CES Update 10/8/2021

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Principals' Message

Happy Friday CES Community,

We have had a great week of learning and growing at CES. Our students continue to benefit and excel with outdoor learning. The beginning of the year assessments are starting to come to an end. The data we are collecting from these assessments is very important for ensuring that we are meeting the academic and social-emotional needs of our students. The data received from these assessments is used to drive and inform our instructional practices. Below is a list of some of the assessments students have been completing (not all grade levels take each assessment). 

  • Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALs)
  • Child Behavior Rating Scale (CBRS)
  • Early Mathematics Assessment System (EMAS)
  • Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA2) 
  • iReady - Reading & Math
  • Developmental Spelling Assessment (DSA)
  • Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
  • Virginia Growth Assessment (VGA)
  • Social and Emotional Learning Screener 

We have a few calendar reminders and Fall Events approaching in the near future. 

  • October 11th - Student Holiday/No School
  • October 22nd - The Great Pumpkin Contest entries are due.
  • October 22nd - CVHS Homecoming Parade
  • October 29th - 2 hour early release for students. Dismissal will begin at 2:00pm. Also, the end of the 1st quarter grading period.
  • October 29th - PTA Fall Festival: 6 - 8pm on the blacktop
  • November 1st & 2nd - Student Holidays: Student Conferences

Have a POSITIVE Weekend!


Rachel, Jen, & Josh

Proud Principals




Next week, your child will be engaged in activities at school that focus on the character trait of INTEGRITY. We encourage you to access these family resources to learn about and discuss this trait at home by using the following links. The password is, P2 (case sensitive).





pumpkin contest

template 1

Please click on image for a printable version.

Template 2

Please click on image for a printable version.


fall festival



