Wolf News - December 1st

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First Lego League News

Team 103, "The Trucks", composed of 3 Oak Hill 4th grade students and one Navy ES 4th grade student, are advancing to the 2021 Cargo Connect VA-DC First Lego League Regional Championship.  They received the Innovation project award for Division 1.  Congratulations and best of luck at the championship!

First Lego League

Hour of Code Spirit Week 12/6-12/10

Hour Of Code Spirit Week


Between December 6-10, millions of students all around the world will celebrate Computer Science Education Week by doing an Hour of Code at their school. It’s an opportunity for every child to learn how the technology around us works.

All Oak Hill ES all students will be participating in the Hour of Code event. The students will create their own apps or games with fun, interactive, hands-on activities, and students will learn computational thinking skills in an approachable way.

To celebrate the week, we hope your child will participate in the optional dress up days around some computer themes.

Monday-Code Character Day.  Dress as one of the Code characters.

Tuesday--Neon Day. Shine a bright light on giving credit to our sources.

Wednesday--404 Error Day. Wear mis-matched clothes.

Thursday--Cybersecurity Day.  Wear camouflage to stay hidden and protected.

Friday--Binary and RGB Day.  Wear ones and zeroes, or red, blue, or green which are the primary colors in a computer screen.

Here is the Spirit Days flyer.

You can read more about the world-wide event at http://hourofcode.com.

Jersey Mike's Spirit Night 12/14

Jersey Mike's

Before/After School


We have been having some early birds arriving at school prior to 8:30 AM. Students should not arrive or be dropped off prior to 8:30 AM because no supervision is available at that time. Supervision is required before and after school on the school playground to ensure students are playing safely.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Construction Update


The construction fence has gone up around the site for the addition.  We have had to make a few changes for Kiss and Ride students and walkers.  Walkers who leave via Kinross Circle, as well as Kiss and Ride students, now exit from door 1 at the front of the school.  Walkers who go home across the field to Stone Heather Drive or across the bridge at the back of the playground will continue to leave by door 4 (playground exit).  After Christmas, there will be a slight change to the kiss and ride route.  The entrance and exit to kiss and ride remain the same, but there will be a slight adjustment to the traffic flow.  More information will be provided in the coming weeks.

Happy Hanukkah

Happy Hanukkah

We wish all of our families who celebrate, a very happy Hanukkah.

National Special Education Day

National Special Education Day

National Special Education Day is recognized each year on Dec. 2 and commemorates President Gerald Ford’s signing of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975.

We celebrate and honor our Oak Hill  teachers and staff who serve and support our students with special needs.

Parent Presentation Survey

Parent input needed

We are looking forward to offering a parent/guardian presentation by Rachel Bailey this January and would appreciate your input in determining the topic. Rachel Bailey has a Master’s degree in clinical psychology and has been an ADHD Coach, therapist, and teacher of positive parenting techniques. Please complete the form below by Friday, December 17th. Thank you!

Oak Hill Parent/Guardian Presentation Input

Advanced Academic Updates


Parents of students who are in grades 2-6, can submit level IV Referrals and optional documents electronically to cclahr1@fcps.edu no later than December 15th. Late submissions cannot be accepted.

Please submit all documents as separate attachments in one email. Click here to access the Referral Form. In addition to the referral form, parents are also able to submit the following optional documents electronically.  No word documents, paper copies, or animated samples will be accepted.

Optional Documents:

-Parent Questionnaire - click here (It must have examples and be signed).

-2 work samples (PDF only), 8 ½ x 11 single sided

Eligibility Notifications for level IV

Parents will be notified in April of their children’s eligibility.  Children who are found eligible can receive full time, level IV services, beginning in the fall of 2022.

Please address any additional questions directly to Cathy Lahr, cclahr1@fcps.edu.

Please direct any testing questions to KJ An, Assistant Principal, at kan@fcps.edu

For more information, there are parent presentations available on the FCPS AAP website (under “Presentations”) that contain information similar to our fall parent information meetings at Oak Hill ES.

Girls Lacrosse Clinic at CHS

CHS Girls Lacrosse

News From PTA

Join the Oak Hill PTA

Oak Hill PTA needs YOU!  Don't forget to join!



Dates to Remember

11/28-12/6      Hanukkah
12/2                National Special Education Day
12/6-10           Hour of Code Spirit Week
12/8                Bodhi Day Observed
12/14              Spirit Night at Jersey Mike's
12/15              AAP referrals due (Grades 2-6)
12/18-1/2/22  Winter Vacation-School & Office Closed
1/3/22             School Resumes

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