Live Streaming during COVID

Live Streaming

Live Streaming and COVID


Quarantine: separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed (close contact) to a contagious disease to see if they become sick.

Isolation: separates sick people (tested positive for COVID) with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.

Asynchronous: means students are completing work independently that has been assigned by a teacher.

Live-Streaming Instruction: Student virtually accesses classroom instruction for Morning Meeting, Language Arts, and Math for a whole class lesson. Educators call those lessons focus lessons. These lessons are usually 10 -20 minutes long.

What happens if my child is in isolation or quarantine?

  • Please make sure to email your child's teacher and complete the Poplar Tree attendance form to notify us of your child's COVID related absence.
  • Your child's teacher will then contact you with next steps via an email. 
  • This email will contain instructions and times for accessing the live streaming and any asynchronous work assignments. Live streaming will begin after the 3rd day of absence.
  • As noted in the definition above, live streaming lessons will typically be 10-20 minutes in length.

  • Any asynchronous digital assignments will be accessed via Schoology.
  • If your child has their computer at school, you may arrange a time to pick it up. 
  • Sometimes, teachers may leave work that needs to be completed on paper at the front of the school for you to pick up.