Message from the Principal


Greetings Saxons,

I hope the long weekend provided our students an opportunity to recharge and gear up for a phenomenal second quarter. When I was a teacher, I would remind my students that with a new quarter was an opportunity to reset and make improvements based upon the lessons learned from the previous marking period. It is my hope that as students have adjusted to being back in the building, we will continue to see each of them demonstrate growth and improved mastery of content in each of their classes.

As we know, it takes a team to ensure success for our kids. I am thrilled to introduce the newest members to Saxon Country. We welcome two new counselors to the Student Services department.

Ms. Karen Siddiqui will work with students whose last names are in the range of R-Sul. Ms. Siddiqui
graduated from Worcester State University in Worcester, MA with a bachelor's in Psychology and
received her master's degree in School Counseling from Salem State University in Salem, MA. Her positivity and passion in supporting students navigate high school and preparing for the college process will be a great fit for Langley.  

Ms. Kashima Morrison will support students whose last names are in the range of Suma-Z. Ms. Morrison has served as a school counselor over the last 7 years in both the U.S. and Qatar.  Her knowledge, experience and dedication toward assisting students reach their goals made her stand out from the rest and we are confident that she will be great addition to Langley. 

With the new month is a lot of great news to share regarding our stellar student athletes.

At last week’s varsity football game, Senior Night was held for a number of teams. We congratulate senior members of football, dance, cheer, madrigals and band.

A huge shout out to the Saxon Freshmen Football team. Not only were they victorious over the Highlanders in their final game of the season, they finished the season with an 8-1 record.

Langley Girls Cross Country is headed to states!  It is the team's best finish at Regionals (2nd place) and first state berth in almost 30 years! The last time the team qualified for the state championship was 1992.  They will compete for the championship at Great Meadows Park in The Plains, VA on Saturday, Nov. 13. Way to go Saxons!

We wish our varsity football team the best of luck as they take on McLean in their final game of the season this evening. During today’s morning announcements, I reminded students that at all times we keep it classy in Saxon Country. If you student plans to attend the game, please remind them to demonstrate proper sportsmanship by cheering for our team, without making negative comments about the opposing team or referees. Also, not outside items, such as backpacks, food, drinks are allowed into the stadium.

We wish our volleyball team luck tomorrow as they take on McLean HS in regional play tomorrow at 4 pm at McLean HS.

This weekend will provide everyone a little extra rest. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday evening!

Hail Saxons,