Falcon Flyer: August 21st, 2022

Volume 6, Issue 6; August 21, 2022

Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Please use the routes and locations marked below for arrival and dismissal.

Students should arrive at school no earlier than 8:35 am to ensure their safety and supervision.  At 8:45 am, our first bell rings; students should be in their classroom when the second bell rings at 8:50 am.  

We begin our dismissal process at 3:30 pm and all students on their way home no later than 3:35 pm. Crossing guards will be located at the corners of Flint Hill Rd/Vale Rd. as well as on Flint Hill Road near the SACC entrance.

Parents who wish to pick up their children by car should use the Kiss and Ride lane that is located on the curb by the parking lot entrance near the gym. 

Arrival Dismissal Map

Kindergarten - First Day Arrival

We are excited to welcome our newest Falcons on Monday, August 22nd!


To begin building routines and expectations for students, we are asking that families who wish to walk their kindergarten students to school please be prepared to complete drop-off and photos at our playground entrance at door 8 and not go to their child’s classroom door. Kindergarten instructional assistants and Flint Hill staff will be available to help escort students on the short walk to their classrooms.

While we know that sending students off on their first day of school can be exciting and emotional, beginning from day one by establishing independence, routines and expectations will help all kindergarten students gain the skills they need to succeed in their new school. Also, on this big day, we want all our kindergarten teachers, instructional assistants and staff to be able to focus on greeting and welcoming students. Our kindergarten team is looking forward to welcoming parents into classrooms in many volunteer opportunities and back-to-school night in the many weeks to come.


Please be sure that if your kindergarten student rides the bus, they must be met by their parent or an approved emergency contact at their bus stop. Bus drivers will not release kindergarten students to siblings or unauthorized adults. If a kindergarten student does not have someone to meet them at their bus stop, the driver will return the student to Flint Hill ES and our office staff will contact you to pick up your student from school.

Kindergarten students who are walkers must be met and will only be released to a parent or authorized adult. Siblings and other students are not allowed to receive or supervise a kindergarten student for dismissal.

View Class Assignments

Your child’s classroom teacher will appear in SIS ParentVUE by Wednesday, August 17th. After signing in you can locate the teacher’s name by navigating to your child’s class schedule on the left hand side of the screen. If you are having trouble locating the information, please review this instructional video.

one kind act

One Kind Act Campaign

In order to nurture a culture of kindness in our schools, community, and world, the Madison Pyramid schools are starting the ONE campaign.  We will raise awareness that how we treat others matters, and spread a caring culture of kindness throughout our community.  #ONEKindActVienna is about spreading love, and encouraging students, parents, teachers, and community members to think beyond themselves. The Madison pyramid acknowledges that kindness begets kindness.  By spreading kindness, we are creating a more compassionate community where everyone belongs.  We are One.  One Kind Act can change the world!

Be on the lookout for communication about how your child and family can participate in the ONE campaign throughout the school year.  You might even see your child’s kind acts, and your own, celebrated on social media with the #ONEKindActVienna hashtag.  We look forward to changing the world with you, ONE kind act at a time!

County Fair - August 26

County Fair Bulletin

clinic apple

Clinic Updates

New Process for Medication Management

This school year, we are changing medication protocols to enhance the safety of our medication administration and management in FCPS. These changes include:

  • Any time you drop off or pick up a medication in the health room, a Medication Delivery/Pick Up Form will be completed and signed by both the parent/guardian and the School Health Aide or FCPS staff member. This form will document that all required authorizations are complete and will note the amount of medication accepted/returned. A copy of the form will be given to the parent/guardian and school administrator.
  • Medications received will be verified to ensure the description of the medication on the container/packaging matches the medication in the container.
  • All medications must be in the original pharmacy container. Over the counter (OTC) medications must be in an unopened original container. It will no longer be acceptable for parents/guardians to bring in refills from home and place them into the container currently in the health room.
  • Only a 30-day supply of medications should be brought to school. No more than 100 tablets or pills of OTC medication should be brought to school.

Changes to Asthma Action Plans

As part of the asthma care plan for your student we will use the Virginia Asthma Action Plan template developed by the Virginia Asthma Coalition and adopted by the Virginia Department of Education to guide the care your student receives and serve as the health care provider orders. 

If your student has a rescue asthma medication prescribed, please have this form completed by your student’s health care provider and bring in your student’s own rescue medication to the school health room.  The parent/guardian will also sign the FCPS Authorization for the VA Asthma Action Plan Click Here.

We appreciate your support in implementing these new safety practices. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Public Health Nurse, Amanda Khu, at 703-326-6540 or the School Health Aide, Hyun-Joo Carter, at 703-242-6110.



All students are required to be immunized against certain communicable diseases to attend school in the state of Virginia. It is important for all students to receive the required immunizations.

Please speak with your family health care provider about whether or not your children are up to date on their vaccines before the new school year begins. Submit updated immunization records to your school as soon as possible. 

More information on immunization requirements and the necessary documentation is available online.

Paperless Opt-Outs Available!

As a part of our ongoing efforts to streamline paper processes, parents can now select a number of opt-out’s electronically via ParentVUE.  Once you have signed into your ParentVUE account, simply select the “Student Info” tab and click on “Edit Information.” You will find opt-out’s listed there.  Parents that do not yet have a ParentVUE account will still be able to use paper forms for notification. If you need to set up your ParentVUE account, you can create one online via the FCPS ParentVUE Registration page.

FCPS Cares Program

Recognizing employees who go above and beyond

FCPS Cares is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize those who go above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story so we can all acknowledge the outstanding work of FCPS, and more specifically, Flint Hill employees.