Inclement Weather Information

Inclement Weather Information

Dear Oak Hill Families,

FCPS is closely monitoring the wintry weather forecast for the upcoming MLK long weekend.  The forecast currently indicates the chance for inclement weather Sunday and Monday. Please take a few minutes before the weekend to prepare for the possibility of an inclement weather virtual learning day. Inclement weather virtual learning days will be announced in the same ways that we make all emergency weather announcements.  They are posted to the website, sent via text ,email, and social media, and broadcast on Red Apple 21 and through the local media. Information on how FCPS makes weather decisions is available online.

If FCPS announces a virtual learning day, your child’s classroom teacher will email all students and families with instructions for virtual instruction along with an instructional schedule no later than 9:15 AM on the day of virtual instruction. Each grade level will have a different schedule, but all students will begin their day at 10:30am, have a one hour lunch and recess block from 12:15-1:15pm and end the school day at 3:15pm.

During each instructional block, teachers/staff will check in with students with a brief mini lesson, assign independent learning tasks, and be available for support. When there are weather related power outages, staff illnesses, or absences, we will communicate any adjustments to the schedule. In these cases, students may be assigned asynchronous activities.

Attendance will be taken during snow days. If your child cannot attend, please contact the attendance line (703-467-3535) and leave a message with the reason your child is absent.


Holly DeVore, Principal