steps on how to do so. Watch this video to learn how to set up your account. You can also find out more about SIS ParentVUE here:
Second Semester Schedules
Second semester begins Monday, January 30th. Students will receive a printed copy of their second semester schedules on Wednesday, January 25th. They will also be able to see their schedules in SIS StudentVue. If students are taking semester classes, their new classes will begin on January 30th. For some students taking semester classes, their PE class period may change in order to accommodate their second semester elective. Student schedules are set, and we do not make schedule changes during the school year other than for academic reasons.
January 26
Social-Emotional Learning with Second Step
This week students began our SEL unit about bullying and harassment prevention. Over the next several weeks, students will participate in lessons designed to develop skills used to recognize and prevent bullying, while promoting empathy and acceptance. Langston Hughes Middle School is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. We encourage students and/or parents/guardians to report any instances of bullying or harassment to their administrator.
International Spirit Week- February 6-February 10
Hughes Middle School is excited to host a spirit week in partnership with our neighbor, South Lakes High School! Please encourage your students to participate in the fun as we celebrate the diversity of our student body.
Monday, February 6: Langston Culture- Wear your Langston Hughes gear
Tuesday, February 7: Celebrate your Roots- Wear your elementary school shirt or colors
Wednesday, February 8: Flag Day- Wear the colors of your national flag
Thursday, February 9: Celebrate your Culture- Wear traditional dress to represent your culture
Friday, February 10: Celebrate our Caring Culture- Wear Valentine’s Day inspired attire
International Night at South Lakes High School
South Lakes High School invites you to celebrate all of the wonderful and unique cultures in the greater Reston community. It will take place on Thursday, February 9 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm at South Lakes. International Night will include performances, interactive booths, food, a fashion show, and more!
South Lakes High School Virtual IB Information Night Monday, January 30, 6:30 pm to 8 pm
Learn about the IB Middle Years, Career-related, and Diploma Programs at South Lakes High School. Register for the meeting at this link:
Please contact me if you have any questions,
Marie Turner
IB DP Coordinator
South Lakes High School
School Year Calendar Development
Your feedback is important! FCPS is seeking community input on the draft calendar options for the 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26 school years. Please share your thoughts with us by filling out this form before Tuesday, January 31, 1 p.m. The form will be available in other languages soon.
Family Goals for the New Year
New Year goals are underway, so many people went to their local Target or Michaels and bought a new planner. The crisp, fresh feeling of new paper to write new and improved goals gets some of us excited. When thinking of your goals consider making them SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound), this method breaks your goals down into specific objectives and makes it easier for you to track your progress. What goals would you like to share with your child, to show them examples of healthy adult introspection? Introspection, looking within, is necessary to learn how to manage stress in a healthy manner. What regular coping skills can be implemented into your daily/ weekly routine? Some goals may be physical, spiritual, financial, or emotional. Would it be easier to have serious conversations over a family dinner? Or maybe regular family dinners, spark joy and connection that’s often missing.
Research has shown that family therapy is the best treatment option for young people who misuse drugs and alcohol (SAMHSA). Many people use drugs to manage life’s hardships when they feel disconnected from themselves or others. The opposite of addiction is connection, and young people benefit from connection with their families. Families who have a common mission based on autonomy and openness instead of secrecy and silence thrive. Families teach young people how to manage stress when they communicate honestly and openly with one another. Learning how to manage stress early in life could be a major factor in whether a young person decides to use drugs.
For general questions about the FCPS Substance Abuse Prevention Program, please contact the Office of Student Safety & Wellness at: (571) 423-4270.
Sources & Resources:
Why Small Conversations Make a Big Difference
SMART Goals Quick Overview
Knowing the Signs: Substance Abuse & Today’s Youth
For further Information & support:
Monica Rogers, CSAC, QMHP-C/A
Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist
Career and Transition Services (CTS) is gearing up for our transition night for younger students, families, ES and MS staff on Wednesday, February 15, from 6:30 – 8:30pm at Luther Jackson MS. Please join us to learn more about.
What should I do before my child grows up? Future Planning for Elementary and Middle School Students in Special Education For families, caregivers, and educators of students receiving special education services.
Please click on the appropriate link below to learn more.
What Should I do Before My Child Grows Up.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Spanish.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Arabic.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Chinese.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Korean.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Urdu.pdf
What should I do before my child grows up-Vietnamese.pdf
Feb 20 - President's Day - Schools and Offices Closed
March 2 - 2-hour Early Dismissal
March 3 - Student Holiday
April 3 - 7 - Spring Break